
The Code of Conduct Cotillion – a Reflection of Society and Government


Category:  Other

Via:  robert-in-ohio  •  10 years ago  •  23 comments

The Code of Conduct Cotillion – a Reflection of Society and Government

As I watched the annual Code of Conduct article unfold like a season of Americas Got Talent, where in the preliminary rounds a lot of wannabe pundits are trying to pass themselves off as experts in a field, knowing and not really caring that the majority (if not all) are about to make total fools of themselves while accomplishing very little. My initial reaction was to stay away growing up I had been taught no to touch the hot stove, to let the crazy neighbors along and not play in the street in heavy traffic. But alas, just as I often ignored those admonitions and warnings, from people older and wiser than me, growing up and touched the stove, ran afoul of the crazy neighbors and risked my life crossing busy streets mid-block, I could not just not comment.

And that is when the crazy started, but it was also the beginning of my epiphany, my awakening to the fact that News Talkers is merely a clear reflection of other things that occur regularly in our lives. Unfortunately, the former (the crazy) clearly outweighed and for a time obliterated the latter (epiphany and discovery of knowledge) as like so many other articles deserving serious and focused discussion this one took a fast, long and winding trip down the road of recalcitrance to the intersection of Im Right and Youre Wrong. In the interest of full disclosure, though I began the metaphoric trip contributing in a serious manner, providing ideas that I actually think would improve News Talkers, once the cyber bedlam began, and even as I fought the visions of the hot stove, the crazy neighbor and the busy street, I reverted to adolescent mode and contributed to the insanity.

I could say that I am sorry, and I should be, for being part of the problem rather than the solution in the discussion of a serious issue that could, though it is unlikely, improve the News Talker experience for all of us. I could say that, but I could not say that frustration and aggravation will not overwhelm my good sense again in the future. It could happen again.

After a discussion of the cyber conflagration with a trusted colleague (though he might characterize it as after I ranted for awhile), I shut down and watched some sports on TV, though I would have much rather been in the forum participating in discussing the events of the day. I was not happy about the change in routine, but it seemed prudent to not simply prolong the cyber argument or to participate in a process that I see as fruitless. After long careers in the military and as a HR Manager/Director, I am an advocate of uniformity, rules and processes, that when followed lead to predictable and positive outcomes. I accept change, both the need for it and its inevitability but even in change there should be order in my view of the world. I will discuss the future more at the end of the article, but first back to the Code of Conduct Cotillion and its reflection of life, society and government in the present day United States.

As I watched the article and the discussion of the need for changes to the Code of Conduct or the clear proclamations that either no changes were needed or that there were already too many rules and regulations on News Talkers, visions of other aspects of everyday life danced through my head as clear reflections of what we were doing. A lot of talking and dancing around, with little hope for or real desire for any significant changes to the status quo on News Talkers. I checked the article the next morning and there are 26+ pages of comments and it has spawned a number of related articles, which would suggest that great ideas have been presented and that big improvements are on the horizon for all of us. I think not, we have danced around the problems (or non problems depending on your view), we have made a lot of noise, exchanged a few insults and once the dust settles a few cosmetic word changes will occur but nothing will really change.

I mentioned that this Code of Conduct Cotillion was a reflection of everyday life, didnt I? How exactly is that true? Well lets look at some annual events that provide a lot of talk, a lot of dancing around issues, jockeying for the moral high ground and little in the way of results. I have two examples that came to mind immediately, one a more personal and individual experience for many of us and the other a very public, important and ineffective example that we in the U.S. observe each year.

The personal and individual example is the New Years resolution, which a by and large a lot of talk and very little action and even less tangible results. As the holiday season progresses and we over-indulge in this or that and reflect on the things that we should have done in the past year, New Years resolutions abound and we pompously proclaim the changes we will make, the places we will go and the things that we will do. But alas, when the next holiday season approaches, little has changed and we begin the talking and dancing anew.

The public example is much more clearly related and similar to the Code of Conduct Cotillion currently underway here on News Talkers. I am speaking, of course, of the annual Potomac Shuffle regarding a wide range of temporary tax deductions, which have been renewed annually for as many years as I can remember. There was a lot of posturing (dancing) during the midterms and now on the chamber floors and much singing and shouting about why one side is right and one side is wrong, but in the end in order to once again avoid real tax code reform, the temporary tax deductions will be renewed for a year or even two years depending on which one we are addressing.

The Potomac Two Step is a dance that politicians on both sides of the aisle have become quite adept at and fans of in recent decades as the hard decisions and the difficult choices on many issues are kicked down the road for our children and grandchildren to deal with at a later date. And ultimately, the powers that be here on News Talkers will do the same thing with the Code of Conduct, cosmetic changes may be made, perhaps even a change which will be viewed as significant by some, but in the end the day to day way things are done on News Talkers will not change. We will not accomplish real code reform in pursuit of civil debate any more than the federal government will accomplish real tax code reform in pursuit of a fairer and simpler tax code.

The moral of the story all talk and no action accomplishes nothing and we can do better on News Talkers by simply treating everyone with respect whether we agree with them or not, discussing the issues and not other members.

Perspectives on this conclusion from everyone are solicited and appreciated.


jrDiscussion - desc
Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I am going to trust that the my fellow members are able to engage in civil debate about this subject (or any other hopefully), but with all the recent chatter about red box rules, I thought about it and if that is the path we take, my article red box rules would be

"Red Box Rules Robert in Ohio"

  1. Absolutely no personal attacks or comments disparaging the author or other members commenting on the article will be allowed. There will be no warning, shot comments of this type will be deleted.
  2. Off topic comments and strawman argumentssnark will not be tolerated. You will receive 1 warning on this type of comment and then subsequent comments of this type will be deleted without warning.

I wrote this article to illustrate that much of what many of us complain about going on in Washington, disrespect, politics and ideology before practicality, and aggressive language instead of civil, meaningful debate is exactly what many engage in here on News Talkers.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

RIO, I think aggravation and frustration take us all over on a regular basis. You are not unique in that, just in your ability to recognize it.

I think all of us want to make NT better-- except for those who will fight to the death for their right to be nasty. Glad I don't have deal with them at home. I can only imagine cooking one of my occasional messes, and being blasted into oblivion about it.

The moral of the story all talk and no action accomplishes nothing and we can better on News Talkers by simply treating everyone with respect whether we agree with them or not, discussing the issues and not other members.

I think treating others with respect and civility is the basis for true communication. To do otherwise accomplishes nothing. I think for the site to make any changes is not only going to require the cooperation of its members, but also the wholehearted acceptance of the change by the mods, themselves, who have to deal with it all. Our mods do a great job-- some conversations are so rotten to the core, one wonders where to start...

Take care and have a wonderful day! Smile.gif

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Your feedback and perspective are always enlightening and informative and I appreciate them always.

Additionally, your no-nonsense, practical view of life and people is always a help in looking at the big picture

Thank you

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


You see your comment is part of the problem on NT, it is not in the least about the topic but rather about your perception of another member

Under "red box" rules it would be deleted

I don't suppose you have a comment about the topic....

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

I think that animosity towards others is a big contributing factor to the lack of civility. I'm not saying who is "right" and who is "wrong", but we should all take a deep breath... If we can't control the animosity, then step back until we can...

This is why I suggested deleting the HD group. The animosity generated there definitely bleeds over onto the front page. I understand that the group is wanted by many-- but perhaps there should be limits there, too.

Thanks, as always, for your friendship!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


I agree with you that the HD Group simply encourages bad behavior and implies that the bad behavior is desired on News Talkers.

It is not desired by everyone

Your friendship, feedback and guidance (even when you don't know you are giving it) is appreciated

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I am sorry to hear that, perhaps a short nap will make you feel better

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

I feel the same about you!


Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

Off topic, but, do y'all have snow up there, Robert?

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Not today, which is a good reason for a rosy outlook on life, when you live on Lake Erie and it is December and the reason I decided to tackle the issue of the Code of Conduct today

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

I was just curious. It's cold and gray here-- Thanks!

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    10 years ago

In Cyberspace as in Life, so much in the way of non-productive and wasted time as well as bad feelings, could be avoided if the only rule was the "Golden Rule" and people took it seriously.

But, rules and laws are concocted because it is not the nature of humanity as a whole to honor them based solely on the motivational force of empathy. So, we concoct them oxymoronically because the reason we require them is the fact that so many among us won't follow them.

Indeed, the Chevy Corvairs of humanity walk among us, piss on the floor, defecate where they eat and give us the angst we need to reconcile the bad by coming to realize that "NO CONCEPT EXISTS WITHOUT ITS OPPOSITE."

And though anatomically speaking, buttocks have it by 2:1 over anuses, can there be any serious doubt that there are way more assholes in the world than butt cheeks?

My two cents.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Thanks for the perspective

As to memes or other materials post what you think appropriate

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Well we can't have you straining if you really want to read the article

So voila, the letters are bigger just for you

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I am told that asking that discussions not include politics, as I used it as a comparison in my article out the Code of Conduct and general behavior on NT is unreasonable so everyone should feel free to disregard my suggested course of discussion and proceed ...

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


You are absolutely correct

The article is about politics and not the code of conduct or decorum on the site

I did not should not try to focus the discussion on that topic, but on anything mentioned in the article or anything that anyone wants to talk about

I accept that and surrender to the powers that be

Let the games begin, no further moderation will be required as I am sure that all comments will be okay with me

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

A Mac

More like a dollar's worth but appreciated


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    10 years ago

You may keep the change.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


You are obviously correct, I must remember to include a prohibition on questions about the weather and more importantly not answer them in the future.

My bad!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Thank you

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

I got your point, I complied

That is what following the rules is

I screwed up, I admitted it and I moved on, you should try itt

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    10 years ago

The "Red box rules" is going to have a learning process. You might have made a error on this article, but it doesn't ruin the learning process. You did fine.... If you like, you can send me a new group of rules and I will post them, since I think that your article is worthy of discussion and I don't want to see it go down the rabbit hole.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

The article and my purpose for writing it, a conversation about decorum and civility on News Talkers, was obviously a mistake on my part and I apologize for creating this mess

I am closing the article to comments

I apologize again and thank those that commented


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