
Secret Santa Anonymously Gifts $100 Bills to Fast Food Employees


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  1 comments

Secret Santa Anonymously Gifts $100 Bills to Fast Food Employees
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PHOTO: A man dressed as Santa anonymously gave $100 bills to employees at fast food restaurants in Hyannis, Mass.

The holiday season at its heart is about giving, something fast food employees in Hyannis, Mass. were reminded of recently.

Employees from area chain food stores such as Dunkin Donuts, Burger King and Hess received an unexpected gift of one crisp $100 bill each.

We were all shocked and flabbergasted, Dunkin Donuts manager Karen Sanguedolce told ABC News.

Especially because no one knows who the gifter is.

He was in his late 70s, early 80s, Sanguedolce said. This was the first time Ive met him.

The man, dressed as Santa, came into Dunkin Donuts and asked Sanguedolce how many people worked at that store, to which she replied 19.

He gave me 19 envelopes with $100 bills in them for all my employees, she said. I was shocked. He was so nice about it, so pleasant. He counted out 19 envelopes and said, I hope you all have a nice holiday.

This isnt the first time the same man has given such generous gifts. For at least the past two years, hes been giving $50, but this year he upped the ante.

I would like to meet his whole family and say thank you because they do it every year, and were so thankful for all he does for us, Sanguedolce said. We all use it toward monthly bills or shopping for family and friends. I bought toys for a local charity. What he did for me I did for other people.

And so the gifts keep giving.


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The Spirit of Christmas!!!


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