AP Psychology 'effectively banned' in Florida because of gender, sexuality chapter
F lorida superintendents have been advised by the state to drop their Advanced Placement Psychology classes unless they exclude any topics related to gender or sexuality, according to The College Board , which oversees the AP program.
Such a shift would mean the courses couldn't be called Advanced Placement, however, or used by students to earn college credit, the College Board said . And the organization is advising Florida districts not to offer the classes until the state reverses its decision, saying any AP Psychology course taught in Florida will violate either state law or college requirements.
"We are sad to have learned that today the Florida Department of Education has effectively banned AP Psychology in the state by instructing Florida superintendents that teaching foundational content on sexual orientation and gender identity is illegal under state law," the College Board said. "The state has said districts are free to teach AP Psychology only if it excludes any mention of these essential topics."
LINK TO COMPLETE ARTICLE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ap-psychology-effectively-banned-in-florida-because-of-gender-sexuality-chapter/ar-AA1eKNnp?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=c091ddab617d4d5e8d9c50b65971fabb&ei=15
Perhaps our moosh noosh governor pushes Florida back in time.
It seems that Oklahoma is at least trying to give DeSantis a run for regressive state of the union.
no teachers, no doctors, no minorities... trumpster nirvana...
This AP course have been taught in Florida for 30 years and now it's illegal to teach and 30,000 students have already signed up for it.
Seems that Florida with DeSantis is happy with being in the dark ages.
bait and switch, the GOP mantra...
Lol ….. AP Psychology?
I didn’t know there was such a thing.
Along with hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, parents now you do.
Meh, they pretty much call anything AP these days.
Makes educators feel smarter I guess ……
It certainly much more difficult than classes from Prager University.
That is certainly true if you compare them to the ''educators'' from PU.
Lol …. Done a lot of course work there have you?
Not trying to derail your seed but AP class for that just struck me as funny. I’d honestly never heard of it.
AP Calc, Chemistry, Physics, etc sure but not Psychology.
Maybe you missed this:
Prager U isn't a university at all has no teachers and is not accredited anywhere but they are ''teaching'' in Florida.
What a joke.
Yep, free countries do tend to be a joke. /s
Perhaps you’d be up for burning some curriculum at PragerU? That said I know most middle schools, high schools and colleges vehemently deny they “indoctrinate” their students.
And yet many do. Many of them vociferously. It’s nothing new really.
Every school district in America would say that its mission includes making good citizens. Is that indoctrination?
I'm sure that you think that you do. The issue here is that DeSantis is constantly warning that he will not let kids be indoctrinated as part of his war on ''woke'' but he and his Education Board authorized a company without any certified teachers or any accreditation that brags that they indoctrinate kids learning materials are allowed in Florida schools. So our hypocrite Governor is, as usual, full of shit as long as it's his type of indoctrination he is good with it.
Is that why so many school districts no longer teach an encompassing Civics class?
Because they want to make good citizens out of them?
So the psychology of sexual orientation and gender identity is an essential topic?
What about STEM subjects?
You haven’t heard of Freuds fourth element of personality?
Woke-Id …..
We definitely know that DeSantis is aware of ''Cultural Marxism''....
Well he should.
He’s been watching the left perfect it for years …..
Naw, he's just stuck in time warp, nothing new there. Much like his presidential campaign, stuck in the mud.
he's a GOPer, that ain't mud...
Possibly bovine?
It certainly is for some degree, if in doubt look it up.
Seems our backward governor has a problem with some of them.
AP students are already generally adept at STEM subjects. AP courses are for high achieving students, who might have interests in a variety of topics.
Florida's DOE already announced the course is entirely appropriate and can be taught in its entirety. .
No hysteria at all, simply posting a fact that yesterday the FDOE said it's could not be used today they backtracked. Here is a bit more information on it.
There was a big backlash in Florida over the original banning of the AP course, so perhaps Manny listened for a change.
So no one got the rug pulled out from under them.
BTW did you hear about the latest lawsuit filed against another of DeSantis laws also, now this is big, his largest donor to his ''Don't Back Down'' pac said he isn't giving any more money until DeSantis stop the culture war and modifies his stance. Seems he was pissed about DeSantis pushing through and signing his six week abortion bill. Since he signed it he hasn't mentioned a thing about it.
I'll probably post an article on it tomorrow.
Good to see that the new Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice makes the court liberal..No more of the nutty right wing stuff from the court.
Have a great evening.
Of course you will.
You're right and here is a link to it.
Because to some, it it ain't Trump or DeSantis, it ain't happening.
What will you post about if DeSantis drops out of the race?
I post a variety of articles, and always have. If you don't read them there isn't anything I can do about it.
Good riddance.
Then you really will have a President Trump for a second term.
Look on the bright side.,
It means you will have 4 more years to post "We got him now" seeds, none with proof.
one less unamerican moron in the GOP primary...
... after public outcry. I guess a growing number of people wish to have their chosen careers exceed the elected term of a rwnj wacko headed for failure.
The largest donor to DeSantis ''Don't Back Down'' pac isn't giving anymore money until DeSantis becomes more moderate and DeSantis six week abortion ban was the kicker for him.
I still say the 2024 GOP candidate isn't in the race yet.
I find it amazing how some like the thought process of making children uneducated and unable to survive outside their "box".
Uneducated masses make for easier to transition this country into feudalism.
And that is just the start of it, Veronica. Florida has now allowed propaganda from Prager University to be used in Florida classrooms...BTW Prager University isn't a university as it is not accredited by any governing body in the US.
I researched them when I got into a dispute with my former hairdresser. I printed it all out and thrust it in her face & never went back to her. It was the last straw for me (she was going on & on about CRT & how it is destroying our education system - then said something about PU & I said it isn't even a true educational provider). Prior to that she disturbed me with her thoughts on rape & how if her son were accused she would know the girl was lying. So I asked her "So if your daughter is raped I can assume she is lying?" Just 2 examples of her group think.
Needless to say the owner of the salon took me on as a client & moved me to a time slot where this person is not in the shop.
Wow, talk about being brainwashed. Good retort about if she had a daughter.
they only want kids smart enough to pull triggers and flip the R lever in elections...