Granholm supports requiring U.S. military to adopt all-electric vehicle fleet by 2030

Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm says she supports efforts to require the U.S. military to implement an all-electric vehicle fleet by the year 2030, telling lawmakers that she believes "we can get there."

Read full article1FOX News Videos April 26, 2023 at 1:19 PM
Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm says she supports efforts to require the U.S. military to implement an all-electric vehicle fleet by the year 2030, telling lawmakers that she believes "we can get there."

Jenny on the block screwed up Michigan.
Now she’s working on the entire country.
Too bad eh?
I am sure the military logistics personnel will love trying to figure out how to charge this all electric vehicle fleet in the battle field.
The enemy is sure to leave every power relay station; generator; and power plant fully operational for US troops to use./S
Next she will want the Navy to go to sailboats
The stupidity and incompetence coming from Biden’s cabinet is endless.
That will go nicely with air force gliders.
The US Army, in WWII, had a number of glider troops who were part of the 101st Airborne and the 82nd Airborne. They fought in many of the major battles of WWII in Europe. the 327th GIR of the 101st Airborne earned the motto the Bastogne Bulldogs, which should be self-explanatory.
How does that relate to the present?
By fleet, does she mean government vehicles?
Or does she mean trucks, tanks, airplanes?
Just pointing out to Ronin that the Army had glider troops which it sounds like he did not know. Did you?
Since the DoD made this announcement and was specific about the type of vehicle she said that she supports it. So it's clear what type of vehicles were being dicussed.
Maybe concentrate on making the military as powerful as it can be, not as green.
The military should be encouraged to transition to electrical vehicles, but the transition must be sensible (and only the military can devise a sensible transition). An edict like this from any politician is almost certainly not going to be well conceived.
What Granholm does not seem to realize is that the problem is that the performance requirements for military vehicles is sometimes vastly different than for civilian vehicles. The technology to put electric drive engines in vehicles such as the M1A2 Abrams tank or M109 Paladin mobile howitzers does not exist. Granholm appears to be just another flaky bureaucrat politician with little to know clue about the military.
I'm hoping she was talking fleet meaning vehicles (like Jeeps and Autos and Trucks) they use and not armaments vehicles.
No, she is talking about fleets of vehicles not tanks, aircraft carriers or bomber jets.
Must the right take everything to extremes?
The next generation MBT the Abrams X:
Hybrid yes, I can see that. But fully electric for big heavy combat vehicles is at least one or two decades away I think.
I don't believe that she was talking about tactical vehicles but non tactical vehicles as all electric but you can see that the DoD has been moving forward on many different types of tactical vehicles and the Abrams X looks to be a winner.
I would like to see your source for that, or maybe her direct quote where she says exactly that.
Nah, never said it included tanks, aircraft, etc but you are confused as to who is going to extremes. That would be Bidenettes who support dimbulbs in Bidens cabinet like Granholm and her poorly thought out policy.
The cost to accomplish this on her timeline would be astronomical. Details.
The natural resources required to accomplish this on her timeline would be copious and sourced largely from countries not friendly to the USA. Details.
Assuming the above can be done on her timeline, which is a massively optimistic expectation, getting it done in that timeframe for all US based forces would require significant changes in base infrastructure. More unrealistic expectations. Details.
Why must some of you on the left be so dull and/or disingenuous?
It doesn't really matter what Granholm says even though she already doubled down on "all vehicles". Her boss is Joe Biden, the so-called CoC, and he said the same last year:
And gullible as well.
"Why must some of you on the left be so dull and/or disingenuous?"
Could be nature or could be nurture, take your pick.
The DoD is well on its way to making the transition:
Agreed on all points
The NYPD is successfully transitioning to EVs...
City cops that stay within the city limits and aren't driven at speed is a lot easier. There are already cars so to transition to electric cars is good. However the big SWAT or bomb squad trucks and the like, I'm not so sure would be a good idea............but who knows.
The fuel savings over the lifetime of a police vehicle is estimated at seventy thousand $s! It would probably bbeeven more for big trucks...
Electrically driven over the road trucks wouldn't work. Too costly and impractical.
And no charging stations in fly over country or in the Western mountains and deserts.
And so many of these EV's have had battery fires.
In hot pursuit of murder suspect .... no wait ..... just ran out of juice .... nearest charging station miles away ....
I will relay a story that happened locally just a couple weeks ago .
an out of stater driving through , left Riverton Wy headed for Rock Springs Wy /I-80 , trip of 120 miles . weather wasnt good , we got hit with a high mnt snow system pretty good .
driver left with what its on board said was a sufficient charge for conditions , he made it about 60 miles before he ran out of "juice ".
granted the route he took , South Pass is no slouch and even as a semi driver i give that road much respect in good conditions , in bad i avoid it . once one leaves lander ,Wy there is nothing , and i mean nothing as far as services or amenities .
He did end up making it to his destination and next charging point , but on the back of a flatbed tow truck .
Bet the tow truck was fossil fuel powered ....
OK, so how much would fuel costs be to run the charging systems?
You do realize they are powered by fossil fuels, right?
better call Elon and tell him to forget about the Tesla Semi, because you said so. /s
Semi | Tesla
Somehow I doubt there is room for spare batteries...
What the sun suddenly died? No wind?
No water flow at the local dam/power plant?
No modified bike charger?
Hello? WWII?
Yes because all of those sources are 100 percent reliable like fossil fuels s/
What method would you use to transition the USA from fossil fuels as our predominant source of energy?
The NYPD doesn't operate in combat zones with zero infrastructure.
Most military miles driven are on base!
Most combat vehicles are not.
Not yet...
Not in war, not in combat.
Amen to that. Did plenty of exercises way out in the middle of the Sonoran and Mojave deserts a long ways away from military installations.
I don't know how *successful* that is. Do you? Please link a source for your reply. Thanks!
Interesting. Yes, I would like to see that link as well.
Put up or shut up.
It's been almost 24 hours and still no link. This is no different than many other times I've asked people for links to support their comments. I've gotten used to it.
Do not hold your breath waiting, you will just turn blue and pass out.
I'm a member of several social media sites and have found it interesting - and very amusing - that most times, people on the far left are very reluctant to provide links that would support their statements.
Sounds like a 'fruitful' existence.
They don’t need links, they take it on faith.
Got a link for that ... ?
“Cause I gotta have faith
I gotta' have faith
Because I gotta have faith, faith, faith
I got to have faith, faith, faith”
OK, who challenged the Biden administration to say the dumbest thing ever? Which one of you said "How stupid can this administration get?" WTF was is!!!!!!
They got another two years to go so I'm sure they can top it.
Don't challenge them. Who knows what dumb ass shit they will try next.
Very true.
Well, the Biden Admin and complicit left politicians already wanted to *transform* our preferences of transportation, cooking, heating/cooling, schools/education, food choices, voting, immigration/borders, free speech, etc. With 2 more years, anything is possible.
With the number of failures in the first 2 years, it could be a very ugly 2 years for them.
Based on the damage and failures of his first 2 years, whenever Biden says Let's get this done, I cringe.
Our military must get as far away and as fast as possible from dependence on foreign petroleum.
What we must use should be only as a necessity and reserved for our big ships, planes and tanks...
This is an urgent matter of our national security!
Dumb would be to put off the transition for long.
No, we shouldn't depend on foreign petroleum, but that's Biden's fault. We were energy independent before idiot Joe slashed domestic production. Small military vehicles on bases are not of sufficient numbers that changing to EV's would make any difference.
Every other type of equipment requires gasoline or diesel fuel, and lubricating oils.
No, it's the fault of every Presidential Administration and Congress since Carter's defeat.
No we were not. The US auto industry runs on a type of oil we don't produce, so we export our oil and import a totally different type for refining.
"No we were not. The US auto industry runs on a type of oil we don't produce, so we export our oil and import a totally different type for refining."
Uh...please give us documentation supporting this statement
Sounds like something you made up.
Well he did not make it up.
There is more to the energy story than the crap emitted by talking heads. I have written about this in the past but there is plenty of available information about this in the public domain.
Just do research on sweet vs. sour crude and you will get a boatload of information about the US infrastructure, types of crude and why we have (and continue to) import one type of crude while selling another.
Here is one of many articles on the subject:
Are you seriously not aware that there are different types of oil?
Fucking hell.... your opinions on this issue are less than worthless.
DoD has around 170,000 non-tactical vehicles. To convert that fleet by 2030 starting in 2024 (optimistic) requires close to 30,000 procured each year.
Out of that 170,000 vehicles, does that include the huge numbers the Biden administration gifted to the Taliban?
Not likely as those were primarily tactical vehicles.
170,000 serviceable vehicles will cost a lot to replace and what will they do with the old ones? DMRO donation to States and other agencies or auction?
Seems like a big waste of money to promote the electric car agenda
For the most part, these vehicles are leased by the GSA. At the end of the lease, 10 years, or 100,000 miles whichever comes first they go to an auto auction just like any Hertz or Avis vehicle. GSA controls 200,000
non-combat vehicles which will be affected.
On average there are 20,000 replaced every year.
What Happens to Used GSA Fleet Vehicles, and How Can I Buy One? — Dirt Legal
no need to panic, GSA has it covered
Then military vehicles will be replaced on a preexisting schedule, just as before, with new fuel and cost saving electric vehicles...
Not in the Army, it’s more like 1,000 a year. Current Army policy is to replace NTV’s with electric, or hybrid when electric isn’t commercially available and gas NTV by exception. The Army goal since 2021 has been to have an E NTV and or hybrid fleet my 2035.
The current Army schedule is 2035 with a mix of electric and hybrid NTVs.
Yep, in a time when many are crowing for cuts in the military, they don’t understand they are now asking for an increase with this timeline policy.
The Army priorities in the 2025 Budget Request in development are:
Modernization will be a bill payer for shortfalls in the first two priorities.
Funny how military retirement is not even on the list.
The gop's proposed budget cuts half a trillion dollars from Veteran's Services!
Granholm opposes the gop on this BTW.
I'm retired military so I din't need to use the VA health care system except if I choose to. My health care benefits falls under the DoD's TriCare For Life.
And the GSA leases include every federal agency.
Should I list the one's that aren't US Army.
Not splitting hairs but the GSA actually sells 30,000 vehicles a year...
Vehicle Purchasing | GSA
Wise choice.
How many are DoD or Army?
first column was owned, second leased, 3rd commercial lease. then totals.
Federal Fleet Report (FFR) Open Data Set Library | GSA
I don’t see any numbers.
I'm guessing that falls under "pay and benefits"
follow the link to the fiscal year 2021 spreadsheet.
Not yet. The technology just isnt there.
More R&D is what is needed.
It seems that the comments are mostly directed towards climate and concern of the ability of the EV.
The climate aspect is only one of the benefits of an EV or hybrid military. The US Military is the largest institutional user of fuel on the planet, 4.2 billion gallons a year. With the face of war changing in a big way (Ukraine) long logistic lines are a huge danger to military operations and can and will make the US more vulnerable to enemy attack. China has said it will target our supply and logistics in any war with the US. The Marines' new Expeditionary advanced base operation will make them vulnerable to logistics interruption (fuel) and the ability to have less of a dependence on fuel supplies will make them much less vulnerable to enemy attack and more lethal. As we are seeing in Ukraine heavy armor is not a thing of the past, it is now and the future which makes fuel one of the main concerns of heavy armor divisions. A full US Army tank division with support vehicles can use up to 500,000 gallons of fuel a day which requires extensive logistics including tanker trucks that are especially vulnerable to enemy attack. (remember the Russian infamous 40 mile long convoy outside of Kyiv).
If you want to be reminded of how important logistics/fuel are to an army research the ''Red Ball Express'' of WWII or Germany's drive to the sea at the Battle of the Bulge when their armor ran out of fuel.
The new Abrams X MBT has a hybrid engine diesel/elec engine that uses half the fuel of the current Abrams MBT and even more encouraging it can run on silent mode and reduces the heat signature it sends out so it is much harder to detect.
Currently, there are a number of defense companies working on developing tactical vehicles both EV and hybrid for the military, it will be the new face of war.