Explosions rock central Kyiv in apparent missile strikes | AP News

October 10, 2022 GMT1 of 2 Volunteers work to clean the debris on a site where several houses were destroyed after a Russian attack at a residential area in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022. (AP Photo/Leo Correa) 1 of 2 Volunteers work to clean the debris on a site where several houses were destroyed after a Russian attack at a residential area in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Two explosions rocked Kyiv early Monday following months of relative calm in the Ukrainian capital.
Kyiv Mayor Vitalii Klitchko reported explosions in the city's Shevchenko district, a large area in the center of Kyiv that includes the historic old town as well as several government offices.
Lesia Vasylenko, a member of Ukraine's parliament, posted a photo on Twitter showing that at least one explosion occurred near the main building of the Kyiv National University in central Kyiv.
The spokesperson for Emergency Service in Kyiv told the AP that there are killed and wounded people. Rescuers are now working in different locations, said Svitlana Vodolaga.
The number of casualties is not yet known.
The explosions were heard by AP journalists and appeared to be the result of missile strikes. Also on Monday morning, Associated Press journalists reported hearing explosions in the center of Dnipro city.
Recent fighting has focused on the regions just north of Crimea, including Zaporizhzhia, where six missiles were launched overnight Saturday from Russian-occupied areas of the Zaporizhzhia region.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday called the attack that damaged the huge bridge connecting Russia to its annexed territory of Crimea "a terrorist act" masterminded by Ukrainian special services.

Fricking Russians are scum. I wish that the US would supply Ukraine with the weapons as we did Israel in operation ''Nickel Grass''.....That would be the end of Russia in Ukraine in short order.
To be more precise, Putin loving Russians are scum, but there are millions of other Russian people who do not support Putin and pray for an end to his evil murderous authoritarian rule and are good peace loving people. Those are the Russians, the ones fleeing and/or protesting the invasion and the sham elections held in both Russia and now regions in Ukraine, that we need to show support for along with Ukraine because they are both getting murdered by Putin and his vile regime.
Yes, there are those that oppose Putin and are fleeing the country. The thing is that Russia had the opportunity to become a member of the world when the Iron Curtain fell, but sadly they blew the golden opportunity and I doubt that they will get that change again.
Putin calling Ukraine terrorists. Hypocrite, they name is Putin.
One thing I learned from this, if Russia didn't have nuclear weapons, we could wipe them out in seconds.
The taliban are laughing at this comment. And Hitler thinks it’s equally ridiculous.
Buzz off.
Ukraine with a smaller army, fewer weapons and certainly less long-range weapons, a tiny air force, and no navy is kicking the shit out of the Russians your analysis is right on target.
The taliban have joined in laughing at you.
Making these comments George leads to the question do you support the Taliban?
And how about Hitler is he laughing at me as well? Oh, that's right he's dead.
Obviously someone doesn't support our own military. Thinks we are laughable.
Perhaps you should not compare apples and cinderblocks. Everyone is laughing at Putin right now.
Can you please extrapolate on that comment?
Think Afghanistan...........who didn't and doesn't have nukes. And look how we just pounded the hell out of them in short time........oh wait.
No, he is pointing out the obvious. Something that Putin and it seems everyone else is missing.
The Russians are not fighting for what they believe is their homeland.
Ask Napoleon about Russia's ability to defend their homeland. Ask Hitler as well. Both of them thought they could roll to an easy victory over weaker Russian forces.
How did we fair against North Korea (stalemate); Vietnam (loss); Afghanistan (Vietnam part II); or even Iraq (Iran loves our stupidity over that one. We did what they could never do and removed Saddam Hussein.) We had a vastly superior military to all of them.
But history is full of idiots that love to repeat it. Even if we manage to succeed and invade Russia without starting a nuclear war; how many years are you planning on holding it with a population that is completely hostile to our being there? How will our troops like Russian winters?
We tried to control Afghanistan, how long after Biden put his tail between his legs did it take before they we’re running the country? And Hitler had a far superior technology and experienced troops and he got crushed by the Russians. Only a fool would think it would take seconds to defeat Russia.
It amazing, Russia invaded Ukraine because they felt threatened and thought Ukraine was a fundamental threat to their safety. (Russia’s version)
How is that fundamentally different than Bush invading Iraq or Afghanistan? Or Obama trying to overthrow Syria and overthrowing Libya?
The only difference I see is Putin’s claiming the land he takes.
Thank goodness you and George see what the rest of the world is missing. Kudo's on your ability to make assumptions.
Both are dead but perhaps you with your Karnac ability could hold a seance for us. History is replete with the defeats of both Hilter and Napoleon which all of us have read.
I'll bow to your military experience and expertise. Oh, wait you were never in the military much less in combat. Yes, we did have a vastly superior military to them which we did not use to its full extent. If we engaged in combat with the Russians I'm sure that we would use everything at our disposal.
I don't believe I said anything about attacking Russia in their homeland and trying to occupy the country. So again you making assumptions is not a good thing because you know what they say about assumptions.
You are aware that we have specially trained troops for cold-weather combat, don't you? Well, probably not since you may have been absent for that part of your pseudo-military training. Rest assured that we do and have had for decades. Additionally, our military will have the latest in cold-weather gear since historically we have been the best-equipped military in the world.
Once again thank you for pontificating about something that you seem to know little about.
One more little detail, Ukraine is kicking Russia's ass in case your jaundice view doesn't allow reality to seep in.
America could establish air superiority over Ukraine in one day. Then it is a killing field. The US military unleashed , minus nuclear weapons, would undoubtedly destroy the Russian military in a relatively short period of time.
[Deleted] Difference is Ukraine has help and is hopefully going to keep theirs, the Native Americans, unfortunately for them weren’t able to.
I don't know what my being a Native America has to do with any of this except for the fact that we are still an intricate part of America and serve at a higher rate in the military than any other ethnic group.
I guess that was the best you had, but actually better than the ''fuck off'' that you so unintellectually threw at me in a prior conversation. Good to know you went from profanity to bringing race into the conversation.
Try to keep up John, they are talking about attacking Russia, and you have no idea how Russian anti aircraft defenses work, 1 Air EMP anywhere near our aircraft and they are flying bricks, we know this and so do the Russians.
The gargantuan supply of rare earth metals in Ukraine was just a happy accident.
[Deleted] But you did manage to completely avoid my point, because I’m sure you didn’t miss it.
of course, they should have just said Ukraine had weapons of mass destruction……or is that played out for invading countries?
It's not the Russian military that gets you, as both Napolean and Hitler learned the hard way.
It would not have been any less believable than what they're currently doing.
It’s amazing reading how the left have become such warmongers.
I dont think the US will be trying to win a ground war in Russia.
John, this was the original statement.
if Russia didn't have nuclear weapons, we could wipe them out in seconds.
that would require nukes or occupation. Do you support this statement?
Nah. It's simply a "bleeding heart hierarchy" thing.
Historically, they demand action on behalf of the group they most pity in the moment. That's why they care more about a 6'3" transgender swimmer than they do about the women he unfairly defeats. They feel great pity for transgender people, and generally don't give a shit about athletes, so trans "rights" supercede.
In this case, they feel more pity for Ukrainian mothers over losing their sons than they do for American mothers losing theirs.
Sigh, I didn't realize that you had a point.
It will undoubtedly become one. They all do.
I do not support nuking anyone as a first strike.
Way to avoid the question John.
do you support this statement?
if Russia didn't have nuclear weapons, we could wipe them out in seconds.
I'm sure that you could stoop to another level.
Really Jack, do you have proof of that, or is it simply your opinion?
If Russia didnt have nukes and we did, and we launched a nuclear attack on Russia, yes we would wipe them out. Dont know the exact time frame. Do you have a point with all this?
Remember this exchange John the next time you demand a poster answer your question, and they deflect around it, and you then complain that they refuse to answer.
Well...he obviously learned it from you, an expert at it. So you should praise him, not chide him.
I dont complain when people refuse to answer. I complain when they answer with the usual far right horseshit.
At least I’m original
How is that different than the far left horseshit?
Hardly [original.....deleted]
It's strange that they don't use Air EMP against the Ukraine air force which is still flying missions against the Russians and for such a big bad military they don't have air superiority much less air dominance.
The US has the same EMP as the Russians and I would think that many of our attack planes have a faraday cage as well.
The only thing proven is that you spout a lot of assumptions and try to pass them off as facts. As for the technical question re the fly by wire is that you seem to consider yourself a tech expert, you should be able to answer that along with why the Russians don't have air superiority and how EMP would affect US fighters with a faraday cage.
And you never did respond to my original question to you.
I didn’t respond because I thought it was a joke. Are you serious about a faraday cage in a fighter jet?
It would make it impossible for a radio, radar, and any control wires to leave the cage, without making it completely worthless. You do know how a faraday cage works right? That may be the silliest thing I’ve read here. Again, you should probably stop now.
It wasn't a joke so do you want to answer now?
No, I don't think that I'll stop since you're the one that is stumbling around.
Thank you.