
Award-Winning Teacher Suspended for Disagreeing With Transgenderism


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  last year  •  138 comments

By:   Principal Kristine Tonoli (The Daily Signal)

Award-Winning Teacher Suspended for Disagreeing With Transgenderism
Veteran teacher Ray Shelton was accused of being a "Nazi" and using "hate speech" for speaking out against transgenderism by GUSD staff.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—A gay fifth grade teacher in Glendale, California, was placed on leave after complaining at a school board meeting that his school promotes transgenderism.

Ray Shelton, a 25-year veteran teacher, spoke at a recent meeting of the school board for the Glendale Unified School District wearing a T-shirt that read "Make Biology Great Again."

Shelton, who teaches at Mark Keppel Elementary School, has been named the Glendale school district's "Teacher of the Year" twice and earlier this year won the PTA's Golden Oak Award.

In an exclusive interview, Shelton, who is gay, told The Daily Signal that his intent in speaking at the Glendale school board's April 18 meeting was to speak what he called "basic, commonsense truths."

Shelton told the board:

Two plus two equals four. The world is not flat. Boys have penises; girls have vaginas. Gender is binary and cannot be changed. Biology is not bigotry. Heterosexuality is not hate. Gender confusion and gender delusion are deep psychological disorders. No caring professional or loving parent would ever support the chemical poisoning or surgical mutilation of a child's genitalia.

Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human. It wants to take away women's sports, women's rights, women's achievements—it is misogyny writ large.

And I can also say this as a gay man, the gay people …

At this point, someone muted Shelton's microphone and a board member informed the teacher that his time was up.

Applause broke out from the audience.

Glendale, a city located in the San Fernando Valley, is part of Los Angeles County. Its school system has 32 schools and 25,000 students, according to the district's website.

A fellow teacher, Alicia Harris, filed a formal complaint against Shelton at 12:36 p.m. April 19, claiming that he was "showing off a swastika" during the school board meeting.

Shelton says during the board meeting he held up four "Progress Pride" flags arranged in a pattern to form a swastika. This, however, is a familiar meme on social media meant to criticize progressives by arguing that authoritarian measures to compel speech are fascist:

Shelton also alleges that Hagop Eulmessekian, Glendale's director of student support services, assaulted him by ripping several "gay pride flags" out of his hand.

This incident is referenced in Harris' complaint against Shelton to Kyle Bruich, the Glendale district's human resources director, for holding up what she called a swastika at the April 18 school board meeting:

In a comment on social media praising a different speaker at the board meeting, teacher Taline Arsenian claimed that Shelton proved he is a Nazi by holding a banner mocking transgender activists as fascists:

The next day, April 19, Shelton was visited in his classroom at 8 a.m. by Principal Kristine Tonoli and a Glendale district administrator.

Shelton told The Daily Signal that he was given a letter informing him that he was being placed on paid leave pending investigation after "several complaints" were lodged against him.

But, the teacher said, all of the complaints provided to him by the Glendale district were made after he had been put on leave, not before, suggesting either that Glendale didn't provide Shelton with earlier complaints or that Tonoli lied to Shelton. All of the emailed complaints provided to The Daily Signal originally were sent after the meeting at 8 a.m. April 19, according to time stamps.

After that classroom meeting April 19, Shelton was escorted to the edge of school property and told not to return unless accompanied by someone from the Human Resources Office.

When most public school districts place a teacher on leave, questions from students, parents, the community, and media typically are deflected with a response along these lines: "This teacher has been placed on leave pending an investigation; for the privacy of all parties, this is all we can say at this time."

The Glendale district's administration took a slightly different approach.

On April 20, Tonoli sent out an official email, via the district's communication program Parent Square, accusing Shelton of "hate speech and hate symbols."

Although initially claiming that she couldn't divulge information in a "personnel matter," the Keppel Elementary principal then tells parents and teachers that she was "saddened by our employee's actions and assure you they do not represent the values of our Keppel and our Glendale Unified community."

Tonoli, acting as a district representative, may have defamed Shelton and unwittingly admitted that the teacher's suspension was both retaliatory and political—which would violate both California state law and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Shelton elaborated in a formal complaint against his principal, writing: "All of this before an investigation had even begun, as [Glendale administrators] confirmed at our April 25 meeting. How am I to get a fair hearing with Kristine Tonoli spreading slanderous lies about me?"

Shelton told The Daily Signal that he had received several death threats since these events, and has reported them to police.

Some parents recently criticized the Glendale Unified School District for promoting LGBTQ+ events in elementary schools, prompting dozens of parents to keep their children home from school.

Several emails obtained by The Daily Signal from Glendale administrators encourage staff to teach students that every person is naturally "queer" and "socialist."

Parents also have alleged that the school district allows boys who claim to be transgender to share locker rooms with girls.

Karen Nelson, a Glendale High School parent, told The Daily Signal:

The school principal literally lied to me and told me there was no girl in the boys' locker room with my son. My son spent almost an entire year disrobing with a girl in his locker room and he feels lied to and violated. Why do they bend over backward for gender dysphoric kids and completely ignore the basic rights of the rest of the kids?

Shelton is represented by attorney David Pivtorak, who argues that Glendale's actions toward the fifth grade teacher were retaliatory and unconstitutional. His firm has demanded that Glendale rescind "any and all disciplinary action taken against Mr. Shelton and allow him to return to the classroom," and issue a public apology.

Pivtorak's Demand to Glendale Unified School DistrictDownload

A meeting of the Glendale school board scheduled for Wednesday night at 8 p.m. EDT received considerable attention after, as The Daily Signal reported, the radical extremist group Antifa and a Democrat congressional candidate urged so-called progressives to flood the meeting.

The reason? Concerned parents, labeled by Antifa as "hate groups," expressed opposition to "Pride Day" events being held last Friday at an elementary school.

In emails, The Daily Signal asked Tonoli, Brown, and the Glendale school district to confirm or deny Shelton's allegations and Harris' email.

Glendale's communications director, Kristine Nam, responded with an email Tuesday saying: "I will take a look and respond when I get a chance. Please be aware that we have a board meeting tonight so responses may be delayed until tomorrow."


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    last year

The left has taken on science.

Ray Shelton teaches the truth: there are only two genders.

Professor Quiet
1.1  cjcold  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    last year
The left has taken on science.

This tall tale doesn't even come close to passing my truth test. It stinks like lies. 

Have never believed anything to ever come out of the Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation is a propaganda mill of the worst sort.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @1.1    last year

... and it needs to be at the same degree of decomposition as it's founder.

Professor Principal
1.1.2  Texan1211  replied to  cjcold @1.1    last year

just because you choose not to believe it has no bearing on reality.

Professor Quiet
1.1.3  cjcold  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.2    last year

All of those years denying AGW made me deny Heritage/Heartland.

Far right wing "think" tanks that promote lies should be illegal.

Professor Principal
1.1.4  Texan1211  replied to  cjcold @1.1.3    last year

I bet a few second internet search would give you different sources for the same story.

Professor Quiet
1.1.5  cjcold  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.4    last year


Professor Quiet
1.1.6  cjcold  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.4    last year

Have never relied on the internet for reality or truth.

Professor Principal
1.1.7  Texan1211  replied to  cjcold @1.1.6    last year

or research apparently.

Professor Principal
1.2  CB  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    last year

So. . . can we assume you support a homosexual lifestyle now? Or, is this the bias of trashing the science of giving boys vaginas and breasts and girls makeshift penises and breast removals?

Secondly, have you ever considered that one reason MEDICAL BOARDS AND OTHER AFFIRMATIVE PROFESSIONALS want to make these 'essential' changes in younger people is to avoid the difficulties that come in doing so later in life?

Of course, it is highly probably likely conservatives have not or don't care!

Anyway, nice selective choice of finding a 'queen' who agrees with you (at least for the moment) to point out of the crowd.

As for me, I don't profess to understand what goes into transgenderism as a whole, but I know that it is not-never as simple as heterosexuals try to make it out to be.

And if the subject matter is somewhat out of my league, it damn sure is out the league of what heterosexual men should be whining about deciding. . . and judging. In my opinion.

Professor Quiet
1.2.1  arkpdx  replied to  CB @1.2    last year
science of giving boys vaginas and breasts and girls makeshift penises and breast removals?

That is not in any way shape or form science or science related. It is mutilation pure and simple. 

have you ever considered that one reason MEDICAL BOARDS AND OTHER AFFIRMATIVE PROFESSIONALS want to make these 'essential' changes in younger people is to avoid the difficulties that come in doing so later in life?

Two things. 

First these are NOT essential changes. 

Second it is not up to the to make that decision. 

Professor Quiet
1.2.2  arkpdx  replied to  CB @1.2    last year
science of giving boys vaginas and breasts and girls makeshift penises and breast removals?

That is not in any way shape or form science or science related. It is mutilation pure and simple. 

have you ever considered that one reason MEDICAL BOARDS AND OTHER AFFIRMATIVE PROFESSIONALS want to make these 'essential' changes in younger people is to avoid the difficulties that come in doing so later in life?

Two things. 

First these are NOT essential changes. 

Second it is not up to the to make that decision. 

Professor Principal
1.2.3  CB  replied to  arkpdx @1.2.1    last year

Clearly, you have never been homosexual. Because I can tell conservatives don't know a damn thing about what they are trying to meddle. It is not a small 'feat' to wonder about and to wish to follow through and then to take action to follow through to removal once birth organs (no surgery is without pain and even opportunity for complication.) It is unreasonable and foolish for someone to make ignorant or 'light' of the serious, life-long, changes for which we are discussing!

You might like for people to be miserable all their damn lives; why is beyond me. But, you know what? I am glad you are happy with the 'cut' of your gown/pants! Somebody ought to be happy in this world. And oh look - you've got a world full of choices. . . all wanting to make your every whim pleasant for its duration.

Sad, when conservatives can not wish other innocent and decent citizens similar joy and well-being.

As for medical science and the future its about to demonstrate to the naked eyes. . . some conservatives might be glad they won't be around due to the failings of old age!

Professor Quiet
1.2.4  arkpdx  replied to  CB @1.2.3    last year
Clearly, you have never been homosexual.

That is the absolute truth, I haven't and I give thanks to God each day for that. I also have never been manic depressive, OCD, schitsophrenic or a pedophile or any other mental illness. 

Professor Principal
1.2.5  Texan1211  replied to  CB @1.2.3    last year

why do you think children are capable of making life-changing decions about what gender they think they should be?

Professor Principal
1.2.6  CB  replied to  arkpdx @1.2.4    last year

You give thanks to God? Remarkable. Now you sound like the pharisees who come to pray and thank God that they are not like "those" others. But, guess what—God has declared it is you who will ultimately be humbled. Watch and see what science does and continues to do about it.

Professor Principal
1.2.7  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.5    last year

Where do you see children alone doing so? Please provide evidence. That is my answer to your questionable-question.

Professor Principal
1.2.8  Texan1211  replied to  CB @1.2.7    last year


Professor Principal
1.2.9  Texan1211  replied to  CB @1.2    last year

why would heterosexuals need to support a homosexual lifestyle?

Professor Principal
1.2.10  Texan1211  replied to  CB @1.2.7    last year

so you will not answer a question.

Professor Principal
1.2.11  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.10    last year
Plaintiff Parents ’ testimony at trial confirmed that they have made the decision to get gender-affirming care for their children after discussions with and observations of their child, thorough research , counseling , and consultation with a doctor . They are acting in the best interest of their children. Act 626 would take away these parents’ fundamental right to provide healthcare for their children and give that right to the Arkansas Legislature.

See 3.3.47 .  Read well. Children are not deciding this matter-alone. Never have done so and likely never will. It is a sick attempt by some conservatives to control the narrative by overlaying a meaningless 'straw-man' argument on it.

Dylan Brandt, 17, testified in October that the hormone therapy he has received has transformed his life and that the ban would force him to leave the state.

“I’m so grateful the judge heard my experience of how this healthcare has changed my life for the better and saw the dangerous impact this law could have on my life and that of countless other transgender people,” Brandt said in a statement released by the ACLU. “My mom and I wanted to fight this law not just to protect my healthcare, but also to ensure that transgender people like me can safely and fully live our truths.”

Professor Principal
1.2.12  Texan1211  replied to  CB @1.2.11    last year

Then you should have ZERO problems with me calling for parents to retain their rights and for politicians and others to stop pushing rules and laws stripping parents of their rights.

Glad we can agree on that, at least.

Professor Quiet
1.3  bbl-1  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    last year

(two genders)  Your statement is true.  Except you're not considering--There are far more than two-feelings.

even voted you up

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2  Jeremy Retired in NC    last year
he is a Nazi 

It's almost laughable that anybody who opposes the progressive agenda / narrative are either nazi's or racists.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2    last year

Don't forget fascists..................gotta include all the buzzwords

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @2.1    last year

And the sad thing is, they couldn't give you a definition of ANY of them.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2    last year

Remember: he was let go for expressing his views at a school board meeting, which is his 1st Amendment right!

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.2.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2    last year

And they call the teacher a Nazi and fascist.

Professor Quiet
2.2.2  arkpdx  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2    last year

Progressives and liberals don't give a damn about the First Amendment or any other part of the Constitution unless it suits their purposes and supports their warped views. 

Professor Principal
2.2.3  CB  replied to  arkpdx @2.2.2    last year

What part of the 'freedom of expression' and constitution do you utilize different from liberals? Please elaborate. . . .  I'm curious. I would like to know where the distinct lines in the constitution are designated: Conservative and Liberal.

Professor Principal
2.2.4  Texan1211  replied to  CB @2.2.3    last year

did you notice that it is liberals shutting down speech they don't like?

Professor Principal
2.2.5  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.4    last year

Did you notice that MAGA GOP is running red 'nanny states'? Not quite beacons of liberty for all is evident!

Liberals are tired of conservative BS culture wars as they should be, it's our life-times and generations that are being wasted on conservative political disputations and politicking.

Professor Participates
2.2.6  bugsy  replied to  CB @2.2.5    last year

Nice parotting of democrat talking points.

Professor Principal
2.2.7  Texan1211  replied to  CB @2.2.5    last year

I do take note of some liberals who critique red states and don't have a clue

Professor Participates
2.2.8  bugsy  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.7    last year

My favorite is when some liberals say they stay clear of southern red states but have never been to any of them outside the blue bubble to consider other options.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    last year

"Gender confusion and gender delusion are deep psychological disorders. No caring professional or loving parent would ever support the chemical poisoning or surgical mutilation of a child's genitalia. Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human. It wants to take away women's sports, women's rights, women's achievements—it is misogyny writ large.   And I can also say this as a gay man…"

Progressive morons continue to fall upon their swords by promoting an ideology that is anti-science, anti-biology, and anti-reality 

He should sue for defamation and discrimination.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  Greg Jones @3    last year

I loved listening to that.

Truth to power!

Professor Guide
3.2  evilone  replied to  Greg Jones @3    last year
Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human.

Another idiot with an opinion.

Progressive morons continue to fall upon their swords by promoting an ideology that is anti-science...

Whether one agrees with what parents do, or do not do, that's statement that proves you've already disregarded the actual science of gender ideology. How about we leave parents to parent their own children and leave them the fuck alone? You don't have to like it, but they aren't. your. children. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.2.1  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  evilone @3.2    last year
Another idiot with an opinion.

Is that what you call a gay man?

Whether one agrees with what parents do, or do not do, that's statement that proves you've already disregarded the actual science of gender ideology. 

Yes, let us go by science.

How about we leave parents to parent their own children and leave them the fuck alone?

Welcome aboard!

Professor Guide
3.2.2  evilone  replied to  Vic Eldred @3.2.1    last year
Is that what you call a gay man?

Are you trying to tell me a gay man can't be an idiot? What does a gay guy know about gender identity? Gay is sexual identity, NOT a gender identity. I don't know if you even understand that much. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.2.3  Greg Jones  replied to  evilone @3.2    last year

Are you some kind of expert on gender identity?

If so, show us the science that supports your ideology. I totally agree that the government including schools should respect parents and quit usurping their rights and stop indoctrinating children with false and unscientifically supported bullshit.

Professor Principal
3.2.4  Texan1211  replied to  evilone @3.2    last year
How about we leave parents to parent their own children and leave them the fuck alone?

Love to, but I think you'll have a tough time convincing liberal teachers, lawyers, and lawmakers to cease making rules taking parental rights away.

Professor Guide
3.2.5  evilone  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.3    last year
Are you some kind of expert on gender identity?

Did I claim to be?

Professor Guide
3.2.6  evilone  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.4    last year
I think you'll have a tough time convincing liberal teachers,

Just the liberal teachers? No way conservative teachers would ever think of influencing students..

Professor Principal
3.2.7  Texan1211  replied to  evilone @3.2.6    last year
Just the liberal teachers?

You do let me know when conservative teachers start pushing for females in males' locker rooms, rest rooms, or sports, mmmkay?

Professor Quiet
3.2.8  arkpdx  replied to  evilone @3.2    last year
Another idiot with an opinion.

I don't know of anyone judging you by your opinion. 

Professor Principal
3.2.9  devangelical  replied to  evilone @3.2.6    last year
No way conservative teachers would ever think of influencing students.

a lot of schools have discontinued their physical education classes.

Professor Guide
3.2.10  evilone  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.7    last year
You do let me know when conservative teachers start pushing for females in males' locker rooms, rest rooms, or sports, mmmkay?

You'll need to point out where liberal teachers are pushing for females (not trans males) to go into the male locker rooms or rest rooms or sports first.

Perhaps it would be better in the long run to teach people that everyone poops and sweats, boob and penises aren't a big deal and to respect personal boundaries. We all seem a little too triggered at sex, sexual identity, genders and gender identity. Nope... that will never work in this repressed over sexualized society... for fuck sake ketchup has to be marketed as sexy to sell.

Professor Principal
3.2.11  Texan1211  replied to  evilone @3.2.10    last year

or maybe just a return to sanity is called for.

If one has a penis, he is a male and should use the facilities designated for males.

If one has a vagina, she is a female and should use facilities designated for females.

I really don't understand why after all these years people can't understand that.

Personally, I hate that we have devolved to the point of having to point out the freaking obvious to folks who should know better.

Professor Guide
3.2.12  evilone  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.11    last year
If one has a penis, he is a male and should use the facilities designated for males.

If one has a vagina, she is a female and should use facilities designated for females.

I really don't understand why after all these years people can't understand that.

This person once had a vagina and used the facilities designated for females.


and now has a penis and uses the facilities designated for males. 


"SHE" is now a "HE" and he is happier about his life.

While you and I may not understand the whole internal struggle that comes with such decisions, there's no need to freak out about it and legislate laws against it. Considering you, or I, have never had to deal with a child experiencing such complex issues I think its best left to qualified professionals. Yes the liberals can go overboard sometimes trying to be too accommodating, but the conservatives are just being cruel. It makes, what I would think must be a heartbreaking decisions, all that much more difficult. 

Professor Quiet
3.2.13  arkpdx  replied to  evilone @3.2.12    last year

No she does not have a penis. Even if she went through with bottom surgery what is made is NOT a penis nor doesit function as one. 

Professor Quiet
3.2.14  Jack_TX  replied to  evilone @3.2    last year
How about we leave parents to parent their own children and leave them the fuck alone? You don't have to like it, but they aren't. your. children. 

They aren't my children when they're being molested, either.  Should we just leave those parents alone?

What about when their parents beat them up?  Or leave them alone when they're too young?  Or traffic them?  Or give them cigarettes?  Or meth?  Or any of the other thousand things parents do that fuck up their kids?

I guess you don't see a reason to stop any of that because they aren't. your. children.

Professor Principal
3.2.15  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.13    last year

So is he a "sympathetic" male or not? And do you want him 'hanging out' in the girls/women's restrooms? Because he is going to sleep with someone female no matter how you detest it!


The Gender Unicorn is used to avoid using a male or female body as default. (Photo: Landyn Pan and Anna Moore/Trans Student Educational Resources)

These people exist. They pay taxes. They have the same rights to expression as conservatives to life, liberty, and the pursuit of prosperity.

?u=https%3A%2F%2Fredbankbaptistwomen.files.wordpress.com%2F2018%2F03%2Ftime-out-image.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=4f3fbcb112a8a2e9e9375a08aebd2a21fccb83dd2bbfa5837f9074c7c56144d8&ipo=images on conservatives MESSING AROUND in the lives and well-being of Transpeople who are like them; which they see as 'small' and 'easy-picking on'!

It is 'freakishly' wrong and evil to frustrate fellow citizens of this country joy, love, and serious happiness, simply because some conservatives can't be happy managing their own heterosexual lives without gawking over the neighbor's fences and complaining about what they see there.

Note to conservatives: Build a higher fence and then you don't have to look or participate!

Professor Principal
3.2.16  CB  replied to  CB @3.2.15    last year

And by the way: Who is going to 'verify' the trans-males usage of the Boy's/Men's rooms? Just imagine:


Upon Entry All Males Must Submit To A One-time Visual Inspection of the Proper Means to Utilize This Facilty. 

See Attendant."

Professor Principal
3.2.17  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.13    last year

Here's the good news: 1.  He knows about his penis' workings.  2. He will never have to utilize it on a conservative.  So, what is the problem here?

Professor Quiet
3.2.18  arkpdx  replied to  evilone @3.2    last year
science of gender ideology

There is no such science. 

How about we leave parents to parent their own children and leave them the fuck alone

So you support not letting schools encouraging gender identity without informing and getting the permission of the parents. Schools should not be allowing students to change their names and pronouns or use the bathrooms and locker rooms set aside for anything other than their birth sex. 

Professor Principal
3.2.19  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.18    last year

And, conservatives should not be 'abusing' and 'threatening' their homosexual children with the 'streets' and foster homes or worse! Forgive the schools for trying to provide a sanctuary for the 'affection alienated' immature and adolescent children of this country who have see little chance of hope for who they are inside but are expected to excel (anyway) without it!

Professor Quiet
3.2.20  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.2.19    last year
Forgive the schools for trying to provide a sanctuary for the 'affection alienated' immature and adolescent children of this country who have see little chance of hope for who they are inside

That is not the schools job. 

Professor Principal
3.2.21  Texan1211  replied to  evilone @3.2.10    last year

if the person doesn't have a vagina, they have no business in a girl's restroom or locker room.

If the person doesn't have a penis, they have no business in a boy's restroom or locker room.

Professor Principal
3.2.22  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.20    last year

Then whose job do you imagine it to be, since it damn sure isn't going to be a job for any conservative to aid a homosexual child to wellness or wholeness.

Professor Principal
3.2.23  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.21    last year

You're digressing.  Didn't you get the 'memo/meme' above? They are here; they're queer; and you can't do a damn thing about it but bitch and moan and try to stress them to 'death.'

Professor Quiet
3.2.24  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.2.22    last year

It certainly is not up to the schools. The schools job is to educate the student not to make boys girls and girls boys. 

Professor Quiet
3.2.25  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.2.23    last year
try to stress them to 'death.'

What ever it takes. 

Professor Principal
3.2.26  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.24    last year

So you've got nothing in the affirmative , naysayer? Hatemongers don't get to 'administer' modern schools, as the College Board in Florida is pointing out to DeSantis:


College Board releases framework for AP African Studies course

The College Board released its new framework on Wednesday for its AP African American Studies course, which came under scrutiny after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration blocked parts of the coursework claiming it violated state law and was historically inaccurate.

In its statement regarding Florida's plea to modify AP courses based on new laws about sexual orientation and gender identity, the College Board also mentioned its feud with DeSantis amid its African American studies course. 

"We have learned from our mistakes in the recent rollout of AP African American Studies and know that we must be clear from the outset where we stand," they said. 

The feud started a few months ago after Florida education officials objected to several topics proposed for inclusion in an AP African American studies course in the works. The state said it wouldn't offer the course if topics like "Black queer studies" and the "reparations movement" were included. 

The College Board then released a new framework for the course, but released a statement admitting "regret" for not pushing back earlier.

"We deeply regret not immediately denouncing the Florida Department of Education’s slander, magnified by the DeSantis administration’s subsequent comments, that African American Studies ‘lacks educational value.’ Our failure to raise our voice betrayed Black scholars everywhere and those who have long toiled to build this remarkable field," the statement said.

DeSantis then called out the College Board in a news conference, saying it would "look to re-evaluate" its relationship with the organization.

"This College Board, like, nobody elected them to anything. They’re just kind of there, and they’re providing service. So you can either utilize those services or not. And they’ve provided these AP (Advanced Placement) courses for a long time. But, you know, there are probably some other vendors who may be able to do that job as good, or maybe even a lot better," DeSantis said during a news conference in Naples in February. 

If confrontation and raw political warfare is all that some conservatives can understand, then it looks like the time has come to raise it.

Professor Principal
3.2.27  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.2.23    last year

I have never wrote one negative word about homosexuals or lesbians but know enough to realize females don't belong in make restrooms or locker rooms and males don't belong in females restrooms and locker rooms.

Junior Expert
3.2.28  George  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.27    last year

Who thinks female sports is a good place for failed male athletes to boost their pathetic egos? 

Professor Principal
3.2.29  Texan1211  replied to  George @3.2.28    last year


Professor Guide
3.2.30  evilone  replied to  Jack_TX @3.2.14    last year
They aren't my children when they're being molested, either....What about when their parents beat them up? 

Really? This is your argument? Actual physical abuse compared to years of mental counseling and medical monitoring? Next you'll be trying to tell me apples are the same as tigers.

Professor Quiet
3.2.31  arkpdx  replied to  evilone @3.2.30    last year
years of mental counseling and medical monitoring

You must not read much about it. Many if not most or even all say that the mental counseling consisted of little more than one half an hour or so session and never mention medical monitoring at all. 

Professor Quiet
3.2.32  arkpdx  replied to  evilone @3.2.30    last year
Actual physical abuse

I would say that having your child be actually mutilated for life is physical abuse. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.2.33  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.31    last year

Lol.  My stepchild went through over a year of counseling before any doctor would prescribe hormones.  [Deleted]

Professor Quiet
3.2.34  Jack_TX  replied to  evilone @3.2.30    last year
Really? This is your argument?

Absolutely.  Your suggestion we shouldn't care what happens to kids just because they're not our own is moronic, and using those comparisons was an effective way to show it.

Actual physical abuse compared to years of mental counseling and medical monitoring?

Hormone therapies?  Reassignment surgeries?

Or even declaring publicly that "my three year old is transgender" and then raising that child with that indoctrination, simply because the parent wants the attention?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2.35  Sean Treacy  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.31    last year

Saw a story the other day of a  13 year old given hormones after meeting a doctor once and is not suing him after unsurprisingly deciding she was not, in fact, a boy.

Professor Quiet
3.2.36  arkpdx  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2.35    last year

I have seen several stories that say essentially the same thing including the ex NAVY SEAL that is now going detransitioning. 

Professor Principal
3.2.37  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.2.36    last year

So what? When have you ever known perfection in anything humanity struggles to achieve? "Several" individuals de-transitioning or reportedly feeling regret are not indicative of a whole. As a social scientists you should know that a world in miniature is not representative of the world universal.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.3  Split Personality  replied to  Greg Jones @3    last year
"Gender confusion and gender delusion are deep psychological disorders. No caring professional or loving parent would ever support the chemical poisoning or surgical mutilation of a child's genitalia. Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human. It wants to take away women's sports, women's rights, women's achievements—it is misogyny writ large.   And I can also say this as a gay man…"

Ironic, because the DSM once promoted that being gay was a "deep psychological disorder".

A self professed gay person should know this.

Sophomore Quiet
3.3.1  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Split Personality @3.3    last year

not all gay people are happy, i guess, but you would think an Award Winning Teacher might be aware of this, and your point , that little "deep psychological disorder" , but i digress, but not soon enuff 4 most....

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.3.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Split Personality @3.3    last year
"Ironic, because the DSM once promoted that being gay was a "deep psychological disorder".

Totally irrelevant comment that has been proven false a long time ago.  Are you saying you know better than a gay man as to what constitutes transgenderism. There is no other way to describe transgenderism other than being a psychological disorder.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.3.3  Split Personality  replied to  Greg Jones @3.3.2    last year
Totally irrelevant comment that has been proven false a long time ago.  

Greg, the internet is at your fingertips....

Setting the Record Straight: Homosexuality and DSM

Thomas Szasz was the first psychiatrist to oppose medicalizing homosexuality.

Posted June 22, 2019

  • Understanding Sexual Orientation

Yesterday, the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) issued a formal apology for its past views on homosexuality as a form of mental illness. This represents the first formal apology on this matter from a national mental health organization in the United States.

Homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder in DSM in one form or another until the publication of DSM-III-R in 1987, chaired by psychiatrist Robert Spitzer, M.D. The diagnosis was first removed by the APA in 1973 under great external pressure, but a condition called "ego-dystonic homosexuality" remained in the manual until 1987. Ego-dystonic homosexuality was defined as having a homosexual orientation that is at odds with one's idealized self-image , or ego. The psychiatrist-psychoanalyst Charles Socarides, M.D., among others, continued to write on the "disease" of homosexuality long after it was removed from DSM. Still today, some clinicians—unethically, and in some cases illegally—practice "conversion therapy," an attempt to change a patient's sexual orientation via psychotherapy or counseling.

Setting the Record Straight: Homosexuality and DSM | Psychology Today

So I was not incorrect.

Are you saying you know better than a gay man as to what constitutes transgenderism.

Actually, yes.

He did not say what constitutes transgenderism, he said the popular thing that they are mentally ill

in his opinion.  Gays can be bigoted too.

There is no other way to describe transgenderism other than being a psychological disorder.

In your opinion.  You simply don't know what you don't know.

Professor Principal
3.3.4  devangelical  replied to  Greg Jones @3.3.2    last year


Professor Quiet
3.3.5  arkpdx  replied to  Split Personality @3.3    last year

And medical doctors used to think that blood letting was a cure all and smoking was an acceptable way to cure asthma. 

Professor Principal
3.3.6  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.5    last year

And this is conservatives not understanding the science that is happening all around them, but fiendishly continuing to see homosexuals and trans-persons, citizens both, as not being human beings and so they reduce us down to a (dumb-downed version of a script) 'talking-point.'

It's pathetically tiresome. Musty. Old. Falling out of fashion. Dead.

Professor Quiet
3.3.7  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.6    last year
And this is conservatives not understanding the science 

There is no actual science involved with homosexuality or transsexualism. When you actually bring up a science that shows them to be wrong, they ignore it

continuing to see homosexuals and trans-persons, citizens both, as not being human beings

Wrong again. I am conservative and I see both trans-persons and homosexuals as citizens and human beings. I just think that they have a mental illness that needs to be treated  not indulged. 

Professor Principal
3.3.8  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.6    last year

have you ever met a conservative you liked?

Professor Principal
3.3.9  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.7    last year
Wrong again. I am conservative and I see both trans-persons and homosexuals as citizens and human beings. I just think that they have a mental illness that needs to be treated  not indulged. 

And now do you want to tell me where you got your training in the social sciences? Because you may need to apply for a refund. /s

Insulting people simply because they can't be - you - is a sad commentary on. . . you.  You should be made to apologize to the room. Because your last sentence is 'tasteless' and demonstrates a lack of sophistication.  I would like to say something other than this, but I simply can't do it.

Professor Principal
3.3.10  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.8    last year

Yes. I have a Muslim best friend and we go on long walks together and we talk about life. He is 'rock-hard' straight and a damn good man and has a really nice wife with whom I am a good friend too! He says leave people along to decide their fates, and not pester them through their existence like a 'pack of wild dogs' badgering prey.

Professor Quiet
3.3.11  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.9    last year
You should be made to apologize to the room

Not going to happen in this lifetime or any other for that matter. First off I am correct and second if you or anyone else is offended I don't care. You have no right to not be offended. 

Professor Quiet
3.3.12  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.9    last year
And now do you want to tell me where you got your training in the social sciences

I have a degree in social science. 

Professor Quiet
3.3.13  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.10    last year
. I have a Muslim best friend 

Three cheers and a whoopee for you! Does that make you some sort of expert on Muslims? My nephew was gay does is that supposed to give me some insight into homosexual lifestyle. According to your thinking I know everything about how liberals feel because I have my meals with a woman who is very liberal and also who I am fairly fond of. 

Professor Principal
3.3.14  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.11    last year

Never say never. Perhaps you've heard that before? And, you are 'fossil-ly' wrong. The time of the conservative thinking you take pride in has pass. It's the walking dead waiting to be knocked off its pedestal.

And the next time you venture out to label homosexuals mentally ill know this; the sad-sack MAGA party that pledges 'unholy' allegiance to a silly little obsessive liar with a DISASTER of a comb-over and 'pull and tuck' is hardly qualified to call anybody else ill!

Every time you make a written 'utterance,' I see Donald Trump. Backwards. Retro. Dying on the political wheel of time from old-age and just overall being around too damn long for any more good to come out of it.  At best, your group can still be a noisy bunch, at worse its a bunch of sorry decrepit hatemongers long overdue for being put out to pasture.

Professor Principal
3.3.15  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.14    last year

if the GOP was even half as bad as you think, no one else would be running, but wait, they ARE!

Professor Principal
3.3.16  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.12    last year

Prove it. And while at that provide me the reference (and era) for which you are formulating your "professional" opinion that homosexuals are mentally ill. Note, I don't need or care for anymore of your private opinion which is of no consequence to an advancing world of science.

Professor Principal
3.3.17  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.13    last year

Your remark is ignorant, plain and simple. 

have you ever met a conservative you liked?

I answered another commenter's question. It's remarkable that when I disregard some conservatives often superfluous or 'filler' questions - they whine and moan about it. Answer it honestly, effectively, and openingly and here is disrespect back talk!  

It's okay to regularly practice some discipline and be quiet sometimes.

What I know is any so-called "sociologist" that still touts and accepts the 1950's version of homosexuals as groomers and mentally ill is not qualified to serve in these newfangled times!

Professor Principal
3.3.18  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.15    last year

Not even sure what that means. Yes! The GOP (MAGA edition) is disastrous and filled with the walking dead.

Professor Principal
3.3.19  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.18    last year

I know you don't.

Professor Participates
3.3.20  bugsy  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.15    last year
if the GOP was even half as bad as you think, no one else would be running, but wait, they ARE!

The funny thing is the GOP has a litany of minorities running, same as the last cycle.


All white and older with the exception of the Williamson woman.

Now...who are the racists?

Professor Quiet
3.3.21  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.16    last year
Prove it

Your making that comment is truly ironic since you have been asked questions or been asked to prove things several times by both myself and others only to hear crickets coming from you. 

Professor Principal
3.3.22  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.21    last year

So. . . you imagine you are me now?

Arkpdx stated: I have a degree in social science. 

It's an assertion, until you can produce evidence. I asked you to provide a time-frame for your training that give you license to come here and insist homosexuals are mentally ill. And your comeback? You can't.

We're back to your stale, tired, old opinion which is dead on arrival (DOA).

Professor Quiet
3.3.23  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.22    last year

I don't need a license to claim someone mentally ill any more than you need (or have) one..so all we have is your old unscientific opinion. 

Professor Principal
3.3.24  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.23    last year

Oh contraire! But you do need a degree, at least one topical reference on the subject of LGBTQ mental illness, and/or a well-written analysis of how you formed your conclusion. Because you can assert you have a social science degree (can't prove it) and then hide behind it as a device giving you license to discount (and insult) an entire class of citizens!

Thus, your latest comment is a feeble attempt to redirect us away from the possibility of you telling this group an outright untruth or its just tired, out of date, 1950's rhetoric being taken out of mothballs for one more go-round.

Arpdpx, go on swing for the fences: Make Your Case for LGBTQ people being mentally ill. You can even use 1950's film stock and propaganda. (We're know what era it comes from if its old-fashioned.)

Professor Principal
3.3.25  CB  replied to  CB @3.3.24    last year

And incidentally, a social scientist relies on data and research to formulate conclusions, is that correct? So, again, where is your data and research on homosexuality today being recognized as a mental illness? Opinions that are more like wishful thinking, won't be sufficient to sustain your bold and repeated assertion!

Else-wise, you might be a social scientist (without proper data and proper research to back up your talking points) with moldy old, stuffy, and outdated materials that are just an overabundance of propaganda.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.3.26  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  CB @3.3.24    last year
Oh contraire! But you do need a degree, at least one topical reference on the subject of LGBTQ mental illness, and/or a well-written analysis of how you formed your conclusion.

2 questions on this:

  1. Are you claiming that, in fact a mental illness?
  2. Are you telling everybody that there is a specific degree needed to diagnose LGBT mental illness?
Professor Quiet
3.3.27  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.24    last year
But you do need a degree, at least one topical reference on the subject of LGBTQ mental illness, and/or a well-written analysis of how you formed your conclusion.

Actually I don't. I am entitled to my opinion regardless of how and why I come to it. If you don't like it , that's too bad. 

BTW I will remind you of this next time you or one of you liberal friends say similar things about Christians or other religious people being I'll or delusional. 

Professor Quiet
3.3.28  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.25    last year
a social scientist relies on data and research to formulate conclusions

You will also find that the social sciences are the least accurate of all the sciences. 

Professor Principal
3.3.29  CB  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.3.26    last year

1. Homosexuality is not a mental illness .  Homosexuals do not exhibit signs of mental disturbance or emotional distresses. Exception: When dealing with some conservatives who stress out everybody who does not follow their impositions/dictates on life, liberty, and prosperity.

2. Nope.  I asked Arkdpx  for proof of an assertion (something stated with confidence without affirmative evidence) s/he made:

3.3.12   arkpdx   replied to  CB @ 3.3.9     3 days ago
And now do you want to tell me where you got your training in the social sciences

I have a degree in social science. 

Arkpdx, was then offered this:

But you do need a degree, at least one topical reference on the subject of LGBTQ mental illness, and/or a well-written analysis of how you formed your conclusion.

The degree is a given according to Arkpdx's assertion (only in need of proving somehow through social media), but I will be okay with a topical reference link to read where Arkpdx is gleaning her/his fact (or factoid). Or, a well-written summary in her/his own words to the validity of the claim: LBBTQ people are mentally disturbed and given over to emotional distresses which hamper their daily lives (outside of the culture war repeat stirrings by some conservatives).

And now I have questions for you:

1. Do you believe same sex attraction and activity is a mental illness?

2. If so, Who TOLD YOU or WHAT DID YOU READ that informs your understanding of homosexuality as a mental illness?

Professor Principal
3.3.30  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.27    last year
I am entitled to my opinion regardless of how and why I come to it. If you don't like it , that's too bad.  BTW I will remind you of this next time you or one of you liberal friends say similar things about Christians or other religious people being I'll or delusional.

Your opinion is antiquated and a 'product' that no longer has a shelf-life. You profess to be a social scientist and yet you go around with 'musty' anachronistic labels and stubbornly refuse to update yourself.

Who should consult with a holder of 'bankrupt' concepts and beliefs?  I'll answer that: No one!

And if that is not clear enough: Your opinion on this topic of homosexuality and mental illness has no value .

U.S. psychoanalysts apologize for labeling homosexuality an illness

Psychiatrists, in a Shift, Declare Homosexuality No Mental Illness

Arkpdx, I have several times now asked you for information on a base-line period that assists in your conclusion that the LGBT community is mentally ill.

It is clear that your professional and private view of homosexuality is one of bias and negativity for the purposes of being or feigning grievance or contempt.

Professor Principal
3.3.31  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.28    last year

So do you intend to defend your claim, with a hodge-podge of accuracies and inaccuracies?

Professor Quiet
3.3.32  arkpdx  replied to  CB @3.3.30    last year

I have asked you multiple times to define what a woman or a man  for that matter is according to science and all I have gotten back was the sound of crickets. When you (and other liberals here) start answering my questions, I will consider answering yours. 

BTW I am not the topic of this seed. 

Professor Principal
3.3.33  CB  replied to  arkpdx @3.3.32    last year

A woman is. . . many things and currently the number ONE producer of human beings through sexual reproduction and in-vitro fertilization. The other activities which define a woman (menses, miscarriages, estrogen, etceteras). Other social, cultural, and traditional conventions and attitudes tied to the land she occupies.

A man is. . .many things including his masculine chromosomes (XY), testosterone, and prostate glands, etceteras. Other social, cultural, and traditional conventions and attitudes tied to the land he occupies.

You VOLUNTEERED your/a degree. I simply asked you to establish it before continuing to insult an entire class of people: You did not do so. But attempted to use opinion as validation for a now known indefensible private (a conservative) worldview you choose to hold on to despite evidence to the contrary.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.3.34  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  CB @3.3.29    last year
1. Homosexuality is not a mental illness .

Contradicts your statement in 3.3.24

2. Nope.  I asked Arkdpx  for proof of an assertion (something stated with confidence without affirmative evidence) s/he made:

Contradicts your statement in 3.3.24.  I didn't ask you about your conversation with anybody.

1. Do you believe same sex attraction and activity is a mental illness?

Reality is, it's none of my business.  Unless you are harming others, impeding in my life or targeting children I could care less.  They're not special or deserve immediate respect because of their attraction.  Just another person walking down the street.

Professor Principal
3.3.35  CB  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.3.34    last year

Your comment offers nothing new or helpful. Basically, you attitude is "stuck in the middle."  And of course, homosexuals are fighting to not be special, but some conservatives see us as a political target every day of the year!

Judge strikes down Arkansas ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors

Ruling states that the prohibition violated due process and equal protection rights of transgender youth and families

Professor Principal
3.3.36  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.35    last year

Amazing you are willing to trust the judgment of a person not deemed mature enough to vote, drink alcohol, or buy cigarettes but trust them to make such a life altering decision at such a young age.

And that is an example of logic or common sense?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
3.3.37  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.36    last year


Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.3.38  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  CB @3.3.35    last year
Your comment offers nothing new or helpful.  Basically, you attitude is "stuck in the middle."

I honestly don't care.  My attitude is - Leave me the fuck alone.  Like I said, unless you are harming others, impeding in my life or targeting children I could care less.  I have no obligation to support a damn thing. 

And of course, homosexuals are fighting to not be special

Yet, somebody steps forward and states they don't support them, they are chastised, bullied and criticized.  That's a lot of noise for somebody stating their beliefs.  Look at the backlash Erik and Marc Staal (Florida Panthers) and Ivan Provorov (Philidelphia Flyers) received for stating they would not take part in pride displays.  

Now, this:

Judge Strikes Down Arkansas Ban On Gender-Affirming Care For Transgender Minors

I don't support this.  We've all been told a kid can't make certain decisions because of maturity, mental capacity, etc.  So don't tell me that gender affirming care is a decision that is not hindered because of those same very restrictions.  Let kids be kids already.

Professor Principal
3.3.39  Texan1211  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @3.3.37    last year

This is madness!

Professor Principal
3.3.40  CB  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3.3.38    last year

Now, it is you that has a contradiction in his comment! :) 

Either you don't care if no harm is being done or you do care and do not support gender-affirming care .

To be clear, you will need to define what harm is - in the case of gender-affirming care , because a court does not see harm and has removed the Arkansas gender-affirming hormone treatment care ban permanently .

Judge strikes down Arkansas ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors

US district Judge Jay Moody issued a permanent injunction against the Arkansas law, which would have prohibited doctors from providing gender-affirming hormone treatment, puberty blockers or surgery to anyone under 18.

Arkansas’ law, which Moody temporarily blocked in 2021, also would have prohibited doctors from referring patients elsewhere for such care.

In his order, Moody ruled that the prohibition violated the due process and equal protection rights of transgender youth and families. He said the law also violated the first amendment rights of medical providers by prohibiting them from referring patients elsewhere.

“Rather than protecting children or safeguarding medical ethics, the evidence showed that the prohibited medical care improves the mental health and wellbeing of patients and that, by prohibiting it, the state undermined the interests it claims to be advancing,” Moody wrote in his ruling.

. . . .

The state has argued that the prohibition is within its authority to regulate the medical profession. People opposed to such treatments for children argue they are too young to make such decisions about their futures.

Major medical groups, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, oppose the bans and experts say treatments are safe if properly administered.

The state is likely to appeal Moody ’s decision to the eighth US circuit court of appeals, which last year upheld the judge’s temporary order blocking the law.

For the time-being (may be an appeal if forthcoming) you are cleared to " care less" about it, Jeremy. The court has judged (concluded) the matter for now!

Professor Principal
3.3.41  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.36    last year

I trust the medical, psychological, and psychoanalysts professionals to partner with the child/ren and parents (and courts see: 3.3.40) to make a concerted effort to do what is right for the child/ren in their care.

Personally, I admit to being a little bit old and not understanding all the nuances of transgender youth! I am from another generation which did not have access or anything to consider in regards to such activities as a boy or girl does these days. But, I, we, must be open-minded and take a wait and see approach to what the sciences are bringing about in its quest to ease the sufferings and strong anxieties of humanity. Otherwise, these kids may be suffering in silence. . . .

Professor Principal
3.3.42  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.41    last year

then you should not support rules excluding parental oversight of their own kids. 

Professor Principal
3.3.43  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.42    last year

Here is where you make a critical blunder in your judgement on this topic: Parents are great as guides in the routine issues of their child/ren lives. Parents, generally are not trained as educators, medical, psychological, or science professionals to deal with specific and long-term physical and behavioral circumstances.

That said, the appropriate parents in trans-youth lives are involved in the oversight of their kids. I presume CONSERVATIVE children are not ever going to need and are seeking gender-affirming care. . . right?!  So, no worries.

Conservative children are not in any way shape or fashion in danger of requiring gender-affirming care!  /s

Professor Principal
3.3.44  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.43    last year

go right ahead and make all the erroneous assumptions you wish.

Parents should be involved and rules and laws should NOT be designed to bypass parents.

Professor Principal
3.3.45  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.44    last year

Do not ignore my comment at 3.3.43 specifically:

Parents are great as guides in the routine issues of their child/ren lives. Parents, generally are not trained as educators, medical, psychological, or science professionals to deal with specific and long-term physical and behavioral circumstances. That said, the appropriate parents in trans-youth lives are involved in the oversight of their kids.

Some other groups of parents are not involved in the care and raising of these children and are simply exploiting the subject matter for political gain, if possible.

Professor Principal
3.3.46  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.45    last year

my comments stand because unless you are advocating removing children from parents custody for just cause, no laws should attempt to usurp parental authority or undermine the parent/ child relationship

Professor Principal
3.3.47  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.46    last year

Well, it seems your expressed concern is not winning on the merits:

Case in point:

The State has a compelling interest in “safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of a minor. . ..” Globe Newspaper Co. v. Superior Ct. for Norfolk Cnty., 457 U.S. 596, 607 (1982). As explained, the State has failed to present evidence that the gender-affirming procedures banned by Act 626 jeopardize the physical or psychological well-being of a minor with gender dysphoria.

There is no evidence that the Arkansas healthcare community is throwing caution to the wind when treating minors with gender dysphoria. Moreover, the evidence shows that the Arkansas Medical Board has successfully navigated the regulation of the healthcare community in controversial areas such as the opioid crisis and gastric bypass surgery.

The Arkansas Medical Board is the best option for regulating the ethical considerations as well as the duties of the healthcare community in circumstances like the treatment of gender dysphoria.

Plaintiff Parents’ testimony at trial confirmed that they have made the decision to get gender-affirming care for their children after discussions with and observations of their child, thorough research, counseling, and consultation with a doctor . They are acting in the best interest of their children. Act 626 would take away these parents’ fundamental right to provide healthcare for their children and give that right to the Arkansas Legislature.

  (Pages 75 - 76.)
Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.3.48  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  CB @3.3.40    last year

There's no contradiction.  Your comprehension is in question.  I gave 3 stipulations that get my attention.  It's not support.  Don't get that confused while you try to twist my words.  

Professor Principal
3.3.49  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.47    last year

just because a court ruled doesn't mean it's over.

if you want to cheerlead for parents to lose their rights because 7 year old Bobby wants to be a girl, have at it.

I won't be party to such nonsense 

Professor Principal
3.3.50  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.49    last year

"The Times They Are a-Changin" * If you want to advocate for some by-gone era; you'll do so own your own time, as science and the constitution appears unwilling to assist you in this case!

*Bob Dylan. 1963.

Professor Principal
3.3.51  Texan1211  replied to  CB @3.3.50    last year

I advocate for common sense and parental rights.

If others choose to advocate to take parents' rights away, that is all on them.

Doesn't mean I have to follow like a sheep.

Professor Quiet
3.3.52  Jack_TX  replied to  Texan1211 @3.3.49    last year
if you want to cheerlead for parents to lose their rights because 7 year old Bobby wants to be a girl, have at it.

7-year-old Bobby doesn't want to be a girl.

7-year-old Bobby's MOM wants attention on Instagram.

A transgender 7-year-old is like a vegan cat.... we all know who's making that decision

Professor Principal
3.3.53  Texan1211  replied to  Jack_TX @3.3.52    last year

It is BEYOND crazy to me that some folks think minors can make these decisions but aren't mature enough to vote, drive, buy alcohol, or smoke.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4  Split Personality    last year

Good to see you Iggy!

How about I95?


Professor Principal
6  CB    last year
The school principal literally lied to me and told me there was no girl in the boys' locker room with my son. My son spent almost an entire year disrobing with a girl in his locker room and he feels lied to and violated. Why do they bend over backward for gender dysphoric kids and completely ignore the basic rights of the rest of the kids?

Here, you can see the conservative propaganda scheme in full relief! Some conservatives are either inept about the concerns they have or just ignorant snobs who just want to screw over their fellow citizens who are different-get this-than they are. How long do we have to put up with this kind of stupid:

A girl in a boy's locker as a boy did WHAT to this foolish woman's son? When did this fool's son get 'touched,' 'pinched,' 'gawked at,' or 'molested' by this girl? - in the course of the year spent in the locker room 'disrobing'?  

Disrobing? A girl with breast and vagina disrobed for year with this fool's son and he did not notice- what her 'enhancements'? How ridiculous!

Furthermore, if this girl wanted her son . . . that bad. . . why the hell didn't she indicate him - signal it - to him in any form, shape, or fashion? 

I will tell you why: He did not want to 'date' her son or any of the other boys - conservative or liberal!

This foolish woman is stupid personified and a hate-monger looking for a pretext to be relevant in the culture war—if not paid to participate in the culture war!

Professor Principal
7  CB    last year
Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human. It wants to take away women's sports, women's rights, women's achievements—it is misogyny writ large.

Well, there you have it a homosexual-conservative reciting talking points which dehumanize and discount his community. Yes, it is possible for a group to have dissenters inside itself. That is A-okay even. Still, I would like to understand how this queen would solve the complex issue of transgender persons rather than just lending his support to those who will exploit him for influence and furtherance of their agenda.

Transwomen should respect cis-women. Should seek alliances with cis-women (who have long ago and continuously been persecuted in their own right by those who hold a conservative worldview). In this brave new world where diversity is appearing in a sorts of shapes and sizes, there has to be a solution found to the sport's dilemma. And, surely it will, when the conservatives are kicked out of the debate or they move on to some other issue they deem more exploitive than trans/women sports.

Professor Principal
7.1  Texan1211  replied to  CB @7    last year

not a complex issue at all. athletes can participate as their natural genders. males can stay out of women's rooms and vice versa.

Professor Principal
7.1.1  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @7.1    last year

Wow. May be you can offer us a greater chance at world peace next?  /s   At least until the next technological advances in new weaponry, that is.

Professor Principal
7.1.2  Texan1211  replied to  CB @7.1.1    last year

sure what do you need to hear about it ?

Professor Principal
7.1.3  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @7.1.2    last year

In keeping with the topic of discussion, I would like to hear how conservatives plan to make world peace with their LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Go!

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
7.1.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @7.1.3    last year

World peace?

Professor Principal
7.1.5  Texan1211  replied to  CB @7.1.3    last year

peace? what do you mean by peace?

do you think we are at war or something?


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