Democrats busing migrants to NYC get results, not denunciation
Category: News & Politics
Via: texan1211 • 2 years ago • 3 commentsBy: Post Editorial Board (New York Post)

By Post Editorial Board
Democrats and their media cheering squad went ballistic when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott started busing migrants from the border to New York and other northern cities; the furor only redoubled when Florida's Ron DeSantis sent a batch to Martha's Vineyard. "Human trafficking," Hillary called it; "crimes against humanity," AOC insisted. President Joe Biden denounced it as "un-American" and "playing politics with human beings."
Yet no screams at the various left-aligned nonprofits running their own buses. Nor now, at the news that Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is doing the exact same thing, even though his state capital, Denver, is a sanctuary city that should be welcoming illegal migrants with open arms.
Yes, Polis insists his approach is somehow "humanitarian," but everyone knows the general lack of outrages is simply because he's . . . a Democrat.
After all, the Democratic mayor of El Paso hasn't earned any fury for resuming his migrant-busing program. Nor has Gov. Kathy Hochul caught flak for refusing to consider moving any of the migrants flooding the city into upstate.
The other difference, of course, is that the Colorado news seems to have finally spurred Biden to at least pretend he's getting tougher: On Thursday he dropped plans to immediately crack down on illegal border-crossers from left-wing tyrannies like Venezuela and Cuba, and (eventually) on "asylum-seekers" from most other nations.
In short, the "stunt" worked (at least some) as soon as it wasn't just evil Republicans doing it. Huh: Wasn't this the president who promised to unite the nation?

Their hypocrisy is endless.