Voters see Democrats as 'extreme' and 'less concerned about issues' that matter: Report

A left-leaning think tank is sounding the alarm on Democrats for being too extreme and not in touch with voters, as what could be a big night for Republicans looms in Tuesday's elections.
Third Way warned Democrats that holding on to control of either the House or the Senate would be "in spite of the party brand, not because of it" in a memo shared with Axios Monday.
"Despite a roster of GOP candidates who are extreme by any standard, voters see Democrats as just as extreme, as well as far less concerned about the issues that most worry them," the memo titled "Out of Touch on Priorities ... Out of Touch Ideologically ... Out of Touch on Values" says.
The memo says Democrats are leading in polls with issues such as abortion and climate change but that with the issues voters care about, such as the economy, immigration, and crime, they trail the GOP.
"Democrats are benefitting from a perception among voters that Republicans are extreme, but they cannot fully reap the gains of this view, as voters think Democrats are extreme as well," the memo said.
The bleak report from Third Way comes as Democrats are widely expected to lose control of the House of Representatives and have lost their edge on the toss-up for Senate control, per polls and predictors such as FiveThirtyEight, for Tuesday's election.

Third Way is not a leftist group. Or even "left leaning'
It's not a liberal group. In fact their political position is a rival to the Democratic Party progressives. In other words, they have an ulterior motive in saying Democrats havent listened to the voters.
See 3.3 if you need other sources...
Opinion writers....
According to a "memo". The Washington Examiner also fails to disclose who wrote this "memo" and where this "memo" originated from.
No, it's in the seed.
It's YOUR seed. Haven't you read it???
That is everything about the memo in your seed. Now you tell me, who wrote it and where did it come from?
Sounds to me like it is a "memo" from the RNC, Breitbart, OAN, Trump campaign, or some other equivalent organization.
Why yes I did.
Does that help any?
Yes. He clearly has.
Perhaps if you actually read the seed, you might be able to participate in the conversation more effectively.
Where does it say the memo originated from "Third Way"? It states that Third Way shared a memo they had received. You can pretend to read more into that, but the fact is that it does not speak to who or where it originated from.
No he clearly has not. He is now making assumptions about things which are not specified in the article.
Where does it say that? No, despite your edit it still doesn't say that.
Overcoming the Democratic Party Brand – Third Way
That was nice of you. Probably futile, but nice.
If we don't make the effort to educate, they will remain Biden supporters.
If they didn't receive the memo, internally or externally, how did they have it to share????????
Seriously, do you even think about what you are typing before clicking Post?
Ahhh, I see. Thank you for your posts.
I would expect that condition will worsen this week.
The Democrat party is losing a lot of liberals. They really have become a populist party much like the Republicans with ridiculous agendas that serve no one.
You want a source for an opinionated comment or do you want names and numbers of liberals that have become disenfranchised with the corrupt establishment politics in a party they once had hoped would align with their views?
So in other words you are just stating your opinion with no facts to back it up.
" As we move into the endgame of the 2022 election, the Democrats face a familiar problem. America’s historical party of the working class keeps losing working-class support. And not just among white voters. Not only has the emerging Democratic majority I once predicted failed to materialize, but many of the nonwhite voters who were supposed to deliver it are instead voting for Republicans."
"You’re a political scientist and the author of several books, including The Optimistic Leftist (2017) and, with John Judis, The Emerging Democratic Majority (2002). Most recently, you’ve warned liberals that the Democratic Party’s lurch to the left will harm its ability to win future elections, in part because Democrats can no longer count on winning the Latino vote. Let’s start with definitions. Is there a “Latino vote” or are there several discrete Latino “votes” that differ by ethnicity and nationality?"
"That election result and other data reveal that Asians are still likely to vote Democratic on the whole, but the party has seen a disproportionate decline in support among this group.
Let’s start with the national polling. As I mentioned at the top, it’s hard to get national polling that tracks Asian voters specifically. I would therefore take these trends as preliminary.
Pew Research Center polling, however, does show that Biden’s standing with Asians has dropped precipitously. He’s averaged a 53% approval rating and a 47% disapproval rating (or a +7 net approval rating, without rounding) in 2022 data. Biden won Asian voters by 44 points in 2020, according to Pew data."
Approval rating doesn't mean people are going to jump to the republicans.
Out of curiosity, did you read any of the links DOTW provided?
Nope. I figured he provided what he wanted to highlight.
Does it say something else other than what Wry posted?
It does seem to be a recurring theme around here doesn't it?
Yet you have yet to say where I was wrong...
Synopsis of the three articles linked,
I hope that was helpful.
The first link only talks about white working class and what Hillary did wrong, we all know the 'white working class' has almost always voted republican, no big shocker....
The second link is just a Q&A with opinion writers.
Historically and even now, most Latino voters still vote dem.
The third link talks mostly about the Asian community in San Francisco.
You must be very young. The working class gave FDR, Truman and JFK and Carter their victories, it was gave a sizable Dem Congressional majority in those years.
That is saying the dems need to work to win over that group.
I could go back to where there were all the racists in them dem party too, time marches on and we have the demographics we have today.
Does "just a Q&A" indicate that it's not worthy of consideration?
Yes, but their share of the Dem margin was smaller in 2016 than 2012 and smaller in 2020 than 2016. Does the trend stop now or continue is the question.
Did they ever really? If they did it was decades ago.
Seriously, as long as I have been paying attention to politics the camps have basically been the same.
One might view them as some of the more progressive Asian Americans in the country.
Was the dem margin smaller or the independent sway smaller.
I still see both parties maintaining about what they historically have.
Well you will know for sure one way or another tomorrow night.
I have always heard it was Independents that swayed elections.
Not whether reps were disenfranchised with their own or the dems. They usually stay about the same Imo.
I think the two are probably pretty well correlated. If you're not inspiring your own base to turn out, you're unlikely to be inspiring independents to vote for you, either.
I do think there is some validity to the idea that the overwhelming majority of actual voters are much more simple in their ideology than the extreme elements of either party want to acknowledge.
Only the Democrats could see Donald Trump and think the best response was to get even more extreme and radical.
Only the Republicans could nominate one of the worst people in American history for the presidency.
Then when his worstness is inevitably and properly pointed out, constantly, blame his existence as a candidate on the other political party.
Its not Trump's terribleness that matters, it is what the Democrats do.
There is no honor at all in being a Republican these days.
Hillary is yours, that is why she lost to the second most miserable POS in history to run for president.