George Soros responds to GOP attacks over Manhattan DA: 'I don't know him' | The Hill
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 2 years ago • 70 commentsBy: Jared Gans (The Hill)
by Jared Gans - 03/31/23 9:15 AM ET
Prominent Democratic donor George Soros responded to Republican attacks on him over Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's (D) investigation that led to an indictment of former President Trump, saying that "I don't know" Bragg.
Soros told Semafor that he did not contribute any money to Bragg's campaign to become district attorney and does not know him. His response came as several members of the GOP have denounced Bragg as being backed and funded by Soros.
"I think some on the right would rather focus on far-fetched conspiracy theories than on the serious charges against the former president," Soros said.
He has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Color of Change PAC, which endorsed Bragg and spent money to help his candidacy.
Soros has often been the subject of right-wing attacks and some conspiracy theories based on the large donations he has made to Democratic candidates over the years. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who leads a right-wing party, criticized Soros over donations he has made to support democracy in his native country, Hungary, and included some antisemitic tropes.
The Anti-Defamation League reported that conspiracy theories surrounding Soros have falsely attempted to cast him as controlling global society, leaning into antisemitic myths.
Soros pointed Semafor to an op-ed that he wrote in The Wall Street Journal as to why he has donated to "reform-minded prosecutors."
He said in the piece that he believes both justice and safety need to be advanced in the criminal justice system. He said greater investment needs to happen to prevent crime through methods like deploying mental health professionals in "crisis situations," investing in youth job programs and creating opportunities for inmates to get an education while in prison.
Soros said "reform-minded" prosecutors and law enforcement officials have rallied around a more "effective and just" agenda.
"This is why I have supported the election (and more recently the re-election) of prosecutors who support reform," he said in the op-ed. "I have done it transparently, and I have no intention of stopping. The funds I provide enable sensible reform-minded candidates to receive a hearing from the public."
Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and other top Republicans have targeted Bragg following the Trump indictment by tying him to Soros.
"The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent," DeSantis said in a statement Thursday.
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Soros, a conspiracy theorist's Jewish bogeyman...
Maybe he owns the Jewish laser satellites?
In cooperation with Hillary Clinton...
You beat me to it.
I've learned that you've gotta be quick around you.
Good one, like all religious people George should be exempt from criticism.
I'm amused by the Left's attack on venture capitalists while loving George who cost the British government over 3 billion pounds in 1992 pounds and cost the British people jacked up interest rates of 15%.
I was about to seed this...
Let's see how long it takes the progressives to figure out the gaping, mile wide hole in this argument.
Like Soros knows where his money goes other than to the Democrat party................he has people for that FFS.
Don't hang your hat on this one libs.............
Soros doesn't control the world- he just controls Democrats who want to control the US.
wasn't going to. Why would Soros get involved in one DA election?
He wrote an op ed explaining why he donates tens of millions to elect progressive District attorneys.
Personally he wouldn't. But his money does..............
Do tell. Let me guess. Is Soros a lizard person?
No, just another leftist multi billionaire asshole who uses his money to buy Democrats and increase his power.
And stop insulting lizard people before they invade us and turn us into cattle!/S
That looks more like an octopus....
Looks more like a mollusk person.
Doc Oc from Spider man
Soros reminds me of Emperor Palpatine
So... What is your Republican controlled Congress doing to get the money out of our elections? Investigations?
So he is a liar. What else is new.
He funds the PAC's that gives the money to the DA's.
It was just all one big happy coincidence. Color of Change announced it was going to fund Bragg to the tune of $1 million dollars- and a few days later Soros gave them a check for $1 million dollars. Funny how that worked out. It is almost as if Soros planned it- he didn't have to ear mark the money or anything.
But Soros never met him! How can you support someone you never met?
I never met Trump but still feel he is an evil ignorant asshole.
Unlike Trump, I actually remember his acts and statements.
"The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent," DeSantis said in a statement Thursday"
Reform minded prosecutors amounts to being soft on crime, and coddling criminals.
Doesn't seem so in this case does it?
It's about time somebody finally stood up to this narcissistic criminal asshole.
Another attempt to deflect from what's going on with the Orange Bad Man.
Man...don;t you cons ever get tired of being wrong?
Ya think? Smoke and mirrors 101. But keep it up, it makes them so easily punctured, and then the logically based and sane people can watch them go"phhhhhhttt-phht-phhht" as they bounce around the room to no affect at all.
So in your world, Soros funding progressive district attorneys is a "conspiracy theory" even though Soros writes op-eds admitting that he does?
Are you trying to tell us that there are absolutely no donors that fun conservative district attorneys?
Who is Leonard Leo?
On that scale? Not that I'm aware of. But if you have any information that a donor is spending tens of millions to fund conservative district attorneys across the country I'd be interested to see it.
If such a donor exists, do you think said conservative donor should be immune from criticism?
By all means, point out how much Leonard Leo spends on local district attorneys.
Pick one:
Why does that matter? There are some deep pocketed ultra conservative donors, just as there are deep pocketed liberal donors. Past the fact they can donate I don't care. Politics would be better off without donations of any kind, but since I lost that argument this is what we have.
None of those links support your claim, but you probably already know that.
You've deflected, and that was your purpose.
Isn't it obvious? The argument from the left is Sorors can't be criticized for spending tens of millions of dollars to fund progressive DAs or its "racist"
The argument from the left is criticizing Soros is hypocritical at best and historically he has been criticized by racists. I do agree with the point you are trying to make that all criticism of Soros isn't racist, but because of that past criticism it's easy (although lazy) for the reactionary left to automatically go there.
We need to drown political populism in it's bathwater so we can get back to actually solving problems. Polls show people are way more concerned with kitchen table issues of economics, healthcare and community safety than playing bullshit partisan circus games.
So you have never heard of ALEC?
Far right wing fascism funders who hate democracy?
Any sources or just opinions?
Which local district attorneys did it contribute millions to?
right wing fascism funders who hate democracy?
See how that works? You, [deleted,] attacked a group for funding things you don't like. That's how our republic works [(deleted)]
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
This type of question is used to bumfuzzle people who are not paying attention.
Precisely what is wrong with funding political action committees? The SCotUS said it was okay. I didn't agree with that decision, but the right seemed to be ecstatic.
So I don't see how his giving money can be a conspiracy. I think you are just dog-whistleing to the party faithful to distract from the fact that Trump is being given the type of treatment he deserves.
Precisely what is wrong talking about it?
So I don't see how his giving money can be a conspiracy.
Lol. you and Soros called criticizing him a conspiracy, even though its 100% accurate.
you are just dog-whistleing to the
The projection here is off the charts. Pay attention to what's happening.
Con: Soros is giving millions to Progressive DAs.
Soros prog: That's a conspiracy theory!
Con: Here's the Op-Ed by Soros explaining why he's giving millions to progressive district Attorneys..
Soros Prog: Criticizing Soros is racist!
I never said that he did not give money to PACs or whatever they are called nowadays and I never claimed that talking about it was wrong, either.
For one thing, I will need some proof of that statement. The mere fact that DeSantis mentions his name is a dog whistle to conspiracy theorists. I do not believe that Soros directly backed the progressive candidates but donated money to organizations that backed the candidates. Was he on the Board of Directors of the group or groups that he donated to? Did he have direct control over whom or how much money went to any one candidate? If you believe otherwise, show me the proof.
At the end of the article, there is a list of tags:
Look, it's there! What a coincidence.
Can you refute the claim by Soros: "I don't know him"?
Do you have any knowledge of a personal relationship between George Soros and Alvin Bragg? Business?
Do you have any evidence of a quid-pro-quo between Mr. Soros and Mr. Bragg?
Do you know of any conspiracy theories related to Mr. Soros? Mr. Bragg? The two of them together?
Returning to the Soros quote:
Now, what exactly are you kvetching about??
And, just for grins and giggles:
Can you see what is going on here???
I'm sure that Koch Industries also knows to which candidates each and every dollar it provides to PACs goes, or maybe not....hmmmm, but...but...but Soros.
And the many, years and the many millions of dollars that the Kochs spent denying the obvious reality of anthropogenic global warming.
Off topic deflection so maybe you can write a seed about it.l
First, you don't get to decide what's off topic on this article. Second, it is on topic and not a deflection per some comments in 6.
I;m not making any decisions. I'm simply pointing out what it is.
"Second, it is on topic and not a deflection per some comments in 6."
So flag them.
And I'm pointing out that you are wrong.
Meh, hitler didn’t know every storm trooper he had loading the ovens either.