'Bill Barr's Sin': Trump AG's abuse of power defense shredded by Mueller vet

Trump Attorney General Bill Barr is under fire, after an explosive New York Times report exposed his pressure campaign meddling in the investigation into the Mueller probe. Barr defends himself in a new interview with the LA Times. Senior Mueller probe prosecutor Andrew Weissman joins MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber arguing Barr's actions are an "assault to the rule of law."

Trump Attorney General Bill Barr is under fire, after an explosive New York Times report exposed his pressure campaign meddling in the investigation into the Mueller probe. Barr defends himself in a new interview with the LA Times. Senior Mueller probe prosecutor Andrew Weissman joins MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber arguing Barr's actions are an "assault to the rule of law." Feb. 3, 2023

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The Trump-Barr-Durham Hoax has been exposed!
The combination of Andrew Weissman and the New York Times is supposed to convince us of this? What bullshit... Both have proven themselves to be so far left and anti-Trump that you just cannot believe anything that comes out of this. His "win at all costs" mentality sure did fail him against Arthur Anderson, didn't it. He's made a lot of accusations against Trump during the Mueller investigations and later, but nothing came of it as he had no proof. His word means nothing here either.
And the Grey Lady? She's gone over so far she's no longer recognizable to the world.
But you keep digging... you waste your time but by all means keep on digging. Maybe someday you'll unearth something other than old shit.
When the Putin Regime collapses and those with saner minds and more optimistic ideals take over The Russian Federation there will serious repercussions' for many in US media and government. The new government will naturally want to rejoin the World and what better way to do so than reveal the truth. The Russian money is real and the American takers are plentiful. Kompromat is real. Perhaps not Durham personally, but his investigation was a part of this.