
Mass Migrant Crossing Floods Texas Border Facilities


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  1stwarrior  •  2 years ago  •  46 comments

Mass Migrant Crossing Floods Texas Border Facilities

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Hundreds of migrants, part of a caravan of people mainly from Nicaragua, crossed en masse into the United States at El Paso on Sunday, among the largest single crossings along the West Texas border in recent years.

The group of about 800 to 1,000 people was one of several in recent days that have flooded border facilities in the region with thousands of new arrivals, federal authorities said.

It was the second time in recent months when large migrant crossings threatened to overwhelm the resources of the impoverished border town and the federal immigration authorities who are already strained by what has been a steady arrival of migrants throughout the year.

“A very large number of people arrived — a huge, huge number,” said Ruben Garcia, the director of Annunciation House, a nonprofit that provides shelter to asylum seekers after they have been processed and released by U.S. authorities.

Mr. Garcia said many of the migrants arriving on Sunday were still being processed on Monday.

On Monday, migrants, most of them from Nicaragua, could be seen huddling on street corners or waiting for the bus station to open.

“I have five people staying with me right now in my place, and I opened my truck up for another three to sleep there,” said Almaraz Saucedo Isidro, who lives in the apartments across the street from the station. “It’s cold, and they don’t have food or warm clothes, and they were just dropped off.”

The region around El Paso has seen a sharp increase in the number of people attempting to cross from Mexico in recent months, with 53,000 encounters recorded by border agents there in October, the most recent month for which data is available. That is   more than on any other section of the U.S.-Mexico border . Federal agents have recorded a record number of encounters along the entire southern border, nearly 2.4 million in a yearlong period.

The secretary of homeland security, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, was expected to travel to El Paso on Monday for a previously planned trip.

The   images of large numbers of migrants,   wading across low sections of the Rio Grande in El Paso, immediately recalled previous moments of crisis at the southern border, most recently in the small city of Del Rio, Texas, where more than 9,000 migrants, mostly from Haiti,   crowded in squalid conditions in a temporary camp   under a bridge along the river last year.

The scenes provided a potential window into the situation that border authorities have been bracing for as early as next week, when a pandemic health policy known as Title 42 is set to expire. The policy, put in place by the Trump administration and continued under President Biden under a court order, has allowed U.S. authorities to rapidly expel migrants, even those seeking asylum, in order to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

However, the United States is limited in its ability to expel Nicaraguans under the public health authority for diplomatic reasons. Mexico will not accept them, and the Biden administration cannot send repatriation flights. As a result, most of the Nicaraguans apprehended are released on a short-term parole with a tracking device or sent briefly to Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention, where they are typically released after a few days.

Eventually, they will face removal proceedings in immigration court. Border officials could also issue a warrant and a date to appear in immigration court, but that is a process that can take about two hours for each person and lead to significant backups, contributing to overcrowding.

The group arriving on Sunday included migrants who had been traveling from several Central and South American countries, as well as Haiti, and who had been granted temporary legal status in Mexico that allowed them to travel freely in that country for 180 days, said Santiago González Reyes, the head of the human rights offices in Ciudad Juárez, across the border from El Paso.

The government in the Mexican state of Chihuahua had bused a caravan of about 1,100 migrants into Juarez on Sunday afternoon, Mr. González said. The buses, about 19 of them, were paid for by the Mexican government, he said, which had reasoned that the migrants would have walked north anyway and provided a police escort to keep them safe.

The group did not stay long in Juárez. Around 4 p.m., the migrants decided to cross the border en masse, he said, and hundreds more joined them. “They left on foot and crossed the river,” Mr. González said.

The processing center in El Paso is currently over capacity, according to an administration official familiar with the situation, a circumstance that border officials there have managed previously.

Felix Acuna, 41, who arrived on Sunday at the border after a 25-day journey from Nicaragua, was detained by federal authorities for seven hours before being released and told to call for a court date in two weeks. Mr. Acuna said he was trying to connect with his family in Miami and eventually get a bus ticket there.

“It’s very difficult right now in Nicaragua — there is no work. I came here to find work because I have four daughters back home,” said Mr. Acuna, who speaks some English.

Until recently, El Paso had been paying to bus migrants out of the city to destinations in the north and east. By September, the number of crossings had been as high as 2,000 a day on some days in the city, mostly by Venezuelans.

Local officials halted their busing program — which took nearly 14,000 people out of the city, including 10,000 to New York — in October after the Biden administration changed its policy and began applying the Title 42 health order to the large number of Venezuelans who were then arriving at the border, most of whom had previously been allowed to stay and pursue asylum claims.

The spike in the number of Nicaraguans crossing the border illegally is likely the result of smugglers switching their customer base, as officials have seen previously. In the case of El Paso, the Nicaraguan crossings follow the decrease in Venezuelans crossing after they began to face penalties in October.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly, said the administration had been responding to these situations on a country-by-country basis and had not yet developed an overall strategy


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Participates
1  seeder  1stwarrior    2 years ago

The group of about 800 to 1,000 people was one of several in recent days that have flooded border facilities in the region with thousands of new arrivals, federal authorities said.

It was the second time in recent months when large migrant crossings threatened to overwhelm the resources of the impoverished border town and the federal immigration authorities who are already strained by what has been a steady arrival of migrants throughout the year.

The region around El Paso has seen a sharp increase in the number of people attempting to cross from Mexico in recent months, with 53,000 encounters recorded by border agents there in October, the most recent month for which data is available. That is  more than on any other section of the U.S.-Mexico border  . Federal agents have recorded a record number of encounters along the entire southern border, nearly 2.4 million in a year-long period.

Eventually, they will face removal proceedings in immigration court. Border officials could also issue a warrant and a date to appear in immigration court, but that is a process that can take about two hours for each person and lead to significant backups, contributing to overcrowding.

So, instead of actually processing them to get them registered into the system - hey, let'm go find their own way - we ain't got the time to do it right.

Thanks Biden - your voters are coming to a border-town near you.

Professor Principal
1.1  Texan1211  replied to  1stwarrior @1    2 years ago

And some sanctuary city mayors whine about a relative handful of immigrants!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.3  Split Personality  replied to  1stwarrior @1    2 years ago

The Bulk of this thread was removed as Off Topic per Author

please stay on topic

Professor Quiet
1.3.1  Jack_TX  replied to  Split Personality @1.3    2 years ago

My mistake.  Comment on wrong seed.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

Biden's plan is working.

Professor Principal
2.1  Texan1211  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    2 years ago
Biden's plan is working.

Wait just a minute here.

Biden has a plan?


Who gave it to him--his border czar Kamala?

Professor Quiet
2.1.1  Ronin2  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1    2 years ago

Sure his plan is working; because all of the Democrats are in on it.

  1. Wide open border with nothing to deter anyone from crossing it
  2. No enforcement of existing immigration laws
  3. Make sure everyone coming knows this
  4. Transport them mostly to Republican run states so that they overwhelm their systems.  Even if they end up in Democrat run bastions of stupidity sanctuary cities within those states.
  5. Try to change the election laws at the federal level so all states have to adopt the California rules; where the amount of people (not voters) set the districts. So Democrats get the majority of districts with very few voters needed.
  6. If that doesn't work. Wait for the system to completely break down and then demand a general amnesty for however illegals are in the country at the time. Soon as they are US citizens grant them special entitlements and make sure they are Democrats. Knowing full well that amnesty will not stop the flow of illegals- but encourage more. So that another amnesty will be needed before Biden leaves office.
  7. Wash, rinse, and repeat the steps as often as needed to ensure permanent Democrat rule.
Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    2 years ago

Biden's open border policies at work.  Where are all the blowhards and their sanctuary cities to pick them all up?  Oh that's right...

Professor Quiet
5  Ed-NavDoc    2 years ago

And not a word from the left wingers on this one.

charger 383
Professor Silent
6  charger 383    2 years ago

The feral cats keep coming

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
6.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  charger 383 @6    2 years ago

Damned crazy.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
7  Drinker of the Wry    2 years ago

Last week the House passed H.R.7946, Veteran Service Recognition Act of 2022.  This bill would allow Alejandro Mayorkas to cancel removal orders of alien service members who committed violent crimes, grant them a green card, and declare that they have the “good moral character” necessary to become citizens. No need for immigration court due-process. The bill also extends amnesty to service members’ immediate family and extended family if that family member:

(1) supported a member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty or a veteran, including through financial support, emotional support, or caregiving; or

(2) contributed to his or her local community during or after the military service of the member or of the veteran

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
8  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

"Migrant crossings at the Texas border   may be set to skyrocket exponentially within days amid the end of   Title 42 , a COVID-era policy which has limited asylum claims there.

Pressure has been heaped on the state's embattled governor,   Greg Abbott , to tackle the increasing influx of people seeking entry into the U.S. from Mexico. And even though Title 42 is not due to expire until December 21, the numbers already appear to be rising.

One of the   largest mass crossings in living memory   was caught on camera at the weekend, with a huge caravan of well over 1,000 migrants filing into the country at El Paso, Texas.

Many of those seeking entry said they were from Nicaragua, Peru or Ecuador, according to reports.

Title 42 is an old public health law that allows authorities to stop people from entering the U.S. from foreign countries where there is "the existence of any communicable disease" that could be spread to Americans.

The policy was enforced by former President   Donald Trump 's administration from March 2020 amid the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics claimed a   health policy was being used as a blunt tool   to prevent U.S. migration, and it was subject to growing criticism for its continued existence after other COVID-19 measures were dropped."

Obviously, the people who control Biden want all these people here.

Professor Participates
8.1  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  Vic Eldred @8    2 years ago

Thousands of Border Patrol agents are preparing for a total collapse of the U.S. immigration system with the end of Title 42. 

'When Title 42 ends we are going to see an already broken immigration system become completely inundated across all sectors,' one Border agent told The Washington Examiner. 

Now I think it's time for Congress to get off their lazy azzes and start the Impeachment process against Crooked Joe, Camela, Myorcus and their other "D" friends for placing the U.S. in serious harms way. 

This is an impeachable offense.

Professor Quiet
8.1.1  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1    2 years ago

Agreed, but Biden Enterprises have multiple coats of Teflon protecting them!


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