
Opinion | The Biden-Trump Rematch Is Already Here - The New York Times


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By:   Thomas B. Edsall (nytimes)

Opinion | The Biden-Trump Rematch Is Already Here - The New York Times
But we are still in the dark about 2024.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

July 5, 2023Credit...Cameron Pollack for The New York Times

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By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C. on politics, demographics and inequality.

One of the most significant developments in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election has emerged largely under the radar. From 2016 to 2022, the number of white people without college degrees — the core of Donald Trump's support — has fallen by 2.1 million.

Over the same period, the number of white people who have graduated from college — an increasingly Democratic constituency — has grown by 13.3 million.

These trends do not bode well for the prospects of Republican candidates, especially Trump. President Biden won whites with college degrees in 2020, 51-48, but Trump won by a landslide, 67-32, among whites without degrees, according to network exit polls.

Even so, there is new data that reflects Trump's ongoing and disruptive quest for power.

In a paper published last year, "Donald Trump and the Lie," Kevin Arceneaux and Rory Truex, political scientists at Sciences Po-Paris and Princeton, analyzed 40 days of polling conducted intermittently over the crucial period from Oct. 27, 2020, through Jan. 29, 2021.

The authors found that Trump's false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him has had continuing ramifications:

The lie is pervasive and sticky: the number of Republicans and independents saying that they believe the election was fraudulent is substantial, and this proportion did not change appreciably over time or shift after important political developments. Belief in the lie may have buoyed some of Trump supporters' self-esteem.

In reaction to the lie, Arceneaux and Truex write, "there was a significant rise in support for violent political activism among Democrats, which only waned after efforts to overturn the election clearly failed."

Endorsement of the lie pays off for Republicans, Arceneaux and Truex argue: "Republican voters reward politicians who perpetuate the lie, giving Republican candidates an incentive to continue to do so in the next electoral cycle."

These trends are among the most striking developments setting the stage for the 2024 elections.

Among the additional conditions working to the advantage of Democrats are the increase in Democratic Party loyalty and ideological consistency; the political mobilization of liberal constituencies by adverse Supreme Court rulings; an initial edge in the fight for an Electoral College majority; and the increase in nonreligious voters along with a decline in churchgoing believers.

These and other factors have prompted two Democratic strategists, Celinda Lake and Mike Lux, to declare that "All the elements are in place for a big Democratic victory in 2024." In "Democrats Could Win a Trifecta in 2024," a May 9 memo released to the public, the two even voiced optimism over the biggest hurdle facing Democrats, retaining control of the Senate in 2024, when as many as eight Democratic-held seats are competitive while the Republican seats are in solidly red states:

While these challenges are real, they can be overcome, and the problems are overstated. Remember that this same tough Senate map produced a net of five Democratic pickups in the 2000 election, which Gore narrowly lost to Bush; six Democratic pickups in 2006, allowing Democrats to retake the Senate; and two more in 2012. If we have a good election year overall, we have a very good chance at Democrats holding the Senate.

Republican advantages include high rates of crime (although modestly declining in 2023 so far), homelessness and dysfunction in cities run by Democrats; a parents' rights movement opposed to teaching of so-called critical race theory and gender fluid concepts; and declining public support for gay rights and especially trans rights.

There are, needless to say, a host of uncertainties.

One key factor will be the salience on Election Day of issues closely linked to race in many voters' minds, including school integration, affordable housing, the end of affirmative action, crime, urban disorder and government spending on social programs. As a general rule, the higher these issues rank in voters' priorities, the better Republicans do. In that respect, the success of conservatives in barring the use of race in college admissions has taken a Republican issue off the table.

Frances Lee, a political scientist at Princeton, noted in an email that in the "sour environment" of today's politics, "many voters may be tempted toward a protest vote, and it is likely that there will be some options available for such voters." It is not clear, Lee added, "what No Labels will do, but the potential there introduces considerable additional uncertainty."

Asked what factors he would cite as crucial to determining the outcome of the 2024 election, Ray La Raja, a political scientist at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, pointed out by email that

The economy is the source of the most uncertainty — it is doing well, although inflation is not fully tamed. Will things continue to improve and will Biden start to get credit? This is especially important for white working-class voters in swing states like Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist at Emory, documents growing Democratic unity in two 2023 papers, "Both White and Nonwhite Democrats are Moving Left" and "The Transformation of the American Electorate."

As a result of these trends toward intraparty consensus, there has been a steady drop in the percentage of Democratic defections to the opposition, as the party's voters have become less vulnerable to wedge issue tactics, especially wedge issues closely tied to race.

From 2012 to 2020, Abramowitz wrote in the Transformation paper, "there was a dramatic increase in liberalism among Democratic voters." As a result of these shifts, he continued, "Democratic voters are now as consistent in their liberalism as Republican voters are in their conservatism."

Most important, Abramowitz wrote, the

rise in ideological congruence among Democratic voters — and especially among white Democratic voters — has had important consequences for voting behavior. For many years, white Democrats have lagged behind nonwhite Democrats in loyalty to Democratic presidential candidates. In 2020, however, this gap almost disappeared with white Democratic identifiers almost as loyal as nonwhite Democratic identifiers.

Three Supreme Court decisions handed down in the last week of June — rejecting the Biden administration's program to forgive student loan debt, affirming the right of a web designer to refuse to construct wedding websites for same-sex couples and ruling unconstitutional the use of race by colleges in student admissions — are, in turn, quite likely to increase Democratic turnout more than Republican turnout on Election Day.

Politically, one of the most effective tools for mobilizing voters is to emphasize lost rights and resources.

This was the case after last June's Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which eliminated the right to abortion and in the 2022 midterm elections mobilized millions of pro-choice voters. By that logic, the three decisions I mentioned should raise turnout among students, gays and African Americans, all Democratic constituencies.

My Times colleague Jonathan Weisman argued in a July 1 article, "Supreme Court Decisions on Education Could Offer Democrats an Opening," that the rulings give

Democrats a way to shift from a race-based discussion of preference to one tied more to class. The court's decision could fuel broader outreach to the working-class voters who have drifted away from the party because of what they see as its elitism.

In addition, Weisman wrote, "Republicans' remarkable successes before the new court may have actually deprived them of combative issues to galvanize voters going into 2024."

The education trends favoring Democrats are reinforced by Americans' changing religious beliefs.

From 2006 to 2022, the Public Religion Research Institute found, the white evangelical protestant share of the population fell from 23.0 percent to 13.9 percent. Over the same period, the nonreligious share of the population rose from 16.0 to 26.8 percent.

Ryan Burge, a political scientist at Eastern Illinois University, found that the nonreligious can be broken down into three groups: atheists, who are the most Democratic, voting 85-11 for Biden over Trump; followed by agnostics, 78-18 for Biden; and those Burge calls "nothing in particular," 63-35 for Biden.

The last of the pro-Democratic developments is an initial advantage in Electoral College votes, according to an analysis at this early stage in the contest.

Kyle D. Kondik, managing editor of Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, published "Electoral College Ratings: Expect Another Highly Competitive Election" last week.

"We are starting 260 electoral votes worth of states as at least leaning Democratic," Kondik writes, "and 235 as at least leaning Republican," with "just 43 tossup electoral votes at the outset."

In other words, if this prediction holds true until November 2024, the Democratic candidate would need to win 20 more Electoral College votes while the Republican nominee would need to win 35.

The competitive states, Kondik continues, "are Arizona (11 votes), Georgia (16), and Wisconsin (10) — the three closest states in 2020 — along with Nevada (6), which has voted Democratic in each of the last four presidential elections but by closer margins each time."

In the case of Arizona, Bruce Cain, a political scientist at Stanford, argued in an email that domestic migration from California to Arizona is substantial enough help shift the state from red to purple.

"In some recent work we have done comparing California, Arizona and Texas," Cain added, "we find that the movement of Californians is greater in absolute numbers to Texas, but proportionately more impactful to Arizona."

People who move, Cain continued,

make Arizona a bit more polarized and close to the Arizona purple profile. They contribute to polarized purpleness. Enough move over a four-year period to have a measurable impact in a close race. Unlike immigrants, domestic migrants can become voters instantly.

How about the other side of the aisle?

Daniel Kreiss, a professor of journalism and mass communication at the University of North Carolina, writing by email, cited the Republican advantage gained from diminished content regulation on social media platforms: "This platform rollback stems broadly from Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter, which gave other platforms a green light to drop electoral and public health protections."

The beneficiaries of this deregulation, Kreiss continued, are "Trump and Republicans more broadly who use disinformation as a strategic political tool."

These content regulation policies mark a sharp policy shift on the part of the owners and managers of social media websites, Bridget Barrett, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder's College of Media, Communication and Information, and Kreiss write in a June 29 paper "Platforms are Abandoning U.S. Democracy."

They argue that in the aftermath of the 2020 election

platforms took serious steps to protect elections and the peaceful transfer of power, including creating policies against electoral disinformation and enforcing violations - including by Trump and other candidates and elected officials. And, deplatforming the former president after an illegitimate attempt to seize power was a necessary step to quell the violence.

More recently, Barrett and Kreiss note, "social media platforms have walked away from their commitments to protect democracy. So much so that the current state of platform content moderation is more like 2016 than 2020."

Frances Lee pointed out that Cornel West's entry into the presidential election as a candidate of the Green Party will siphon some liberal voters away from Biden: "West has announced a presidential bid and has now moved from the People's Party to the Green Party, which will have ballot access in most states," she wrote.

Insofar as West gains support, it will in all likelihood be at Democrats' expense. West is a prominent figure in progressive circles and his agenda is explicitly an appeal to the left.

In a June 28 appearance on C-SPAN, West declared,

We need jobs with a living wage. We need decent housing, quality education, the basic social needs. You can imagine disproportionately Black and brown are wrestling with poverty. The abolition of poverty and homelessness. I want jobs with a living wage across the board. I want a U.S. foreign policy that is not tied to big money and corporate interests.

While West will draw support from very liberal Democrats, there is another factor that may well weaken Democratic support among some moderate voters: the seeming insolubility of homeless encampments, shop-lifting, carjacking and crime generally in major cities. This has the potential to tilt the playing field in favor of Republican law-and-order candidates, as it did in the 2023 Wisconsin Senate race and in suburban New York House contests.

In 2022, crime ranked high among voter concerns, but Republicans who campaigned on themes attacking Democrats as weak on crime met with mixed results.

A recent trend raising Republican prospects is the Gallup Poll finding that the percentage of people "who say gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable" fell by 7 percentage points, from a record high of 71 percent in 2022 to 64 percent this year.

There was a six-point drop among Democrats on this question, from 85 to 79 percent approval, and a precipitous 15-point falloff among Republicans, 56 to 41 percent. Independents, in contrast, went from 71 percent approval to 72 percent. The overall decline reversed 20 years of steadily rising approval, which has grown from 39 percent in 2002 to 71 percent in 2022. Gallup also found that the public is holding increasingly conservative views on key issues related to gender transition.

Asked "Do you think transgender athletes should be able to play on sports teams that match their current gender identity or should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender?" the public favored birth gender by 28 points, 62-34, in May 2021. In May 2023, the margin grew to 41 points, 69-28.

Similarly, Gallup asked "Regardless of whether or not you think it should be legal, please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally acceptable or morally wrong to change one's gender." In May 2021, 51 percent said morally wrong, 46 percent said acceptable. In May 2023, 55 percent said morally wrong, 43 percent said acceptable.

President Biden is a strong supporter of transgender rights. On March 31, the White House released "Statement from President Joe Biden on Transgender Day of Visibility" in which Biden vowed:

My administration will never quit fighting to end discrimination, to stand against unjust state laws, and to guarantee everyone the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are. We'll never stop working to create a world where everyone can live without fear; where parents, teachers, and whole communities come together to support kids, no matter how they identify; and every child is surrounded by compassion and love.

Republican candidates are moving in the opposite direction. At the Faith and Freedom conference last month in Washington, Mike Pence promised to "end the gender ideology that is running rampant in our schools, and we will ban chemical and surgical gender transition treatment for kids under the age of 18."

Ron DeSantis told the gathering that

The left is lighting the fire of a cultural revolution all across this land. The fire smolders in our schools. It smolders in corporate board rooms. It smolders in the homes of government. We're told that we must accept that men can get pregnant. We are told to celebrate a swimmer who swam for three years on the men's team, then switches to the women's team, and somehow is named the women's champion.

The 2020 election raised a new concern for Democrats: Trump's success in increasing his support from 2016 among Latino voters.

Kyle Kondik's analysis shows that Nevada (17 percent of the vote was Hispanic in 2020) and Arizona (19 percent was Hispanic) are two of the four tossup states in 2024. This suggests that the Latino vote will be crucial.

While acknowledging the gains Trump and fellow Republicans have made among Latino voters, a June 2023 analysis of the 2022 election, "Latino Voters & The Case of the Missing Red Wave," by Equis, a network of three allied, nonpartisan research groups, found that with the exception of Florida,

"At the end of the day, there turned out to be basic stability in support levels among Latinos in highly-contested races." In short, the report's authors continued, "the G.O.P. held gains they had made since 2016/2018 but weren't able to build on them."

In Florida, the report documented a six-year collapse in Democratic voting among Hispanics: in 2016, Hillary Clinton won 66 percent of the Latino vote; in 2020, Biden won 51 percent and in 2022 Democratic Congressional candidates won 44 percent.

The Equis study also pointed to some significant Democratic liabilities among Latino voters: substantial percentages of a key bloc of pro-Democratic Hispanics — those who say they believe Democrats "are better for Hispanics" — harbor significant doubts about the party. For example, 44 percent agreed that "Democrats don't keep their promises" and 44 percent agreed that "Democrats take Latinos for granted."

In addition, the percentage of Latino voters describing immigration as the top issue — a stance favoring Democrats — has nose-dived, according to the Equis analysis, from 39 percent in 2016 to 16 percent in 2020 and 12 percent in 2022.

Where, then, does all this contradictory information leave us as to the probable outcome of the 2024 election? The reasonable answer is: in the dark.

The RealClearPolitics average of the eight most recent Trump vs. Biden polls has Trump up by a statistically insignificant 0.6 percent. From August 2021 to the present, RealClear has tracked a total of 101 polls pitting these two against each other. Trump led in 56, Biden 38, and the remainder were ties.

While this polling suggests Trump has an even chance, surveys do not fully capture the weight of Trump's indictments and falsehoods on his own candidacy, and, as evidenced in competitive races in 2022, on Republicans who are closely tied to the former president.

Among the key voters who, in all likelihood, will pick the next president — relatively well-educated suburbanites — Trump has become toxic. He is, at least in that sense, Biden's best hope for winning a second term.

Even before the votes are counted on Nov. 5, 2024, the most important question may well turn out to be: If Trump is the Republican candidate for a third straight time and loses the election for a second, will he once again attempt to claim victory was stolen from him? And if he does, what will his followers — and for that matter everyone else — do?

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Thomas B. Edsall has been a contributor to the Times Opinion section since 2011. His column on strategic and demographic trends in American politics appears every Wednesday. He previously covered politics for The Washington Post. @edsall


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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    last year

Biden has no option but to butt whoop Trumpo...

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @1    last year


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.2  Greg Jones  replied to  JBB @1    last year

With Krazy Kamala within a missed heartbeat of the Oval Office....I don't think so.

Old and feeble Joe simply can't survive the strain of 5 more years as the progressive puppet-in-charge.

The Dems are going to have to make some kind of adjustments or they will lose.

DeSantis is going to find his stride and primary his way to the nomination. He will easily whip the crooked Biden

Junior Expert
2  George    last year

Hopefully this will force voters to vote third party and remove the stranglehold that the 2 parties have on our government. 

Professor Quiet
2.1  Ronin2  replied to  George @2    last year

I once believed as you.

2016 taught me that it will never occur. If a third party could not gain traction then- it never will.

When it comes down to it people will vote for the candidate with the D or R behind their name; because they don't want the other side to win. With the deep amount of political differences between the radicals on both sides- and the candidates that must appease them- it isn't going to change.

If you don't care whether Brandon or Trump is president- then vote third party. But if you favor one even slightly over the other; then vote for them- otherwise you will end up with the worst possible PotUS.

Junior Expert
2.1.1  George  replied to  Ronin2 @2.1    last year

The difference is they can't hide Bidens mental issues with Covid, and trump is toxic to a lot of voters, there is a revolt by the voters coming, if not now soon. 

Junior Expert
3  George    last year
The RealClearPolitics average of the eight most recent Trump vs. Biden polls has Trump up by a statistically insignificant 0.6 percent.

I have a feeling it is worse than that, with the demonization of trump supporters in the media, I think fewer would admit to supporting trump than really do. 

The Whitehouse is going to need to get more cocaine, Biden is going to have to actively campaign this time against whoever the republicans put up. 

Professor Principal
3.2  Hallux  replied to  George @3    last year
with the demonization of trump supporters in the media

Trump supporters don't watch the media you hint at.

Professor Participates
4  Snuffy    last year

The Times and Democrats may not get their wish however.  A new poll from the Marquette University Law School showed Trump leading by 1 point over the entire GOP primary field, but losing by 16 points in a head to head with DeSantis.  It's way too early to declare a winner but it might seem like the tide is turning.

The Marquette University Law School Poll released last week showed  Trump leading DeSantis  by only one percentage point in the crowded GOP primary field. But when asked who they would vote for in a head-to-head matchup between DeSantis and Trump, respondents chose DeSantis over Trump by a whopping 57% to 41%. 

Wisconsin Republicans say voters ‘doubting Trump's ability to win’ after poll shows DeSantis blowout | Fox News

Professor Principal
4.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @4    last year

DeSantis has already burned most of the bridges he might have to a general election win.  He's too extreme, and its just not going to work. The latest fiasco with his campaign ad that seems to compare him with a fictional serial killer is a good example. Of course, he wants to "kill" LBTGQ and wokeism, but the electorate is not going to see it that way. The vibe that ad gives off is closer to deranged. 

Professor Principal
4.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    last year

The version of most politicians that we need to worry about is the one that they don’t want us to see. That’s why campaign reporters dog them; they’re waiting for the veil to slip.

But the version of Ron DeSantis that we need to worry about is the one that he proudly shows us. He embraces his meanness. He luxuriates in his darkness. Let other politicians peddle the pablum of inspiration. He prefers to ooze the toxin of contempt.

That’s one of the morals of   a provocative anti-gay, anti-trans video   that the DeSantis campaign   shared   late last week. The campaign’s promotion of it prompted   accusations of homophobia   even from some Republicans, and justly so: In an attempt to smear Donald Trump, the video doesn’t just accuse him of coddling L.G.B.T.Q. Americans. It revels in DeSantis’s vilification of them.

Initially distributed by a Twitter account called Proud Elephant, it presents a bizarre montage that’s superficially an anti-woke battle cry, pitting a truculent DeSantis against a scourge of degenerates. But while his viciousness comes through precisely as planned, so does something unintended: an undercurrent of homoerotic kink. Up pops a shirtless hunk with a ripped chest. Here’s a glowering Brad Pitt in his “Troy” drag. Are honchos with a Homer fetish some new thing? I need to get out more.

But the perversely purposed beefcake is less striking than the way in which the video exultantly spotlights DeSantis’s biggest critics and celebrates their harshest criticism, treating the words with which they’ve described him and his initiatives as the best measures of his mettle. “Most extreme” becomes a trophy, “horrifying” a crown and “evil” a sash.

The Florida governor is running one freaky and unsettling presidential campaign. He’s more focused on putting certain Americans in their places than on lifting others to new heights. He’s defined by the scores he pledges to settle instead of the victories he promises to achieve. He casts himself as someone to fear rather than revere. That video actually flashes an image of Christian Bale in “American Psycho” as a flattering DeSantis analogue.

Vote DeSantis: He’s a monster, but he’s   your   monster.

How does someone with that pitch possibly bring together and lead an entire diverse country, if he gets that chance, and what does it say about the United States today that he has come this far? Have we put tolerance, grand ideals and optimism so fully to rest? I remember “morning in America.” I guess it’s now midnight.

To read deeply and widely about DeSantis is to learn that his cruel politics match a cold personality. He seems to trust almost no one other than his wife, who’s his twin in unalloyed ambition. He’s a collector of slights. He gets an A+ in grudge holding and an F in humility, and he’s taking etiquette pass/fail. He has resting disdain face.

When I find pictures of him laughing, his expression is a bad stage actor’s — it’s a labored and spurious guffaw — as if a campaign aide intent on warming him up had just pulled hard on some string embedded in DeSantis’s back. Only his rants have a genuine air. He looked perfectly comfortable on Fox News recently saying that anyone who cut through a border wall between Mexico and the United States to traffic fentanyl would “ end up stone cold dead .” He’s out to out-Trump Trump, who reportedly wondered aloud about   a water-filled border trench   stocked with snakes and alligators. I’m counting the minutes until DeSantis’s proposal for a moat stocked with great white sharks.

Raising questions about illegal immigration and border security is necessary and just. But what’s served by doing so with such bloodthirstiness?

Establishing guidelines for the age at which it’s appropriate for children in public schools to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity is legitimate. But what’s gained by   inviting the word “groomers”   into the conversation and casting yourself as a pulchritudinous gladiator who will teach them a pitiless lesson? DeSantis mistakes spite for spiritedness, bullying for strength. I hope voters don’t do likewise.
Professor Participates
4.1.2  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    last year

We shall see.  For one, that recent ad is part of the primary race and I doubt it would be repeated in the general.  Secondly Biden will have to run on his record which is not the best and current polling has him upside down on a lot of important issues.  A lot can happen between now and election day, but I would be happy if DeSantis is able to win the primary and keep Trump out of the general.

Professor Principal
4.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Snuffy @4.1.2    last year
For one, that recent ad is part of the primary race and I doubt it would be repeated in the general. 

It would be played as much as possible by Biden. 

Professor Participates
4.1.4  Snuffy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.3    last year

Sure, he doesn't have much of a good record to run on so he will need something to put into commercials.  


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