27 Dead After Packed 'Quarantine Bus' Crashes in China
Category: News & Politics
Via: revillug • 3 years ago • 3 commentsBy: Noah Kirsch (The Daily Beast)

A bus en route to a COVID quarantine center in Guizhou, China, overturned on Sunday, killing 27 people and generating anger on social media.
The Chinese government has employed aggressive measures to combat the spread of coronavirus, which has sparked frustration in many pockets of the country.
According to initial media reports, 20 people were also injured in Sunday's crash.
Reuters reported that news of the accident sparked a flurry of activity on the Chinese social media app WeChat. "When will all of this stop?" questioned one user, while another person metaphorically stated that "all of us are on this bus."
The outlet also noted that discussion about the crash soon became the most popular topic on Weibo, a Chinese microblogging platform similar to Twitter, though it later vanished from a trending list—perhaps at the intervention of government officials.
The province has recently experienced an uptick in COVID cases, and the government is working to prevent a more serious surge.
The 47 passengers on Sunday's bus were reportedly being transported from Guizhou's capital, Guiyang, to Lido county, some 125 miles away.
This story is developing and will be updated.

This is tragic and unnecessary.
Isn't it enough to simply demand people to remain indoors for the duration of their quarantine?
Somebody Else's Problem Field
Yeah, we've had the same problem with illegal immigrants. And the questions voiced have been similar. "When is this going to stop?"
While many will likely see introduction of illegal immigration as a deflection, the situations are actually similar. Both governments have adopted policies with claims of benefit to the country without paying attention to reality on street. And both governments are going to great lengths to sweep the problems with their policies under the rug. China has adopted a zero COVID policy and won't let anything shift that policy. The US has adopted an open border policy and won't let anything shift that policy. Both governments portray dissent and objections to their policies as a crisis that threatens society. Both governments have vocal supporters of their policies that actively oppose scrutiny and dissent.
What's happening in China isn't that different than what is happening in the United States.