Exclusive-DeSantis' biggest donor says he won't give more money unless changes are made
(Reuters) - Hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, the biggest individual donor to a group supporting Ron DeSantis' presidential bid, told Reuters on Friday he will not donate more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach
"He does need to shift to get to moderates. He'll lose if he doesn't ... Extremism isn't going to get you elected," Bigelow said in an interview, adding that he had communicated these concerns to DeSantis' campaign.
When asked which specific policies Bigelow did not support, Bigelow cited only DeSantis signing in April a bill passed by the Florida legislature banning abortions after six weeks, a move that came after Bigelow had donated the $20 million.
Bigelow said he would not donate more money for now. "Not until I see that he's able to generate more on his own. I'm already too big a percentage," Bigelow said. "A lot of his donors are still on the fence.
LINK TO SEEDED ARTICLE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/exclusive-desantis-biggest-donor-says-he-won-t-give-more-money-unless-changes-are-made/ar-AA1eOgD1?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=6fa6286391774a1fa62d4e8765df834b&ei=12
That should send a message to DeSantis that his BS culture wars and six week abortion ban are not selling well. Another large doner pulled his support of DeSantis over the same issue and is now backing Senator Tim Scott.
the pro-choice issue will deliver the house and keep the senate in control of the democrats...
It is something that most moderate Republicans don't want to discuss.
they can turn a blind eye to the issue, but not to the election results it will bring them...
the GOP blame for those losses will be directed towards the thumper contingent of rwnj's...
They have learned the proper method of communicating with republican politicians.
LOL, excellent Ozzwald.
Tim Scott isn't any more moderate regarding abortion than DeSantis.
DeSantis wants a nationwide six week ban, G.
I definitely don't see the maga faithful giving tim scott unanimous support, even if he wins the primary...
No he doesn't
Great news, is he now going to withdraw his six-week abortion ban in Florida?
I assume you understand state laws and federal laws are different things. You can google the concept of federalism if you are truly confused.
If the Republicans were the majority in the House and Senate and passed a nationwide total ban without any exceptions, President Scott would happily sign it.
Not confused at all, Sean.
So he wants a six week abortion ban for Florida but not for the US if he becomes President a typical duck when getting hammered by his six week Florida ban.
Then there was this comment by DeSantis:
That sure sounds like he wants a national ban on abortion.
Have you seen DeSantis's polls with women, he is getting hammered and one of the issues is his abortion stance.
I can post them for you if you want to see them.
I can live with a 20 week ban
And that's unfortunate. Is it because he's black?
Given your daily focus on DeSantis I'm surprised you missed this from last week.
The nation’s leading anti-abortion group on Monday called Gov. Ron DeSantis’ failure to support federal abortion restrictions “unacceptable"
But stick to your narrative. It's easier.
yup. that don't fly with the "good people" segment of trump's base.
Oh, I saw that and also posted his statements on the matter. Keep swinging.
Oh, I saw that
You saw that and still claimed DeSantis wants a six week nationwide ban?.
Wow. That's even worse. [deleted]
compared to who?
I simply used DeSantis own words. I know that may be a stretch for some but there it is.
Oh, here are the polls on woman voters and their feelings on DeSantis culture war nonsense. I thought that the 54 vs 35% six week abortion ban question was excellent.
In the beginning I was leaning in the direction of DeSantis but he has gone too far in the direction of the far right. I also currently favor Tim Scott over DeSantis. Either way I will never vote for Trump or Biden.
Agreed. Seems like he felt he needed to out-trump Trump in order to get his voters to vote for him in the primary. But he's gone too far and I don't support him now either. Still waiting to see what the choices will be down the road. Would love to see Scott gain some more following, he needs to do well in the debates. If the final choice is Trump vs Biden might just get drunk instead.
DeSantis is a one trick pony. Culture wars seem to be all he has.
I might join ya
just don't leave your beverage unattended...
The only way a "moderate" can win the GOP nomination is if Trump is somehow forced out of the race. Since it doesnt appear he will be convicted of a crime in time to force him out, DeSantis has no choice but to try and get to Trump's right, which is likely where he wants to be anyway.
He is not a likeable person, so all he can do is keep digging a hole that he'll never get out of.
Every time he opens his mouth he proves your point, JR.
His comment that ''he is going to slit the throats of the deep state'' is classic DeSantis foot-in-mouth disease.
DeSantis needs to create DeSantis voters. To do that he needs to provide a compelling vision of his America.
I don't charge for the advice, Ron.
I'm pretty sure he does that every morning after breakfast...
Big doners, huh? That is the problem. Anyway, don't understand why a certain political party would be in favor of forced childbirth under penalty of law regardless of circumstance. This too, and this and more coming from the people that think government has to much power as it is. Right wing abhors government that protects the people and worships government that keeps the foot on their neck.
DeSantis' campaign strategy has been mystifying. He either is not listening to his campaign advisors or he picked some nutcases to run his campaign. The 6 week abortion ban is a major unforced error that further positions DeSantis into the fringe.
Very strange.
And he keeps doubling down on the culture wars nonsense which is now really starting to backfire on him.
The latest polling of women voters shows DeSantis very underwater on all of his culture war nonsense and especially on his abortion stance.
His ban cannot go into effect until another case is decided by the Florida Supreme Court, it's a privacy issue that is being decided currently with the Florida Supreme Court. It's interesting to note that he rarely talks about his abortion ban on the campaign trail.
He has picked inexperienced campaign managers who think that he is doing well of course.
maybe he's hoping for a divine bump in the polls...
Even Jesus has turned his back on him
DeSantis just terminated his campaign manager and promoted another person to that position.
you don't think he holds a grudge against italians, do you?
Nah....almost all the Popes were Italians....
the eye-ties turned him into yard art, and his dad let them, because geezus was a socialist...
Indeed JC was a socialist.
I’m no Christian but from what I’ve read, he wasn’t political. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's…”
I think this was one of his last big money donors. He poll numbers are getting worse too. His race to the right on the culture war and his odd amalgamation of establishment and populist stance on economics win him no friends even within his own party.
And they are becoming more and more vocal, EG.
That will help his opponents biggly.
... know he's a bad investment.
The latest polling shows that DeSantis is now running in third place behind Trump and Ramaswamy.
Not a good sign at all.
he took a beating from the mentally defective army and their leader at the iowa state fair...
... and his supporters chant, more ron, more ron.
I saw that, not a good sign for DeSantis.
his wife is already looking for somebody that's taller...
... and not hung like a gnat.
... that just got out of an ice bath.
He best not look at the polls, he is going downhill faster than a skateboard on ice.