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Biden's Manufacturing Bust
In his latest absurd claim, Biden wants Americans to believe that he has created more jobs in a single four-year term than any other president. Yet, Biden's numbers ignore that 80% of the jobs he claims to have "created" were recovered when Americans returned to work post-Covid. Read more July 27, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Biden Did Not "Create" 13 Million Jobs
Biden often likes to tout that he "created" 13 million jobs. Clearly, he has no idea about the difference between a job recovered and a job created. Read more July 07, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
'Bidenomics' Is Bashing The Middle Class
"Bidenomics" has cost the middle class $2 trillion since March, 2022. Biden claims his policies have helped to "lower costs for families," get Americans to work, and encourage domestic industries to grow. But a new report reveals that the average real wealth for middle-class households has dropped more than $33,000 in just the past year. Bidenomics isn't "building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up," it's hollowing the middle class out. Read more July 05, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Bidenomics Is Not Working
Biden's claim that "Bidenomics is working" couldn't be further from the truth. In Biden's America, savings are down, real wages are down, and economic confidence is down. Read more June 28, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
This Is Biden's Inflation
Biden likes to claim "the buck stops here," but when it comes to inflation he blames everything and everyone but himself. This is Biden's inflation, and everyone knows it. Read more June 28, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Biden's Middle-Class Deception
For nearly three years Biden has repeatedly promised the middle-class that "no one making less than $400,000 a year will pay a penny more in federal taxes." In 2022, Biden broke that promise. Now, Biden is trying to revive it like it was never broken. Read more June 13, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Biden's Definition Of Working Isn't Working For America
Biden believes his economic agenda is "working." The President deserves a reality check. Four out of five Americans say that the current economic situation is negative and that Biden's polices have not helped them. Read more June 02, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Biden's Debt Blame Game
Over the weekend, Biden absurdly claimed that he would be "blameless" if the U.S. defaulted on its debt. Desperate to shift responsibility from his own failures, Biden attempted to blame Republicans - despite House Republicans being the only ones who have taken responsible action and passed a debt limit increase. Read more May 22, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Biden Is Fearmongering 2022 Spending Levels He Once Celebrated
Biden is dishonestly attempting to frame 2022 spending levels as a painful cutback, despite having previously signed off on these exact spending levels last year. Read more May 10, 2023 Economy FACT CHECK
Joe Biden Is Obstructing On The Debt Limit
Joe Biden falsely claimed Republicans are threatening to default - saying "we have to" make sure the "threat by the Speaker of the House to default on the national debt is off the table." Newsflash: It's not on the table. House Republicans are the only ones who have taken responsible action and passed a debt limit increase. Read more May 01, 2023

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