Temporary housing for migrants set up at Orchard Beach in the Bronx - CBS New York
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 3 years ago • 76 commentsBy: Tim McNicholas (CBSNewYork)

By Tim McNicholas
Updated on: September 26, 2022 / 11:37 PM / CBS New York
Emergency housing for migrants being built in the Bronx02:37
NEW YORK -- Construction crews are building temporary housing in the Bronx for migrants.
The emergency center is going up at Orchard Beach, and while some local residents are voicing concern, CBS2's Tim McNicholas says other people are looking at ways to help.
The Bronx borough president says it will take at least two weeks to finish construction. When it's open, it will be an intake center where single adult migrants can find food, medical care, case work help and temporary shelter.
Contractors worked for more than three hours Monday afternoon in the Orchard Beach parking lot.
NOW: Contractors are building a shelter & what the city calls a Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center at Orchard Beach in the Bronx to help manage the recent influx of asylum seekers in NYC. @CBSNewYorkpic.twitter.com/6oJ7MH9wEA
— Tim McNicholas (@TimMcNicholas) September 26, 2022
"We have the space. I don't see anything wrong with this," said David Diaz, a board member with the nonprofit City Island Rising.
The organization near Orchard Beach wants to help asylum seekers however possible.
"We're waiting on a list now from the mayor's office to see what exactly is needed. We'll do a clothing drive. We'll do a food drive," he said.
The city says adults will be able stay at the center for up to four days before moving to other housing.
RELATED STORY: NYC opening 2 emergency centers for arriving migrants
The plan is sparking debate among people living nearby.
"This is our social point in the winter. We come here, we get fresh air, and my concern is are we still going to have access to what we use all season?" one resident said.
"Our concerns are safety, security and health reasons," said Bill Stanton, president of the City Island Civic Association.
The association plans to meet Tuesday night with councilmember Marjorie Velazquez to ask several questions.
"Is New York doing the proper background screening, the vetting? Are they doing criminal background checks? And if they are, how so?" Stanton said.
"My first thought isn't about, 'Oh my god, have we checked them out?' My first thought is to say, what can we do?" Diaz said.
Some others have expressed concerns about the housing conditions for the migrants.
"There should be a more substantial housing for them. They shouldn't be forced to live in a tent," one person said.
Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson told CBS2 off-camera the Orchard Beach parking lot is not an ideal location due to flooding issues in the past. Nonetheless, she said she's working with the mayor's office to make sure migrants get the help they need and to ensure the center is sturdy enough to withstand wind and rain.
Gibson plans to visit the site herself Tuesday.
Tim McNicholas
Tim McNicholas is a Morning Insider reporter for CBS2 Chicago.

Yeah, screw the legal US citizens who live in the neighborhood.
Illegals over citizens. That's the democrat way.
Why do right wingers have such an issue telling the difference between illegal immigrants and LEGAL asylum seekers? Does the brown skin make it too confusing?
And there it is. The sentence that ruined what minute credibility you had. It's not about the actual problem at the border and the burden it puts on actual citizens. You could give a fuck less about that. It's a race issue with you (and many like you).
Absolutely. When it hurts enough, they'll decide to elect people who will do something about it instead of pretending it isn't a problem.
I'm starting to wonder how strong party affiliation is for democrats?
I suppose we'll see.
Or we may see the return of sensible Democrats.
Like it has been for the last 50 years, and will continue to be so no matter who is in charge?
Here's a better question, why are republicans only concerned about the southern border when it is a democratic administration?
That is not a denial.
For some playing the race card is the best they can do.
Usually an indication that they are completely clueless to what is actually being talked about.
What did it do other than kidnap children away from their parents? Did it stop illegal immigration?
That is total
Are you telling me that if you wanted to get past a 10 foot fence, you would personally be unable to do it? If I were to point to a wall, of any size or shape, and bet you $10,000, that you would not be able to get passed it (with no conditions). That you would fail to win the money?
More often I would say.
I see you are back to refusing to answer a simple question again.
He asked you three one of which you "answered" with a question. Why would he answer yours when he has two pending?
Glad someone is on the case…accountancy is such a huge responsibility.
That is another oxymoron.
“Are you telling me that if you wanted to get past a 10 foot fence, you would personally be unable to do it?
Are you telling me that you could just as easily walk through an area that’s been fenced off as an area with no fence? No, you sure as fuck can’t and that’s the whole point of a border wall. Nobody i know of said a wall will stop 100% of illegals crossing the border but it will damn sure slow it to a manageable number that will be much easier for our border patrol to handle. Good grief some posts are so fucking stupid it’s unbelievable.
What obscure point are you trying to make?
That isn't a fence they are carrying so what's the point of your post.
They like to use that, errantly, as symbolism for moving the goal post but that is a goal. Not a goal post. This is a goal post.......
They also appear to be taking it to it's correct location.
Isn't that a place where local people take young children?
that's what it used to be, now they are not important
That's right. Do you know why?
Because a handful of professors have taught some weak minded students that America was built on "white supremacy."
It's odd that NYC will do this for illegals but not for the homeless US Citizens. I guess we know where their loyalties lay.
The border situation is in the news- as well as southern states shipping "migrants" to Democrat bastions of stupidity (aka sanctuary cities).
Media dictates that they address the migrant problem over the homeless problem. Homeless just don't draw that type of media coverage.
What I love is some leftists are still displaying their open racism.
Same concerns those living in southern border states are expressing that Democrats have called racist. The woke had better tap down their racist brethren. This isn't presenting a good image for the left.
Weren't these centers if supidity crying that they couldn't handle all those they said were welcome about a week ago? Now they are falling all over themselves to treat them better than US CItizens. But, that does seem to be the policy of the left and Democrats.
And it will be reflected in November.
Guess they could name this "community tent city" Nimbyville.
It's odd that you continuously claim that these LEGAL asylum seekers are illegal immigrants. What is it about them that confuses you so much/
Asylum seekers need to wait outside the country until their request is accepted.
We had the right policy. Joe got rid of it!
There's no confusion. You haven't proven they are "asylum seekers". Until then, I'll continue to call them what they are - illegal aliens.
You do realize there are both types being sent, yes?
“…both types…”
And therein lies the crux of the problem.
Due to the lack of a coherent immigration policy, it is impossible to define illegal vs. legal, asylum seeker vs. border crosser…
…and who suffers? The nameless, the homeless, the political pawns.
This is our problem, not theirs.
Thanks be to the programs flying under the radar that are doing their best to provide basic services to care for the too many caught in the debris of our ineptitude.
Y'all need to quit putting lipstick on this pig.
The coherent immigration policy was done away with by Biden when he took office.
If you mean "lack of immigration policy", then yeah. Or if you mean "general stupidity", then hell yeah.
It's actually very easy to define them. One of them arrives at a legal port of entry like Laredo or Rio Grande City or Hidalgo and requests asylum. The other gets arrested on the way to San Antonio or Dallas or points beyond.
I'm sorry, but our immigration policy hasn't been coherent in decades.
That's not what the law says. I guess you do not respect domestic or international laws. Huh?
If you'd take your fingers out of your ears you wouldn't make such silly claims. It has been widely reported that all of them had been given court dates, and one of the complaints against DeSantis is that he ensured they would miss those court dates by making it impossible for them to return in time for that court date.
Of course you will, to do otherwise would undermine all your years of posting about them.
Not on DeSantis's plane. ALL were asylum seekers with court dates.
Prove it then. You said that it has been widely reported. So should be easy...............
Those people went to Massachusetts.
These are people Abbott sent to NY on a bus.
Not so fast............
" Immigration officials transported Willian and at least eight other migrants to El Paso’s immigration court, where judges gave them all permission to stay in the U.S. They can continue their asylum cases in courts closest to wherever they settle."
You were saying?
Nonsense! Those court dates are far into the future, and most of them don't show up anyway.
I guess you missed where you didn't provide a goddamn thing that they were asylum seekers. Time to put up or shut up.
It should be, but since you refuse to read anything outside the right wing blog-sphere, i guess you're out of luck.
Post it and I will read it................that you state what you just did shows you are either not telling the truth or you can't find it and know it.
History shows otherwise.
No it doesn't. Sorry.
Yours maybe but not mine.
That is the best looking thing they have wearing lipstick
Something tells me that once the migrants get a taste of the Bronx, they'll be running back to Venezuela.
As recently as Saturday, there was the usual mayhem:
"Two men were killed in separate incidents Saturday afternoon, one in Brooklyn and the other in the Bronx.
A 22-year-old man was stabbed to death in a fight outside a Canarsie deli.
Police said they were called to East 87th Street and Avenue L at 2:38 p.m. for an assault and found the victim with multiple stab wounds.
He was taken to Brookdale University Hospital where he was pronounced dead, police said.
His identity was not immediately released pending notification of his family."
Oh, I know, maybe they can hire cops to protect the migrants.
It's a tough call...who's more important...the oppressed migrants or the oppressed criminals?
I don't think they have the budget. Remember NYC was one of the Democrat run cities that cut their budget supporting the "defund the police" jackasses.
Maybe some of these idiot Social Justice Warriors or Open Border dipshits can step up and provide unarmed protection.
For the public, as opposed to themselves.
“Something tells me that once the migrants get a taste of the Bronx, they'll be running back to Venezuela.”
What does that tell you about why these human beings flee everything they know; their families, their homes, their culture.
It is because despite the anecdotal episodes any detractor may site, this is still a better option for them to attempt to build a better life.
The definition of the American Dream in the making, despite those that conveniently forget their own ancestry.
You got yours, right vic?
That's not the standard for gaining asylum.
There are 3 ways of obtaining asylum in the United States:
“There are 3 ways of obtaining asylum in the United States:
And just how have we enabled these processes to occur:
…in a timely manner?
…in providing accommodation until the timely adjudication?
…in enabling families to remain together?
A multi-faceted problem to be sure but too often met with ignorance in singular political posturing.
Those so called "asylum seekers". should not be put ahead of real US Citizens in any way at any time
You'll just have to subsidize them.
""Our concerns are safety, security and health reasons," said Bill Stanton, president of the City Island Civic Association."
"Alex, I'll take Covert Racism for $500."
Racists in the very Blue Bronx, who knew?
So much for sanctuary: