
Baby Filthy Garage: Anacortes Couple Living In Garage With 1-Year-Old Baby Arrested


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  4 comments

Baby Filthy Garage: Anacortes Couple Living In Garage With 1-Year-Old Baby Arrested
Baby Filthy Garage: Anacortes Couple Living In Garage With 1-Year-Old Baby Arrested

A baby was living in a filthy garage in Anacortes, Washington, with his parents, who were arrested after police found them over the weekend. According to Komo News , police investigated the garage after a concerned citizen called them. Apparently an unclear number of adults had been living in the garage without heat or electricity for an unknown amount of time. The conditions were described as disturbing as police found pesticide, rat poison, dirty clothing, and empty cans in the small space.

What they found was really quite disturbing. There were four adults present. All of them appeared to be under the influence of heroin. There was heroin and paraphernalia as well as other drugs found on scene, said Anacortes Police Chief Bonnie W. Bowers.

The baby in the filthy garage in Anacortes is lucky to be alive. Bowers said that the tot was in a playpen of sorts with quite a few items piled inside with him. She said that the baby could have suffocated. The child was cold when he was found, and he was taken to a nearby hospital for care. He has since been released and has been placed with a foster family through CPS.

Its a shock that theres a baby involved and at risk, however, drug use and heroin use permeates every community small, large, affluent, poor its universal, Bowers said. According to Seattle PI , the babys mother, and her boyfriend (presumably the babys father) were taken to Skagit County Jail. They face charges of criminal mistreatment and possession of heroin , and are both being held on $100,000 bail.

There have been a few cases of babies being found in strange places this year. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , a new mother dropped her infant in a drain because she apparently did not want the child. The incident happened last month in Australia. The mother was found and arrested, and the baby was doing well at the time of the report.

The tiny 4-pound boy is only a few days old and was taken to the citys general hospital for treatment of injuries including a broken arm. A woman has been charged with attempted murder after a newborn baby was found in a drain in Sydneys west on Sunday. Police will allege the baby, believed to have been born on Monday, was placed into the drain on Tuesday 18 November, police said in regard to that case.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1667987/baby-filthy-garage-anacortes-couple-living-in-garage-with-1-year-old-baby-arrested/#1UyOkO9WxH9XzoyT.99


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I sure hope the parentnever get to see that baby again..

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Druggies, and the baby suffers.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Thank God the infant was found and taken away. I hope the baby gets placed in a warm, clean loving "Forever Home".

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

That's pretty scary stuff...


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