
A Woman Stood Blindfolded In A Bikini To Promote Self Love


Category:  Other

Via:  lets-get-lost  •  9 years ago  •  5 comments

A Woman Stood Blindfolded In A Bikini To Promote Self Love

A Woman Stood In Public Blindfolded In A Bikini To Promote Self-Love

We cant truly love one another until we fully love ourselves.

Inspired by a project by The Liberators International in Australia, Amy Pence-Brown decided to go out of her own comfort zone and bring self-love to the States in a viral video.

She wrote on her blog, How would it be received if the woman had been less socially acceptable in appearance, like, fat? And, say, a mom whos nearly 40-years-old?

Amy started the Boise Rad Fat Collective , a group of socially engaged Idahoans of all shapes and sizes who are fed up with mainstream media and society telling us what a valuable body should do\be\act\look like, she wrote on her blog .

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Soon the group got so big, it became public, and anyone was invited to join. She said on her blog, Were a positive bunch who share lots of news on cutting-edge literature and scientific studies and fun films and personal stories.

So, in an effort to spread self-love, Amy walked out to a market in Boise, Idaho, took off her clothes, blindfolded herself, and asked strangers to draw hearts on her body.

Her sign read, Im standing for anyone who has struggled with a self-esteem issue like me, because all bodies are valuable. To support self-acceptance, draw a <3 on my body.

After just a few moments, people began to stop and participate in this experiment.

Although it might not appear that way, she was extremely nervous. She wrote, I was scared that I might get asked to leave by the police or that people would yell terrible things at me or that no one would draw a heart on my body and Id stand there alone and crying for minutes that felt like hours. Well, none of that came true. Except for the crying part.

People wrote incredibly kind words and added their fair share of hearts.

Some of the compliments included Badass, Love, Strong, Thank You, You are beautiful, and Stand strong.

She told BuzzFeed the reaction from the video has been an overwhelmingly positive one! So many people believe that all bodies are good bodies.

It didnt stop there. Women and men even gave her hugs and kisses on the cheek, thanking her for her fearlessness and strength.

She wrote, You will also see other things in these photos the sweat running down my rolls of back fat, cellulite (on strong legs that have carried me for four decades), a wonky bikini top with sagging breasts (that nourished three babies), stretch marks (that represent my transition from a chubby adolescent to a curvy teenager to a woman whos been pregnant four times), and darkly tanned skin (from a summer spent at the Boise Public Pools with my friends and my children).


In the end, she was covered in love, as well as blown away by the overwhelming amount of positivity she got from total strangers. She told BuzzFeed, I made peace with my body long ago, and I want to help other people get to that place.

In the end, she was covered in love, as well as blown away by the overwhelming amount of positivity she got from total strangers. She told BuzzFeed, "I made peace with my body long ago, and I want to help other people get to that place."

She wrote, We cant truly love one another until we fully love ourselves. And once we do, I guarantee, that together we can move mountains.

You can read her whole story and see the video in its entirety here .


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell    9 years ago

I don't know what this means , but I do know that without social media it wouldn't mean anything.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell    9 years ago

I think most people who are overweight know in their hearts that it is not a good thing. Maybe they have struggled and failed to lose weight, maybe they are apathetic, but most know.

I don't know that it is a good thing to promote the idea , in public, that any weight you have is 'acceptable'. Not to others, but to you.

I am not saying overweight people should ever be 'shamed' by others, especially strangers, but I don't think they should be publicly 'validated' like this either. This woman's legs appear to be huge. It cannot be healthy.


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