Arizona couple loses teaching jobs after students find OnlyFans account
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 3 years ago • 10 commentsBy: Nathaniel Rodriguez and Nexstar Media Wire (KTLA)

Two teachers in Arizona lost their jobs after students found their OnlyFans account that had featured a video made in a classroom, according to news reports.
The Today's News-Herald reported that middle school science teacher Samantha Peer, who made online pornography under the alias "Khloe Karter," and her husband, Dillon Peer, were former employees of the Lake Havasu Unified School District.
According to the newspaper, middle school students found explicit content made on the Peers' OnlyFans account and began circulating it amongst themselves, although it was not known how the students found the content in the first place.
In a video statement made Friday, Samantha Peer said she and her husband began filming the explicit content because their teacher salaries were no longer enough to support their family, KTLA sister station WFLA reports.
Before turning to adult content, she became an adviser for several clubs and was going to coach softball in the spring to pick up extra stipends.
"My children are the most important thing to me, and I'm already spending countless hours outside of my contract time on extra school activities, and I don't think it's fair that I have to sacrifice my own children's time because our professional salary did not pay enough," she said.
Samantha Peer said she began filming content at the beginning of the summer to pay for necessities.
"I chose an anonymous name as well as blocking the entire state of Arizona on OnlyFans so it wasn't accessible to anyone living in the state," she said.
Peer admitted that she made an explicit video in a school classroom and advertised it, but she said it was done after school hours on the weekend with no students present.
Despite her efforts, the content eventually became public knowledge.
Samantha Peer said she herself found out that a community member raised concerns about her OnlyFans content on Oct. 24, which led to her being placed on paid administrative leave and probation pending an investigation.
"Two days later, I had asked that an individual that was assigned to my case be removed because they had created a hostile work environment between me and other coworkers for several years during my employment," she said. "I did not feel safe with them knowing this information, and I felt that they would spread it in retaliation for their own personal vendetta."
The former middle school teacher said she resigned on Oct. 31 "under pressure." According to her, she was told that only she, the superintendent, and the person who was assigned to her case knew of the situation.
She said she was told if she resigned before the board meeting, the school district would not publicize the situation.
However, on Nov. 2, her husband was put on paid administrative leave after the faculty said pictures of herself were being shared among teachers. He was then fired on Nov. 4 because of his status as an at-will employee.
Samantha Peer said it was only on Nov. 6 that the social media she used to advertise her content went viral. Previous students, teachers and other people from her community began following the page as well.
"These teachers were also telling students my anonymous name and showing them my page," she alleged. "This was also sent to the parents and they decided to do the same thing as well."
According to the News-Herald, an email from the school was sent out to parents on Nov. 7 that students at Thunderbolt Middle School, where Samantha Peer worked, were sharing explicit material with each other.
One parent cited in the article, Alea Bilski, told the newspaper she learned about it from her daughter, who said she heard about it from staff. She said the school sent the aforementioned email after she herself made a Facebook post asking about the situation that went viral.
"If it was 'just' an Only Fans account I wouldn't be as upset because then that would 100% be on the kids' parents, but this was public and an easy Google search to find everything," Bilski told the News-Herald.
The former teacher said she has faced harassment from parents who have put her address online and threatened to show her children "revenge porn" of their mother. She also lost her gym membership because underage members took pictures and videos of her while she was working out, causing the gym to cancel her membership.
"I am already paying the consequence by losing my teaching certificate as well as losing the job I loved most," Samantha Peer said.
Peer still appears to be running the OnlyFans account, with her last public post being her video statement with the caption "who's husband am I stealing next?"

"The former teacher said she has faced harassment from parents who have put her address online and threatened to show her children "revenge porn" of their mother."
... which would actually be a crime, as opposed to what these two fools did, but you're good with that.
Meh, sounds like the teaching staff are a bunch of assholes. It’s a private account made on her own time not involving anyone but her and her husband. Making a video in a classroom was a mistake though.
I find it amusing that no one is getting upset by the fact that the staff was directing underage students to her page.
The 'devil' made the kids go there. Well, not really. Kids will be kids—and at this time we find ourselves, good grief, I see little babies in shopping carts 'navigating' their way across websites to their favorite online show. Surely by the time a kid is six years old, those kids have overheard adults/parents whispering. . . or arguing. . . over what to do about a 'naughty' teacher who is sacrificing herself for their classroom benefit/s. Middle-schoolers are mean, vicious, and inundated with hormones anyway, respectively.
NOTE: In the time I have been on NT this is the first time I have used the 'devil' emoticon .
And she and hubbie have provided an object lesson for why "hot for teacher" is a thing not to be desired by 'budding' middle schoolers. She is the 'biggest distraction':
Now that is just too much for blooming scientists wannbes to be 'exposed' to. And golly jeez. . . is that a 'tail'?!
Doesnt look like a porn star to me. She must have special talents.
She does, . . . lipstick.
I have a feeling she looks better in red light.
I just don't understand it. When you get caught red-handed, no pun intended, just say: "Alright, I'm caught. I will leave quietly now. I will get on with my (new) life!" If NT can find these images of her, imagine what young boys will 'do' with them—especially if they find her pretty. Pin-up time!
Here we go with a statement from Samantha Peer, AKA: "Khloe"