
Jake Tapper admits ‘Trump was right,’ ‘Biden was wrong’ about Hunter Biden in 2020 presidential debate


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  last year  •  13 comments

By:   Gabriel Hays

Jake Tapper admits ‘Trump was right,’ ‘Biden was wrong’ about Hunter Biden in 2020 presidential debate
After playing the footage of then-President Trump’s allegations and Biden’s denial, Tapper admitted that Trump was correct about Hunter Biden's business dealings. "So this is from two different debates but, I mean, Trump was right. I mean, he did make a fortune from China and Joe Biden was wrong," Tapper declared.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

C NN host and chief Washington  correspondent Jake Tapper  admitted that former President Donald Trump "was right" when he accused then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden of accepting large amounts of foreign money during the 2020 presidential debates.

On CNN's "The Lead" Thursday, Tapper also declared that Biden "was wrong" during the match-ups between the two candidates three years ago, when the then-Democratic nominee denied Trump’s allegations that his son made "a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places."

At the time Biden flatly rejected the claim, saying, "None of that is true." Tapper gave Biden the benefit of the doubt in his commentary, stating he didn’t know whether the then-candidate was "lying" at the time.

Tapper played a compilation of the two debate exchanges and compared them with a recent report from Washington Post chief-fact checker Glenn Kessler showing Biden to be wrong.

The host stated, "Glenn Kessler from the Washington Post had a fact check about Joe Biden from earlier this month noting that Hunter Biden admitted in court in July that he was in fact paid substantial sums from Chinese companies."

Citing the piece, Tapper said, " Kessler wrote , ‘Hunter Biden reported nearly 2.4 million in income in 2017 and 2.2 million in income in 2018,’ most of which came from Chinese or Ukrainian interests."

He then took a swipe at Biden’s 2020 claims, before playing footage from the debates, "This directly goes against what Joe Biden said in the debate in 2020 with Donald Trump. Take a listen."

After playing the footage of then-President Trump’s allegations and Biden’s denial, Tapper admitted that Trump was correct about Hunter Biden's business dealings.

"So this is from two different debates but, I mean, Trump was right. I mean, he did make a fortune from China and Joe Biden was wrong," Tapper declared.

About Biden’s denial, he added, "I don’t know that he was lying about it. He might not have been told by Hunter, but this blind spot is a problem."

After Tapper asked his panelists whether they considered this blind spot to be an issue for the president going forward, former Rep. Andy Levin, D-Mich., played the issue off, saying, "Well I think dads sometimes, and parents sometimes, have blind spots about their kids for sure and the president may be no exception. But nothing has tied the president to any of Hunter Biden’s dealings. There’s no whiff of him being involved or implicated in it."

"I think it’s not something the voters care a lot about," he added. 

Though Biden denied his son’s alleged corrupt business dealings while on the presidential campaign trail, CNN recently mentioned that the president has been "very obsessed" with the topic and sensitive to how it’s being portrayed in the media.

Earlier on Thursday,  CNN’s John Avlon stated , "And in private also, I've heard reports that he’s very obsessed with the negative coverage of Hunter. He’s concerned about it, it’s an irritant. And that’s understandable. But not one that allies around him want to raise because it will derail a conversation."


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    last year

There is now a lawsuit pending against the CIA for the BS story about "Russian Disinformation."

CIA SUED for working with the Biden campaign to produce 'Dirty 51' intel letter calling Hunter's laptop disinformation (msn.com)

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    last year

Could say that about a lot of things, Russia, immigration etc

Professor Expert
3  Nerm_L    last year

The whole Hunter Biden story has been following a predictable trajectory.  Enough evidence has surfaced that the story can't be denied or downplayed any longer.  So, the shift will be to throw Hunter under the bus to maintain a separation between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

It is easy to become distracted but it's important to remember than none of this is being done to protect Joe Biden.  The people pulling Joe Biden's strings are working to protect themselves.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
4  Sparty On    last year

Tappers ratings must be down so he makes a comment like this.

I trust his word about as much as I trust Sen Manchin.    

Both speak with a forked tongue.

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    last year

So...don't vote for Hunter Biden... Got it, good talk. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  MrFrost @5    last year
n't vote for Hunter Biden... Got it, good talk. 

DO you get paid to shill for Biden? I'm trying to understand how anyone can defend a President lying and using that  lie as a basis to censor criticism.   Aren't you even a little angry at being manipulated and used to parrot those lies  about Russian disinformation on sites like this?    Seems like at some point your pride would kick in. 

   It's like defending Nixon's handling of  Watergate by saying "Don't vote for G. Gordon Liddy if you have a problem with it."

Professor Guide
5.1.1  MrFrost  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1    last year
DO you get paid to shill for Biden?

No more so than you get paid to shill for trump. 

I'm trying to understand how anyone can defend a President lying and using that  lie as a basis to censor criticism.

Remind me again how many press passes trump pulled for certain networks criticizing him?

Russian disinformation

"I hope Trump wins the (2016) election."

--- Vladamir Putin. 

Junior Expert
5.1.2  George  replied to  MrFrost @5.1.1    last year

So many deflections in a single post.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  MrFrost @5.1.1    last year
so than you get paid to shill for trump.

I've never voted for Trump and think he's a buffoon. If you think that's shilling for him 

e again how many press passes trump pulled for certain networks criticizing him?

Point out where I defended Trump for getting intelligence officials to lie in order to keep media from reporting on inconvenient truths about a family member.

Seriously, do you ever read what you type and say "Man, I can't believe I'm actually defending this after I got publicly embarrassed by believing Biden was telling the truth?"

Professor Guide
5.1.4  MrFrost  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.3    last year
Point out where I defended Trump

I was asking a question... 

I've never voted for Trump and think he's a buffoon.

Fair enough.

Seriously, do you ever read what you type and say "Man, I can't believe I'm actually defending this after I got publicly embarrassed by believing Biden was telling the truth?"

Show me a politician that doesn't lie? 

They all lie. The crux of the issue is what they lie about, and how often? Yes? If they will lie about something trivial, they will lie about anything and everything. Does Biden lie? Of course he does, he's a politician. Did trump lie? Yea, a LOT. Hillary, Meadows, Obama? Yes yes and yes.. They all lie. It's the substance, that's the difference. We, (you and I), literally have the worlds knowledge in our pockets... Lying these days? Waste of time. It's a good and bad thing...

I have a date tonight...gotta run...but I will say this Sean.. Always liked you...never agreed with ya much but that's the way things go. Doesn't make you a bad person. Enjoy your night. 

Professor Guide
5.1.5  MrFrost  replied to  George @5.1.2    last year

So many deflections in a single post.

Deflections = honesty.. Buh bye! 

Professor Quiet
5.1.6  Ronin2  replied to  MrFrost @5.1.5    last year

Leftist's "honesty" isn't worth shit.

Brandon benefited when Hunter and his brother pedaled his influence while VP into money from China, Russia, Ukraine, and the ME. They funneled the money through LLC's to Biden family members. Hunter paid for Brandon's cell phone, home repairs, etc. So much that he bitched about giving half of what he "earned" (Hunter can't say what he did for the money) to his father.

Democrats/Leftists will defend Brandon to the bitter end.

My hope is that when Brandon finally goes down he takes Obama, Comey, Garland, Weiss, Wrey, and the rest with him.

Professor Quiet
6  Ronin2    last year
Show me a politician that doesn't lie?  They all lie. The crux of the issue is what they lie about, and how often? Yes? If they will lie about something trivial, they will lie about anything and everything. Does Biden lie? Of course he does, he's a politician. Did trump lie? Yea, a LOT. Hillary, Meadows, Obama? Yes yes and yes.. They all lie. It's the substance, that's the difference. We, (you and I), literally have the worlds knowledge in our pockets... Lying these days? Waste of time. It's a good and bad thing...

Point out where Brandon has ever told the truth. Just once.

You are one of the loudest voices about Trump lies; but Brandon gets a pass. Very telling.


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