
Pastor Refuses To Bury Woman Because She Didn’t Tithe Enough While In A Coma


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  20 comments

Pastor Refuses To Bury Woman Because She Didn’t Tithe Enough While In A Coma


Pastor Refuses To Bury Woman Because She Didnt Tithe Enough While In A Coma

A 93-year-old woman in Houston will not be buried with her fellow church congregants because her Pastor is holding a bit of a grudge because she didnt pay the proper tithing fees while she was in a coma.

Olivia Blair was a member of the Fourth Missionary Baptist Church for most of her adult life. Her friends were there. Now, upon her death, her daughter, Barbara Day, is being told that Olivia cant be buried in the church cemetery, because she didnt tithe while she was in a coma.

It was like the last insult in the world, there was nothing else that I could do for my mommy but funeralize her in the church that she loved and worshiped all of her life, even as a little girl, Day said, explaining that Houston told her that Blair had not paid her dues, and she had not attended the church in recent years.

For the last two years, my mother has been in either a nursing home or shes been in a hospital, she pointed out. And the last few months, she was on a fixed income"

Even before she entered into a coma, Blair was living on a fixed income. Her daughter claims that after healthcare and prescriptions, Day was left with $60 to get her through the month. The church didnt care. Rev. Walter F. Houston (yes, thats his name) expected the family to pick up the slack for her.

When asked about it by PimpPreacher , Houston responded:

I am not changing my bylaws for someone who was not active. Olivia Blair had not been a member of this church in 8 or 9 years! If the family cared so much then why didnt one of them at least send a dollar over here to reserve her membership? Pastor Houston told me last Sunday in a conversation that took place only moments after he had finished preaching.

Day claims that thats not true that her mother only stopped attending the church in the last couple of years, after she became ill.

Note, no one was asking for the church to pay for the funeral, just that Blair be buried in the churchs cemetery.

Its ironic that many who complain loudly about taxation think nothing of tithing, despite the fact that the money given to churches is often far more about improving the standard of living for the preacher than it is about providing services for a churchs congregants.

Giving 10 percent of your income to the church is not required by the Bible. Sure, its encouraged, but its not compulsory:

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2Cor 9:7 NASB


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

For the last two years, my mother has been in either a nursing home or shes been in a hospital, she pointed out. And the last few months, she was on a fixed income"

What a compassionate Pastor. /s

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
Lol. Sorry, but this atheist has to laugh at what religious people subject themselves to.
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Unbelievable!! This guys a jerk!!

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Makes you wonder what the Pastor was doing with the money. Think it might have been going into his pocket.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Flame...very well put...

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

It wouldn't surprise me one bit!!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

I wouldn't be a member of this church. Ridiculous!

Hell hath no fury, like a God, whose "mission" is scorned. Hell waits for this man.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Amen Sister Dowser!!! How can the congregants stand him??

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

OMG!!24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago


Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I'm gonna start saying this at church...

When I start going to church... Here we go again....24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
link   Steve Ott    10 years ago

Apparently his by-laws override his scripture. How unusual for a Baptist, NOT!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

What a hypocrite!

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    10 years ago

Outside of the hypocrisy of the Baptist Church, this is another reason I quit attending many, many moons ago. My mom had been in a car accident in '70 and was in a coma for three months. When she came out, her mentality was as an eight year old. Her "congregation" felt so bad for her that they asked this eight year old to "tithe" all the money she had so she could reserve a place for herself in heaven - she did. She passed 15 years later, but "tithed" all her money to the church at the "advice" of the congregation during that 15 years. When she passed, none of them showed up. When Dad and I found out - well, we weren't welcome to that side of town anymore. I HATE Baptists - and don't trust the rest.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

they asked this eight year old to "tithe" all the money she had so she could reserve a place for herself in heaven - she did. WTH ??? I'm speechless...

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

Fire him. Baptists are self-autonomous. They can fire a preacher.

Methodists have to contact the district and request a pastor change. It works. Not sure about the other faiths...

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

I'm speechless 1st.

Masters Quiet
link   Enoch    10 years ago

I cannot speak for anyone else on such matters.

All I can do is share my own policy on this subject.

If a Congregation could not afford to pay me, I waived compensation for my Rabbinical Services. If a Congregantcould not afford dues, I waived them. Then I went out a fund raised to make up the difference. I never asker anyone to donatemore than I did. I also never solicited until my contribution check cleared.

I lose money every year by being a Chaplain. The cost of malpractice insurance, and other expenses always outweigh what I am paid to tend to the spiritual needs of the dying and their survivors; those in prison, nursing homes, and VA hospitals.

For me, being a Rabbi and Chaplain is a privilege. I believe that we best serve G-d by tending to the needs of ALL He created. Any one who comes to me will not be refused what I can offer. Their ability to pay is no more a consideration than what they do or do not believe is.

Religion is to me about service, not money making.

I make my money in the community of commerce.

Peace, Abundant Blessings, Service to Others When we Can Provide It, and Help from Others When and As We Need and Want It.

Happy Thanksgiving to All Who Celebrate It.


Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

Like Kavika, I, too, am speechless.

I've been having some problems with my mother's church, as well. Or should I say MY church? I'm still a member there, and have been there since 1 month after the church opened, when I was 2 months old. They seem to think I owe them Big Bucks. I owe only what the will stipulates and that's it.

I am so very sorry that you had to go through this, 1st, as it breaks your heart. Much love to you!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

flame... AMEN!!


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