Democrats have a governing problem, not a messaging problem | Washington Examiner
Category: News & Politics
Via: texan1211 • 3 years ago • 7 commentsBy: Washington Examiner

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) thinks Democrats have a messaging problem. The reality is that the most prominent Democrats care only about messaging and very little about whether their governance actually works.
"It's not just a messaging problem, but a messaging problem has persisted in our party for years and years," Newsom said on MSNBC on Tuesday. "We allow these culture wars to take shape, and we are constantly on the back end."
Newsom used his new favorite misleading statistic as an example. Newsom likes to complain that Democrats are losing the messaging on crime even though Republican-run states are among those with the highest murder rates. Of course, the issue there is that Democratic-run cities are responsible for those murder rates. Republican governors don't run Democratic cities — Democratic mayors (and weak Democratic district attorneys) do.
Newsom has his diagnosis backward. Democrats don't have a messaging problem; they have an overreliance-on-messaging problem. Rather than acknowledge and address the fact that Democratic-run cities are havens for crime, Democrats would rather shrug it off and blame Republicans. Rather than address inflation, Democrats want to pass climate policies and message it as the "Inflation Reduction Act." They fearmonger about "assault weapons" while knowing absolutely nothing about guns.
Democrats think all their policies and positions are incredibly popular and held by everyone deep down in their souls. As a result, they think all they must do is win the messaging battle, not govern more effectively or moderate their positions. This is why they now label every political attack they don't like as "disinformation" and why they encourage social media companies to censor content that harms them politically. Messaging isn't the one thing they are missing — it's the only thing they are doing.
No one exemplifies this better than Newsom. Every speech and every answer he gives is about California's great successes, whether he is talking about "progress" or "inclusion" or how California supposedly offers freedom while Republicans take it away. In reality, California is failing residents on education, energy policy, homelessness, crime in major cities, affordability, housing, and wildfires. Newsom only cares about messaging. It's governing that he, President Joe Biden, and other prominent Democrats are neglecting.
Democrats have a political grip on the entertainment industry, establishment media, and higher education. Celebrities, athletes, and journalists proudly promote their party when summoned to. Democrats have all the messaging tools and outlets that any political party could dream of having. But, as Biden and Newsom have shown, the results of their governing failures are too big to mask with messaging.
That still won't stop them from trying.

There is no doubt about it: people know the difference
The Dems are totally out of touch with mainstream Americans
That's because Democrat are all about ruling, not governing... to rule, all they need is pronouncements of the next edict or mandate and messaging to sell it to the ruled...
This way they stay in power and do as they please without having to take responsibility for what they, (as rulers) have wrought... the weak minded only have to listen to the political religious messaging to fall into line and no one really gets their hands dirty resolving or solving anything...
Democrats have been operating this way for decades... The difference today is the democrat party is under the sway of the Marxists/Socialists and the democrats have to alter their messaging to please the Marxists otherwise the Marxists will do what they do and eliminate them from power...
The Democrat party of today runs on fear, fear of losing power in the party, fear of losing entitlements amongst the population... They view the way forward is as much fear mongering as possible by the politicians and fear creation amongst the population hence the "summers of love" protests where they burn down the cities and fear mongering mandate creating emergencies that don't really exist (like the Covid control progam which they are still trying to play for all it's worth)
Real people, those not brain dead with the propaganda, are beginning to see them for what they really are, enslavers... Slaved to an ideology that cares no more for them than they do their enemies...
The pendulum has swung way left to the point that they think they have the chops to finish off their enemies, but what I see is the pendulums momentum leftward is waning and it going to begin swinging back the other way.... People aren't buying it anymore especially now that some real covid data is being released which shows that everyone was lied to and misled... with the states that went all mandate with absolute power wielded by the emergency declarator and behind closed door deals with their allies to keep them in power...
But as they start losing power it's going to get nasty as they send out their black hooded storm troopers to knock heads, their racists to burn some more cities...
they won't give up their ruling power easily...