Beto O'Rourke's Chances of Beating Greg Abbott in Texas Governor Race
Category: News & Politics
Via: texan1211 • 3 years ago • 33 commentsBy: Ewan Palmer (Newsweek)

Democrat Beto O'Rourke's chances of pulling off a victory in the race for Texas governor looks increasingly unlikely as yet another poll gives the Republican incumbent Greg Abbott a healthy lead.
According to a survey from Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation (TXHPF) and local TEGNA television stations, Abbott leads O'Rourke by 51 percent to 44 percent among likely voters and 53 percent to 43 percent among the most likely (almost certain) voters.
The survey also showed that with just a few weeks until November's midterm elections, few voters said they are undecided or willing to switch their allegiances.
The results showed only 3 percent of likely voters and 2 percent of most likely voters are undecided as to who they will vote for Texas governor in November.
"Gov. Abbott's strength among rural and Anglo voters continues to bolster his intransigent structural support in the 2022 race for Texas Governor," said Jason Villalba, CEO of the TXHPF.
"While O'Rourke has shown himself to be a worthy and hard-working adversary, unless there is a marked shift in the composition of the November electorate, Governor Abbott will remain the political and thought leader of Texas politics. Only new voters will be able to shift the tide."
O'Rourke, who failed in his 2018 Senate run against Texas Republican Ted Cruz and also had an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, was the overwhelming winner in the Democratic gubernatorial primary in March, with more than 91 percent of the votes.
However, the former congressman, 50, looks almost certain to fail in his attempt to unseat Abbott in November, with Real Clear Politics' collection of polls showing that O'Rourke has been behind Abbott in the past 26 surveys, dating back to June.
The TXHPF poll arrived just days after another survey gave Abbott a seven-point lead over O'Rourke.
The Spectrum News and Siena College survey released on September 21 showed Abbott with a 50 percent to 43 percent lead over his Democratic challenger.
An Emerson College Polling/The Hill poll conducted September 20-22 gave Abbott an 8-point lead over O'Rourke (50 percent to 42 percent).
When broken down, the data shows that Abbott is the preferred choice for white voters (60 percent to 35 percent) and Hispanic voters (46 percent to 42 percent), while O'Rourke has far more support from Black voters in Texas, 78 percent against 12 percent.
When asked about abortion—a key campaign issue for the Democrats in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade—49 percent of Texas said they align with Abbott's view to ban the procedure in almost all circumstances, while 44 percent align with O'Rourke's bid to keep abortions widely available in the state.
"Among those much more likely to vote because of Roe overturning, 62 percent plan to vote for O'Rourke. For those to whom it makes no difference, 72 percent plan to vote for Abbott," said Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling.
Newsweek has contacted O'Rourke for comment.

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If he would have been more moderate I think he would have had a shot. He just throws out these batshit crazy ideas that turns people off.
Perhaps, but no one can hop up onto a table like Beto can.
The old Tom Cruise “crazy for coco puffs” maneuver ......
Or skateboard across a stage or parking lot.
Beto can't help himself. He is batshit crazy! He is after all a liberal and a Democrat.
I would classify myself as Liberal, not necessarily Dem. So there for I am crazy.
I guess there is a reason I don't like people standing close to me...
You said it I didn't but if the shoe fits...
Some people just can't be decent human beings...
I agreed with you, sort of, and I am not being decent?
People know they can’t trust him.
He’s a flip-flopping, flimflam man.
What a tragedy for Texas.
The day after the Uvalde shooting Abbott went to a political fundraiser. He is a piece of crap.
Should he have stayed offering thoughts and prayers?
Yes, but with Beto it just comes naturally...
Coming from an Illinoisan .... that is hilarious.
Chicago has a “uvalde” every weekend. What has mayor beetle juice done about it? Nothing.
The victims in Chicago aren’t white so democrats don’t care. Unless of course they can blame the police.
It's that the SHOOTERS aren't white.
And I am went to bed while brave American were being killed in Benghazi and did nothing to send them assistance and went to a fund raiser the next day.
Did you call Obama a " piece of crap" also.
Did you call Hillary Clinton a " piece of crap" for trying to color coordinate the rescue party's clothing instead or sending them for assistance?
Next time try to make some sense.
I make more sense than you usually do. You just don't like what I said but can't deny it happened.
There it is. You get proven wrong and a hypocrite and you go for the personal attacks. At least you're consistent.
Would that have brought any of the victims back to life?
Did Beto resurrect any of them by being there?
The day after the Uvalde shooting Abbott went to a political fundraiser. He is a piece of crap.
Abbott was a busy guy. He only had a couple days to prepare for the NRA convention after a mass shooting. Didn’t stop him though - that’s dedication.
Can you believe the POS raised money off the school shooting……sorry, my bad, wrong POS!
They won the campaign handily and even had $14.2 million to spare, but the Obama-Biden campaign is still raising money, this time off the president's comments about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Connecticut
Yeah. Linking 2 completely unrelated things really does the trick.
Beto: Hell yes we are coming for your AR15’s!
The only thing I can guarantee you is that Beto lacks the stones to be the first one through that door.
Ahh Democrat Beto O'Rourke. The pandering bottom feeder who just can seem to grasp that people don't want him in office because of the moronic policies he runs with.
No matter what, he is still the same "Hell yes, were going to take your AR-15...!" Beto O'Rourke!