DeSantis' tourism district takes aim at Disney 'perks' but offers $1,000 stipend - Orlando Sentinel
Category: News & Politics
Via: evilgenius • 2 years ago • 54 commentsBy: Skyler Swisher (Orlando Sentinel)

By Skyler Swisher | | Orlando SentinelPUBLISHED: August 21, 2023 at 6:15 p.m. | UPDATED: August 22, 2023 at 7:28 a.m.
Officials with Gov. Ron DeSantis' tourism oversight district are asking Florida's inspector general to investigate theme park passes, discounts and other Disney "perks" they say were given to employees and board members for years.
The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District is moving to eliminate those benefits offered to employees of the district that provides government services to Disney World, according to a news release.
Employees will instead get a $1,000 annual stipend as part of the proposed changes to the district's annual pass program, according to an email to employees from administrator Glen Gilzean that was first reported by WFTV-Channel 9.
An internal analysis showed only about 50% of employees used the annual pass perk, according to the email.
The stipend could be used for theme park tickets, car repairs, savings or other needs, district officials told employees in the email. Annual Disney passes can range in price from $399 to $969 per person for Florida residents, some with significant black-out dates, according to Disney's website.
The previous Disney-run Reedy Creek Improvement District used taxpayer funds to give season passes to employees and their family members, cover the costs of Disney discounts and supply "VIP" entrance passes to board members, costing $2.5 million in 2022 alone, the district's news release said.
"In addition to constituting unethical benefits and perks, the scheme raises significant questions regarding self-dealing as the board members were only permitted a maximum of $100 per month in compensation per the Reedy Creek Improvement District Act," the district said in an unsigned statement.
Disney and a Central Florida Tourism Oversight District spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The district's actions only apply to government employees at the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, not workers directly employed by Disney.
The special district employs about 400 people. Disney and its affiliates are the main taxpayers in the district, accounting for about 86% of the property tax revenue.
District officials released a Disney invoice they found including a charge of $492,382 for "Q1 FY22 Tickets." Line items included $16,837 in merchandise discounts, $4,969 in food and beverage discounts and $3,764 in water park discounts.
Other line items deal with employee hotel room discounts at the Disney Yacht Club Resort, Disney Caribbean Beach Resort and Disney Coronado Springs Resort.
Employees will continue to have access to Disney properties for official duties, district officials said.
Jon Shirey, president of the Reedy Creek Professional Firefighters, said his union is preparing remarks but didn't have a comment Monday night.
For decades, Disney controlled the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which provides fire protection, utilities and other government services for Disney World. As the main landowner, Disney elected the district's five supervisors, giving it effective control over the special taxing district.
Earlier this year, the Florida Legislature upended Disney's arrangement, put the governor in charge of picking board members and renamed Reedy Creek the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District. DeSantis replaced the Disney-friendly board members with five Republican allies.
The tourism oversight district's move comes after DeSantis said in an interview with CNBC he had "basically moved on" from his dispute with Disney and urged the entertainment giant to drop its lawsuit against the state.
Disney sued DeSantis, the tourism district and other state officials in federal court, alleging a "targeted campaign of government retaliation." DeSantis' tourism district has a lawsuit pending in state court accusing Disney and the previous Disney-run board of improperly approving development agreements ahead of the state takeover.
The feud started last year after Disney opposed legislation critics called the "don't say gay" law, which limited classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools.
Skyler Swisher| Journalist
Skyler Swisher is an Investigative reporter for the Orlando Sentinel.

Fucking with the voters directly isn't going to end well for FL Republicans.
ronda santis, republican kamikaze...
Taking away 2.5 million in illegal perks is "fucking with voters"
It's amazing how Democrats shill for and excuse any corruption so long as its on their team.
It's amazing how alt+right populists shill for and excuse any corruption so long as it's against being 'woke'. OR liberal, or for oppressing a minority group, or whatever boogyman their propaganda masters tell them to be against that day.
This is way beyond stupid but then look who we are dealing with.
I really don't understand their reasoning here. Targeting workers and customers seems counter intuitive.
Then again Bob Iger is working really, really hard to screw his writers and actors too so maybe it's just a business model?
Par for the course with the DeSantis regime.
"In addition to constituting unethical benefits and perks, the scheme raises significant questions regarding self-dealing as the board members were only permitted a maximum of $100 per month in compensation per the Reedy Creek Improvement District Act," the district said in an unsigned statement."
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for all this?
You probably don't know or care that the new head of the board, a DeSantis appointee is paid $400,000 per year.
Why should taxpayers of Florida which you are not one, have to pay for him?
How much was the previous head of the board paid?
You probably don't know or care that the new head of the board
You probably don't know this, but he's not even on the board.
He's the District Administrator Get your facts correct.
My facts are fine, my wording was a bit off but the link I provided is quite clear.
Keep swinging you just might hit the cheeseball soon.
you think being on the board is the same thing as the guy who supervises the day to day operations of a company with hundreds employees?
Nope, I don't but you keep swinging away, Sean. And making an assumption like that make you look rather foolish.
but you keep swinging away,
Yeah, cause I keep hitting homeruns. You fucked up, got caught and then falsely claimed your facts are fine.
Glen Gilzean is not the head of the Board, or even on the Board. And when confronted with that in inarguable fact, you lied and said "My facts are fine"
What is sad is your inability to understand that I said my wording was off and referred to the link that I provided that clarified his position.
If you want to keep whining better get a crying towel.
It's those same taxpayers that were getting the perks.
What's the difference between the season passes (which taxpayers were paying for them?) and a $1K stipend per year? Who pays the stipend?
The board claims it's wrong because the money goes back to Disney, but how is that different from any other company giving employee discounts? The same people that paid the season passes are paying the stipend - the workers themselves that live in the district.
They just have to have something to bitch about
. A board controlled by Disney was using taxpayer funds (illegally) to spend 2.5 million dollars at Disney and you can't see the problem here? I know Democrats have gone whole hog on corporatism, but now allowing corporations to illegally spend tax payer dollar to their own benefit is suddenly okay?
whining is the same as exhaling for most rwnj's...
Other Florida parks like Universal also sit in a special district AND also give out employee discounts. Why isn't it illegal for them?
Right wing populists see everything in a black and white (either/or) world, but there are millions of gradations and colors in between.
Why isn't it illegal for them?
Show proof and the regulations that govern them and we can see if it is.
ight wing populists see everything in a black and white (either/or) worl
You claim DeSantis is "fucking with voters" for objecting to a corporation illegally spending millions of taxpayer dollars on itself and you accuse others of seeing everything in black and white? Is that a joke?
You can't see why anyone might reasonably object to a corporation misusing taxpayer dollars that way?
You made the claim it was illegal. You back it up or go away.
The same people who were using the perks are the same people living and voting in the special district - you know Disney employees.
No one has proven it's a misuse of taxpayer money. Go ahead and support your claim.
Lol. Look at you deflect. You claimed other corporate controlled boards were doing the same as Disney. Show it. Show the regulations that prohibit more than $100 a month in compensation for board members in those acts. If they are the same, prove it.
he perks are the same people living and voting in the special district - you know Disney employees.
They aren't Disney Employees.
roven it's a misuse of taxpayer money. Go ahead and support your claim
Lol. A corporation board controlled by Disney was using taxpayer funds (illegally) to spend 2.5 million dollars at Disney. If that's not inappropriate, I don't know what is. And if this were some right wing corporation engaged in similar self dealing with tax payer dollars, we both know you'd be singing a different tune
I did not. I ASKED WHY Disney was being singled out for scrutiny and you moved the goal posts.
Anyone who's paid attention to this site has been exposed to some dishonest and partisan attacks on DeSantis, but this is up there at the top. I guess when more money has been spent attacking DeSantis than Trump or Biden, you need to keep inventing things to be outraged about.
In any other circumstance, 98% of Americans (those who don't long for a world run by corporations at least) would find this laudable. Disney was using it's power controlling the board to spend 2.5 million taxpayer dollars to its own benefit. That's bad to begin with. But alot of that money went to board members, who were prohibited by law from accepting perks in this amount.
But because it's DeSantis, a billion dollar corporation exploiting a puppet board to give itself millions in revenue is suddenly something the anti DeSantis cult wants to attack. "How dare a governor not allow his state's taxpayers to be ripped off and illegal benefits given to corporate stooges" screams the cult.
Your usual deflection... What's dishonest about the article Sean? Be specific.
It might be if they did it across the board for all the special districts and corporations, but they didn't. They specifically called out Disney and specifically called them out about being 'woke'. The rest of us around here aren't stupid enough to fall for the alt-right populist bullshit DeSantis is shoveling. He'll never be President and he'll be lucky if he's not recalled as Governor if he and his sycophants keep this shit up.
Where are the criminal, and/or civil charges?
So going from a Disney puppet board to a DeSantis puppet board is so much better?
I was referring to the comments,
They specifically called out Disney and specifically called them out about being 'woke'.
Where's your proof of this?
Where are the criminal, and/or civil charges?
It was litterally just discovered and referred to the IG, which is the start of the process.
Were you using that defense when Democrats waited three plus years to charge Trump? Or does the "where are the charges" deflection only apply selectively?
om a Disney puppet board to a DeSantis puppet board is so much better
You understand we live in a Democracy and are not corporate owned, right? The people of Florida overwhelmingly voted in DeSantis, and they will vote in a few years on his successor who will appoint another board.
You can't see the difference between that and a governing board controlled by a corporation?
Are all special districts the same? Do the other theme parts get to name the board who governs them like Disney was able too? Did the other theme parks have the ability to grab land through eminent domain even outside their district like disney could? Did those other districts have the ability to create their own fire department and then charge for it? Disney even has the ability to build it's own nuclear power plant. Do you think Universal could do that?
Both Seaworld and Universal Studios in Orlando are in a special tax district (s) and both offer employee discounts on tickets, merchandise, hotel rooms etc.
Are you fucking serious?
So then illegality hasn't been determined. Thanks!
Yes. I was. I specifically called the J6th Committee a clown show and the current indictments a high bar for the prosecutions to meet. I see the Mar-a-logo IT manager flipped from defendant to witness for the prosecution... That's going to be fun when they make it to court.
I understand the new MAGA populist boogyman is anything you guys deem as 'woke'. Again if any, or all, of this was wrong for Disney why isn't it wrong for any of the other 1,899 special districts in Florida?
Now watch the reply claiming it's a black and white (either/or) world, and there aren't millions of gradations and colors in between the Districts.
Prove it.
Yeah, prove other corporations are doing the same thing, and violating the legislation that created them but are being a given free pass by DeSantis because they aren't woke.
I look forward to you criticizing anyone who's claimed Trump has engaged in illegal behavior than. I guess I've missed you doing it for the last three years.
Again if any, or all, of this was wrong for Disney why isn't it wrong for any of the other 1,899 special districts in Florida?
Again, prove other corporations governing other districts are doing the same thing, and violating the legislation that controls them.
It isn't difficult...
And from the Universal Orlando's own website:
Lol. Do you even understand what's going on here?
Comcast and Universal assume the costs for the discounts for their own employees at their own theme parks. I'm sure Disney does the same with its own employees and no one cares. The issue is Disney using taxpayer funds to give money to employees of Reedy Creek Improvement District (and a disproportionate amount to its Directors) , not Disney employees.
Neither I, nor Trump are topics. Get back on track or risk deletion.
You keep deflecting from your own claims. Show me where they've been investigated...
Who lives in Reedy Creek?
You sure of that?
Additionally Disney is building 1400 units of low cost housing for its employees in Reedy Creek.
There are over 1800 special districts in Florida, But Disneys is in a class by itself, That escapes the partisans. They can build their own fucking nuclear plant. With Fed approval of course. Do you think the other 1799 districts have state approval to build nuclear power plants?
You sure of that?
Yes. Read your own link. This involves Taxpayer money being used to purchase benefits for employees and the directors of the Reedy Creek Improvement District. It has nothing to do with people who live there.
Disney can discount whatever it wants for its own employees.
Do you see the difference here? Disney is using Taxpayer cash to purchase benefits at Disney for Reedy Creek employees and Directors, not Disney Employees. That's not remotely the same thing as Disney discounting items for its own employees. Taxpayers are footing the bill in the first, Disney in the second.
Not all ''Special Districts'' are the same. In the case of Reedy Creek, Disney in addition to the taxes it pays to the city/state/county it taxes itself to pay for the fire department, sewer services etc.
That is why at the last minute DeSantis didn't dissolve the Reedy Creek Special Tax District, because those costs would have fallen on the taxpayers of Orange and Osceola counties.
Disney has had that ability since 1967 but like all other construction would have to follow all existing state/fed guidelines.
Currently, Disney does get some of its power from nuclear plants, one in St. Lucie County and one at Turkey Point in Miami-Dade County. They generate about 12% of the state’s power, some of which flows to the Magic Kingdom.
A gas powered plant sits on Disney property along with 48,000 solar panel farm that produces energy for Disney World.
Exactly how many other districts have state approval to build their own nuclear power plant? and how many other corporations get to name the board who governs them?
You do realize that the the state of Florida gave Disney that power in 1967 and have yet to revoke it and you might want to refer to my comment 5.1.15 for more information on the taxing situation.
I don't know of any other special district that can build a nuclear power plant and if its such a big deal why hasn't Florida revoked it?
Yes. People who work for Disney which is directly opposite of what you said.
I'm done with your goalpost moving and deflection.
They just tried to revoke it. along with the rest of their special benefits.
See 5.1.8
e who work for Disney which is directly opposite of what you said.
Do you have any idea what your own link says, or what the Reedy Creek Improvement District is? I'm going to make this as simple as I can.
This story is about the employees of the Reedy Creek Improvement District. Not the people who live there, or people who work for Disney. Reidy Creek has its own employees who are paid from Tax Dollars. Is this simple enough for you so far?
Disney has tens of thousands of its own employees. They are not the same. Get it so far? Disney employees are not Reidy Creek employees and didn't receive discounts (why you and others keep spreading that falsehood even though your own link says otherwise is only a question you can answer.
The story is about Reidy Creek employees (and Directors) using taxpayer dollars to buy access and material at Disney Park. So Disney received 2.5 million dollars of taxpayer money through Reidy Creek employees and directors. You and others are outraged Disney won't be receiving 2,5 million in tax payer dollars they have no right to. Why you want Florida taxpayers to be ripped off to support a billion dollar corporation is again, something .
m done with your goalpost moving and deflection.
Now that is classic projection. I doubt anyone on this site who's read your ramblings that your own link contradicts is stupid enough to fall for it, but I guess you think it's easier to double down on dishonesty than admit your inital understanding of what's going on was completely wrong. Deflecting to the conduct of other boards without showing proof to justify oyur claims, pushing falsehoods about this effecting Disney employees and bizarrely claiming what the RCID did by the spending millions of tax payer dollars at Disney is the same as a company offering discounts to its own employees etc. All of it is transparently bullshit.
At the end of the day your DeSantis derangement has led you to shill for a massive corporation using its control of a governmental entity to rip off taxpayers to the tune of millions of dollars, and what's worse, to lie about it.