
White House calls on Congress to pass a short-term spending bill


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  nerm-l  •  last year  •  18 comments

By:   Betsy Klein (CNN)

White House calls on Congress to pass a short-term spending bill
The current funding for the government is set to expire at the end of September when the current fiscal year ends

Nothing ever changes in Washington D.C.  At least Biden has another crisis to scare voters.  Granny is gonna starve in the gutter again.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The White House is pushing Congress to pass a short-term spending bill to avoid a shutdown and ensure continuity of government services while the key players hash out a long list of disagreements.

"Although the crucial work continues to reach a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on fiscal year 2024 appropriations bills, it is clear that a short-term continuing resolution (CR) will be needed next month," a spokesperson for the Office of Management and Budget told CNN.

The current funding for the government is set to expire at the end of September when the current fiscal year ends, setting up lawmakers and the White House for a sprint to avoid a shutdown once lawmakers return from their summer breaks. Major disagreements remain, especially within the House Republican caucus, over how to keep the government from shutting down.

Part of the White House's role is to send Congress the technical assistance needed to write a continuing resolution, which would keep the government running at current funding levels and buy lawmakers time to make a larger deal, including a list of anomalies - issues in certain funding areas that could present problems for major programs if the bill is not written to address them. That list has now been transmitted to the relevant parties - appropriators and leadership - ahead of the Senate's return next week and the House's return on September 12.

"As part of our responsibility to prudently plan for a short-term CR, OMB is providing Congress with technical assistance needed to avoid severe disruptions to government services in the first quarter of the fiscal year. We urge Congress to include these anomalies along with the critical emergency supplemental needs the administration transmitted earlier this month in any forthcoming CR, as they have done on a bipartisan basis many times in the past," the OMB spokesperson said.

The push was first reported by the Washington Post.

The anomalies, if not addressed, could have an impact on Americans receiving key assistance and other critical government programs.

Among those anomalies that the White House is calling on Congress to address in a CR is a boost in funding for WIC - the Women, Infants, and Children nutrition program.

"Language is needed to appropriate $1.4 billion to the Department of Agriculture in the Food and Nutrition Service, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant, and Children account to support higher food costs and participation. Without the anomaly, States would not be able to serve all eligible participants at the current benefit levels," text sent from the OMB to Congress and obtained by CNN said.

Another anomaly with the Department of Agriculture's Rental Assistance Program requires the change in a formula that, if not included, would lead to a risk of default for multifamily housing loans and the eviction of low-income tenants, per the text.

And another anomaly for the Department of Defense could delay deployment of strategic ballistic missile submarines "by up to a total of 20 months," the text said.

Congress is likely to pass a stopgap funding measure that would last until early December, allowing some extra time to work through thorny issues.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told constituents that efforts to fund the government are "a pretty big mess," and predicted that Congress would need to pass stopgap funding legislation. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy previously told his colleagues that he doesn't want a government funding fight close to the holidays, as has happened in years past.

"Honestly, it's a pretty big mass. The speaker and the president reached an agreement, which I supported, in connection with raising the debt ceiling, to shut the spending levels for next year. The House then turned around and passed spending levels that were below that level," McConnell told the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.

"But, not saying an opinion about that, that's not going to be replicated in the Senate. So I think we will end up with a short term congressional resolution, probably into December, as we struggle to figure out exactly what the government's spending level is gonna be for next year," he continued.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Nerm_L    last year

Same shit, different day.  Second verse same as the first.

Professor Principal
2  JBB    last year


Professor Quiet
2.1  Ronin2  replied to  JBB @2    last year
The gop will get the blame while blaming Biden!

Forgetting about the mighty mental midget Democrats that control the Senate? Think they won't share in the blame with Brandon? The House and Senate have to pass a bill that Brandon will sign. It takes the House, Senate, and President to pass a bill. Republicans should not cave to radical Democrat desires!

 The gop will nominate Trump. Biden is reelected.

Only in leftist fantasy world would reelecting a career criminal politician guilty of doing the very things Trump is accused of worthy of celebrating. Seems leftists forget what happened in 2016. Don't count on a Brandon win until it is done. Definitely don't count on anyone outside of those with D blinders to be happy about it.

Professor Principal
2.1.1  JBB  replied to  Ronin2 @2.1    last year

Blah blah blah! Budgets must originate in The House of Representatives which is now controlled by Kevin McCarthy's gop. Nobody including the Senate and the President can do a damn thing about producing, passing and signing a budget and spending bill until McCarthy and the gop do their damn job... 

You know it. I know it. Everyone knows this!

So, yes, the White House wants McCarthy and the gop to produce a spending bill...

Professor Guide
2.1.2  evilone  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    last year
Budgets must originate in The House of Representatives which is now controlled by Kevin McCarthy's gop.

It's the Freedom Caucus that stabbed their own in the back on spending. The various committees put in the work to bring out (from what I can tell) reasonable bills, the the Freedom Caucus gave them all a middle finger. McCarthy knows he's got a playpen full of petulant children that don't know how to govern. 

Professor Expert
2.1.3  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    last year
Blah blah blah! Budgets must originate in The House of Representatives which is now controlled by Kevin McCarthy's gop. Nobody including the Senate and the President can do a damn thing about producing, passing and signing a budget and spending bill until McCarthy and the gop do their damn job... 

You know it. I know it. Everyone knows this!

So, yes, the White House wants McCarthy and the gop to produce a spending bill...

Budgets may originate in the House of Representatives but the crisis always originates in this White House.  But Biden isn't  going to compromise.  Give Biden what he wants or granny gets thrown to the curb.  

Professor Principal
2.1.4  Hallux  replied to  Ronin2 @2.1    last year
Seems leftists forget what happened in 2016.

A whole heap of crap happened in 2016, both the left and the right cherry-picked what to or not to remember.

Professor Quiet
2.1.5  Ronin2  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    last year

They do? Really?

How does any of that change what I stated? 

You think the Senate is simply going to pass whatever budget that House passes? Schumer and the Democrats will pass their own version of the budget- and then it will go to reconciliation. Before Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine gets a chance to sign it- which means it has to meet his approval as well.

Democrats think it is only Republicans holding up the works. Why should Republicans cave to Democrat spending desires? They were elected to stop Democrat bloated spending and taxing.  

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
2.1.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @2.1.1    last year
Blah blah blah! Budgets must originate in The House of Representatives which is now controlled by Kevin McCarthy's gop. Nobody including the Senate and the President can do a damn thing about producing, passing and signing a budget and spending bill until McCarthy and the gop do their damn job... 

Not true. the House and Senate develop their own budget resolutions to set spending levels, which often deviate from each other as well as from the president's request.  The House and Senate appropriations committees, through their 12 subcommittees, hold hearings to examine the budget requests and needs of federal spending programs.

The House and Senate then produce their own appropriations bills to fund the federal government. These bills are "marked up" (amended as needed) and approved by the appropriations committees.

After approval by the appropriations committees, the bills head to the House and Senate floors where they may be further amended and eventually passed.  Most times, the bills passed by House and Senate differ in some significant ways and must be reconciled.

Once a final bill has been negotiated between the two chambers, it must then pass the House and Senate and be signed by the president.

If Congress cannot agree on new funding levels before Oct. 1, a continuing resolution is required.

Since 1985, there have only been four Appropriation Bills passed on time.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
2.1.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @2.1.6    last year

I'm working Senate Appropriations Committee - Defense (SAC-D) Marks right now.

Professor Principal
2.1.8  Hallux  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @2.1.7    last year

Such an exciting life you live.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
2.1.9  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Hallux @2.1.8    last year

It's what keeps me in this chair, and most people would say an Army bureaucrat sounds boring.  The Army has 34 SAC-D Marks tiered into paper only Issue Papers, Issue Papers with acquisition leader discussion with staffers and Issue Papers with Army Senior Leaders discussion in Sept.  Then the four Defense Committees have to resolve their differences and finish drafting the FY24 Defense Appropriations Bill. 

Just learned that Biden will ask for a nice pay raise for this tireless federal worker.

Professor Principal
2.1.10  devangelical  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @2.1.9    last year

tuberville will tap the brakes on that, too bad...

Professor Principal
2.2  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @2    last year

We can always pass continuing resolutions ala Democrats, right?

Definitely no need to panic, this is now just politics as usual no matter who is in charge.

Professor Expert
2.2.1  seeder  Nerm_L  replied to  Texan1211 @2.2    last year
We can always pass continuing resolutions ala Democrats, right? Definitely no need to panic, this is now just politics as usual no matter who is in charge.

No vulture capitalists were harmed in the making of this crisis.

Professor Principal
2.3  JBB  replied to  JBB @2    last year

That comment was not off topic! Speaker McCarthy and the gop in Congress have to produce a budget and spending bill. The gop needs to get off their asses and do their job!


Professor Principal
2.3.1  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @2.3    last year
Speaker McCarthy and the gop in Congress must to produce a budget and spending bill.

And you should have left it at that instead of the crap you posted.

Professor Principal
3  Texan1211    last year

Congress hasn't passed a budget on time in over 27 years.

This, despite liberal histrionics, is no different than the last 2+ decades.

The sky is NOT falling.


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