Arizona sheriff calls on Gov. Ducey to stop sending shipping containers to border for makeshift wall | Fox News
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 3 years ago • 44 commentsBy: Brie Stimson (Fox News)

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Arizona border town sees hundreds of undocumented people crossing daily
Worn out shoes, empty water bottles and finding shade anywhere possible is an experience undocumented immigrants share while illegally crossing into the U.S.
An Arizona county sheriff said Saturday that he's frustrated with Gov. Doug Ducey sending large shipping containers to the border in an effort to construct a makeshift border wall.
With the containers reaching within 6 miles of Santa Cruz County, Sheriff David Hathaway told FOX 10 Phoenix he'll arrest anyone who tries to place them in the county, which he referred to as "illegal dumping."
"The area where they're placing the containers is entirely on federal land, on national forest land," the sheriff told the station. "It's not state land, it's not private land, and the federal government has said this [is] illegal activity. So just the way if I saw somebody doing an assault or a homicide or a vehicle theft on public land within my county, I would charge that person with a crime."
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has been ordering shipping containers to the border since last summer. (Photo by Qian Weizhong/VCG via Getty Images)
Ducey filed a lawsuit against the federal government in October when he was told to stop double stacking the more than 100 containers in the border wall gaps on federal and tribal lands near Yuma.
Santa Cruz County Sheriff David Hathaway said he'll start making arrests if the shipping containers enter the county. (Sheriff David Hathaway/Twitter)
He has been ordering containers to the border since last summer.
Construction to place these shipping containers in gaps in the border wall began in Yuma, Arizona. Republican Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona is suing the federal government over an order to remove shipping containers used to fill gaps at the southern border. (Ashley Soriano/Fox News)
"Our border communities are overwhelmed by illegal activity as a result of the Biden administration's failure to secure the southern border," Ducey said in a statement at the time. "Arizona is taking action to protest on behalf of our citizens. With this lawsuit, we're pushing back against efforts by federal bureaucrats to reverse the progress we've made. The safety and security of Arizona and its citizens must not be ignored. Arizona is going to do the job that Joe Biden refuses to do — secure the border in any way we can. We're not backing down."
The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office and the governor's office didn't immediately return Fox News Digital's request for comment.

There will be no more illegal dumping of shipping containers along the US - Mexican border...
Santa Cruz County Sheriff David Hathaway thinks that he has jurisdiction to arrest people on federal land.
Actually he does. Somewhere around 90% of all law enforcement on federal land is by state and local officials. Federal law enforcement only happens when there's a connection between the offense and the federal government.
Yeah, but usually, they’re enforcing state law that is being violated on federal land. So much of the West is owned by the federal government that it’s hard to avoid.
If he wants to say the placement of containers violates a state or county law, he’s on solid ground. But this may be different if the sheriff intends to enforce federal law.
I think that you are absolutely correct.
Try dumping tires at a US Post Office...
The article states illegal dumping, which would be likely be both state and county law.
Encouraging illegal aliens to cross the border is illegal.
Dumping containers on US property is too...
A dumb dumpster wall accomplishes ZERO.
Taxpayers will have to pay to remove them!
Exactly, we usually pay for what government does or doesn't do.
Hobbs will have to remove Ducy's detris...
Democrats cleanig up a gop mess, again!
Exactly, now that Mark kelly got re-elected, Arizona doesn't need border barriers.
We will have to clean up the Democrats illegal immigrant mess.
Millions more expected in with Title 42 ending.
Stop ringing the fucking dinner bell Democrats!
Maybe not, as there is a case before the SCOTUS about some scammer doing that very thing and claiming it's a First Amendment case of his free speech..
Ducey has 22 days left to create mischief.
Taxpayers will end up footing all of the bills for this escapade.
They're already footing the bill for the illegals crossing under Biden's open border policy.
My guess is that the governor has a friend in the shipping container business who was looking to get rid of a bunch of old and decrepit shipping containers.
What right wingers picture as this great impenetrable wall, and reality, do not match.
Arizona: Migrants Prove Governor Doug Ducey Wrong as Containers Fail to Stop Them From Crossing the Border
Or maybe the trucking and heavy equipment moving industry. Or maybe he is concerned about the over 2 million encounters at the border this year and the expected surge when Title 42 expires.
Then shouldn't he try doing something that would help? Fences and shipping containers might have slowed down medieval horsemen, but for anything past the 19th century it is worthless. Although it does cater to their bases' 15th century mindsets.
The border, a political football since 1948
I'm not sure that is accurate, where did you get your 90% number?
Isn't that the case here? Why don't the Feds seize those contracted expensive F350 pickups and trackhoes for being used in illegal activity?
If the sheriff has that authority, why has he waited so long to use it?
It's in the link I posted which actually says "well over 90%". An official website of the U.S. Government.
I don't know. Do you think they should?
So far, this miles long unpermitted structure hasn't reached Santa Cruz County yet. This is in the posted article. Reading is FUNdimental.
Thanks, I don't know how I missed seeing the link.
So far, the shipping containers are in the Coronado national forest. From your link:
Do you think they should?
Generally, I'm for enforcing the law unless it's completely impractical. Shipping containers are expensive and ugly, I don't know how effective it is.
You're right, sloppy reading on my part.
I think that the Gov has said the next phase is in Cochise County, east of Yuma. Apparently the Cochise County Sheriff supports the activity:
Just another mindless Biden supporter pushing the Biden open border policy.
I honestly can't wait until people start cutting doors into them and using them as homes. Some of these half baked ideas about the "border" are just insane. People will start stealing the containers, they have a lot of value. So what do they do when on the Mexican side on their own territory start taking the containers? They can still burrow under them if they wanted to.
Exactly, Ducy built a tiny home immigrant village!
A waystation roadhouse for migrating refugees.
Do you think that it will get more use than the Orchard Beach or Randall's Island facilities?
The Orchard Beach facility was overwhelmed after a flood, closed and the people
were moved to Randalls/Ward Island facility which was subsequently closed and
moved to a hotel in Manhattan because Randalls was underutilized and the flow of
migrants from Texas slowed significantly.
The government now has access to 600 rooms at the Watson Hotel.
The situation sounds pretty "fluid".
Fluid and the changes sound expensive.
Why are you concerned about it? New York can afford it. New York City's tax revenues we're $69,700,000,000 in 2021 up six percent over 2020. They will be closer to $80,000,000,000 this year because business is booming...
Oh, good deal. Plenty of cash can fix fiscal mismanagement.
Isn't that how the Pentagon has operated for .......the last century?
The Pentagon isn't yet 80 years old.
Concerned? I'm not concerned but I remember Mayor Eric Adams declaring this a state of emergency.
Mayor Adams managed this crisis with competent grace...
New Yorkers aren't petty, vindictive and greedy as TX or FL!
Exactly, three locations in three months gracefully.
Good deal, as there are thousands of migrants coming.
You are going to split hair over whether it was the Pentagon or the Munitions Building?
The Department of War or the Defense Department?
Consolidating 17 Agencies into "the Pentagon"
didn't really fix the fiscal management therein, did it?
Have you ever been inside one of these shipping containers? Do you know how hot they can get? How most of them especially the old ones leak badly? I have personal experience unloading them. Unless they have a ton of insulation and put wood or some other material on the exterior to hide the metal they will roast in the heat of day; and freeze at night. I don't care how many windows they cut.
How are they going to move them? They aren't on chassis. They were put in place by crane. Expect a lot of criminals to be running around with spare cranes, chassis, and rigs to move them all. Or maybe a shit load of cutting torches, people, time, and transport to break them all down for scrap. Again; do you know how old these containers are they are using? These are all containers that are out of use due to age and condition. There are a shit load of them. How else do you think so many are readily available for this wall?
They can and will burrow under any wall built. The wall is meant to deter those that won't spend the time, effort, and money to burrow beneath them from entering the country illegally. For that matter they can overcome any virtual fence, border patrol, or even automated defense mechanism if they really want to.
What you really want is jack shit of nothing done; and just let everyone in. Sorry, that is not a workable solution. No matter what Brandon and the Democrats claim.
Both Dems And R's are asking Biden to not toss Title 42, in fact The Administration is currently using 42 to deny entry to Venezuelans and Cubans.
The Administration is not only considering it, they are also considering a return to metering which limited each portal to 80 possible asylum cases a day as past Administrations have done.
Since Sheriff Hathaway has jurisdiction, he should be arresting people illegally crossing the border. The shipping containers are only necessary because Sheriff Hathaway is not doing his job of enforcing the law.
Crossing the border illegally is a crime. That's why it's called 'illegal border crossings'. The narrative being foisted onto the public only illustrates how crime begets crime. The story begins with a criminal activity. And attempting to protect that criminal activity by turning everyone else into criminals won't end well.
Sheriff Hathaway do your job of law enforcement. Then the shipping containers won't be needed.
Jurisdiction matters.
Immigration is solely a federal responsibility.
This was already discussed.
In the two weeks after the container wall was "finished" there were 850 apprehensions by CBP.
CBP, doing their jobs.
Container wall, failed.
What is the Federal responsibility concerning immigration? Under the current regime, that Federal responsibility appears to be interpreted as facilitating entry into the country by any and all means. But the Federal government is not accountable to immigrants.
Who is the Federal government serving?
The container wall has not been finished. Sheriff Hathaway is threatening to jail anyone attempting to finish the container wall. Who is Sheriff Hathaway serving?
Control immigration and stop smuggling, drugs & criminal activity.
The only difference between the last Administration and ALL of the previous Administrations was the rhetoric from the previous POTUS.
The law says otherwise once they are on our soil.
The first section was Yuma and per the link the Ozzwald posted,
Only the Feds can put up barrier on Federal lands.
No one can put up barriers on Indian territory but they do cooperate with the Feds and all intruders are picked up by the Feds as they leave those territories.
It's already been established that he may not have jurisdiction or standing.
Ask him yourself. Meet the Sheriff :: Santa Cruz County Sheriff - Santa Cruz, AZ (