Anti-cop Minnesota Democratic party official left bloodied in violent carjacking
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 112 commentsBy: Patrick Reilly (New York Post)

A Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party official who once vowed to "dismantle" the Minneapolis Police Department is now calling for tougher crime laws after she was beaten and bloodied in a carjacking outside of her home this week.
Shivanthi Sathanandan, the Second Vice Chairwoman for the DFL, shared news of her attack in a Wednesday Facebook post, where she fumed that the four young suspects need to be brought to justice.
"I have a broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising and cuts all over my body. And I have rage," wrote Sathanandan, who said the beating occurred in front of her 4-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son at around 7:45 p.m. Tuesday.
"These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS. Killing mothers. Giving babies psychological trauma that a lifetime of therapy cannot ease. With no hesitation and no remorse," Sathanandan continued.
Included in the post was a selfie of Sathanandan, showing blood pouring down the right side of her face.
"I'm now part of the statistics. I wasn't silent when I fought these men to save my life and my babies, and I won't be silent now. We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM," she said.
shivanthi sathanandan/Facebook
"Look at my face. REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.
Minneapolis police confirmed the carjacking in Sathanandan's Folwell neighborhood in a statement to KSTP. Her car was later recovered, but no suspects have been arrested.
Sathanandan thanked the "incredible" Minneapolis PD for assisting in the terrifying experience — a far cry from her attitude toward law enforcement three years ago when she posted online that she and other activists were "going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department."
Sathanandan had called for the Minneapolis Police Department to be dismantled in 2020.shivanthi sathanandan/Facebook
"MPD has systematically failed the Black Community, they have failed ALL OF US. It's time to build a new infrastructure that works for ALL communities. If you are still disagreeing with that BASIC FACT, I'm not sure what to say to you," she said in the June 5, 2020 post — less than two weeks after George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police.
In another post on June 2 of that year, she applauded the Minneapolis School Board's decision to terminate its contract with the department: "MPD should have no place in our children's schools," she wrote.
Minnesota DFL Chairman Ken Martin told KSTP in a statement Thursday that he was "heartbroken at the news of Shivanthi's attack."
Sathanandan vowed to work to take back the streets of Minneapolis from criminals.shivanthi sathanandan/Facebook
"It is my sincere hope that the people who assaulted Shivanthi are quickly brought to justice and face punishment commensurate with the severity of their crimes," said. "My heart goes out to Shivanthi and her family and I hope their recovery from such a horrifying experience is as swift as possible."
The Post has reached out to Sathanandan for comment.

A strange thing happened to a Minnesota progressive a few days ago.
She suddenly became a Conservative.
I highly doubt that.
I wonder what you would do if there weren't authors out there who write misleading articles that you could seed and spout your defamatory commentary about.
It seems that she was more interested in reforming the MPD than destroying it.
It must be working.
I see you making the claim, but I don't see you backing up the claim. Could the claim be misleading?
Her bloody face is proof.
Could your claim be misleading also?
[Deleted] Quite a few of them either lead off with a direct logical fallacy or a totally unsupported assertion. Then they build upon the dislogic until he comes up with schlock like "the USA is a banana republic led by an authoritarian dictator"
Non sequitur. Her bloody face can be used as evidence that she was attacked, but it doesn't do squat for your contention of an instantaneous change of political orientation.
How would you know? Your comments are easily proven to be misleading. Like comment 1 on this seed.
Don't you even know what a Conservative is?
I know what Conservative means. A person rarely has all Conservative or all Liberal leanings. I highly doubt that one terrible experience has led to a switching of all attitudes. Indeed, her attitude towards the police may not have changed drastically. There is nothing in her post from 2020 that would indicate a desire for police to not apprehend people who commit crimes.
A Conservative is a progressive who just got beaten & robbed.
You heard it here first.
How can we until you have corrected all the dictionaries?
They need a little updating.
I don't care about Richards. I'm looking at your comment and it's lack of anything to back up an otherwise misleading claim.
Non sequitur, again. I challenge you to back up your definition with facts. I can back up what I say and admit when I am wrong. Can you?
Removed for context - sandy
Your unfounded comment reeks of a partisan farmer who plants his bullshit too deep and too far apart.
Removed for context - sandy
Removed for context - sandy
You mean besides the fact that this is a misleading article?
The article's title:
But then
What she actually said:
Which sounds like she wants a reformed police department. Still a police department, just not one that thinks it can indiscriminately kill certain people. That is not what the headline says. It says she was Anti-Cop. There is a difference.
Further, the seeder of this article would like for us to believe that she went from progressive to conservative and shifted her thinking on the role that police should play. There is no indication that she did or did not change her position on police. Indeed, "The Post has reached out to Sathanandan for comment." It does not say if she responded or not, but I am thinking that she didn't. So the story does not support it's own claim that she was Anti-Cop or that she changed position. It is more of a wannabe karmic tale.
This is an example of how to analyze an article critically. If more people employed just a little bit more of critical thinking skills, I believe that we would be better off.
Just not "my" fault
Congratulations. You figured that part out. Now instead of running in circles trying to distract, how about links to back up the claim I called you on.
Good song.
She literally said she wanted to dismantle the police.
"We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. Say it with me. DISMANTLE. The. Minneapolis. Police. Department,"
It's dishonest to ignore that when claiming to quote what she "actually said."
Which sounds like she wants a reformed police department.
you should look up the word "dismantle" before you go any further.
If you think that I am going to read every article by the seeder you have another thing coming. The articles are out there, go try reading one and analyzing it critically. IMO, don't think that you will need to read past the first few sentences on most to start seeing discrepancies between facts and what the author or seeder is trying to sell.
I'm not talking about every article from the seeder. I'm talking about YOUR comment at 1.1. I called it out as possibly misleading in 1.1.1. You then proceeded to try to run in circles and come to this statement somehow.
You mean like anybody who disagrees with a progressive / liberal / Democrat in even the slightest are "racists" or "fascists"?
One word does not a complete thought make, no matter how you try to dress it up. Even one sentence cannot always achieve understanding.
By the way, I know what dismantle means. It means "to take apart into(its) constituent components". What it does not mean is "destroy". Usually, when one dismantles something, it is usually with the intention of reassembly. So, what she probably wanted to do is to take it apart (figuatively) to reassemble the department in another way.
Well, in that case, no, I am not being misleading. If you read carefully in my posts it is all there. Whether you see it or not I have no control over.
And, since my response above did show the article and the seeders disingenuity, to further say that I am disingenuous is ...disingenuous.
That's that fluid definition stuff you mentioned.
You know what. You're right. The displayed lack of knowledge rules out any possibility of you being misleading. You have to know what you're talking about to be misleading.
Dismantle, umodified, means to take apart. With the modifier "It's time to build a new infrastructure that works for ALL communities " implies that you are going to keep the pieces. Eg. He dismantled the fixture to fix the broken part. IRL, I dismantle things all the time to fix them or move them.
On who's part?
It's whose
Yep, he's on first base...
The actual definition still giving you problems. Start here:
Once you understand that meaning we might be able to continue to have a conversation.
The meaning is just what I said it is. From your link (thank you) :
Yeah, nice try. If you read the link, you'll see that NO WHERE does the definition come remotely close to referencing to "fix" or to "rebuild".
Except here:
So, she did say "dismantle", but she also said to "build". All of you, especially DJT fans, have to admit that since she said it once, she meant it sincerely.
Don't you just love it when the stupidity of some comes back and bites them in the ass.
It only takes a few minutes.
That it does.( Snicker )
Oh you are clever.
According to the City Attorney's Office, as of Jun 9th this year, Minneapolis has paid out just over $70 million in police conduct settlement from 2019 into 2023. This seems like stupidity coming back to bite the city over and over again, doesn't it? No matter what they say, no one really wants to 'dismantle' law enforcement. What they want is better law enforcement. What that means is up for debate. The progressives want non-biased better trained people that don't shoot first and never ask questions. The far right wants a return to the broken window LE policies of the 80's. I think there is a little room in the middle for most people to meet.
I think that may be what city residents want.
You have no clue what the city residents of Minneapolis want. If that's what they wanted they would be voting that way and they aren't.
Is that what these ideologues have done?
I'd be willing to bet that the minority residents of these big blue cities would gladly take police protection in any form at this point, be it bullies with badges etc. Unfortunately, it is not coming back. The brave men & women who used to do that job are unwilling to take on all that personal risk and be demonized too.
I don't want to hear about the fake concern for minorities.
Some here simply hate the country.
What you fail to understand is the ideologues are a small minority of people.
right... bullies with badges is what everyone wants... Can you hear the eyeroll from here? I seem to remember you supporting the defunding of the FBI? Isn't that a little hypocritical, there Vic? Again what most people want is good policing and a fair justice system.
Fake? Really? $70 million in 5 years fake... HAHAHAHAHA!
Yes, they are, but not when it comes to holding power, they are the people winning democrat primaries and they are the people running the DOJ & FBI and the national media.
right... bullies with badges is what everyone wants..
Can you read and comprehend what you read? I said they would take bullies with badges over zero protection which is what they have now. I know I would!
Did you know a 60 year old minority woman was beaten to near death in NYC?
"S hocking video shows a man savagely beating a 60-year-old woman more than 50 times with her own cane in a Harlem, New York, subway station .
New York City police said the attack happened shortly before 3:30 a.m. Friday, near the West 116 Street and Lenox Avenue station.
A graphic video shows the unidentified man swinging an umbrella at the woman. She initially uses her cane to defend herself, but then the attacker grabs it and turns it upon her.
The video shows the woman fall to the ground screaming. The man proceeds to cudgel her with the cane, hitting her more than 50 times over about two minutes. The strikes land all over the woman's body, her head, hands, legs, arms and stomach. The man hit her so ferociously, the cane began to break apart."
Man in NY subway station beats woman with her own cane in disturbing video (
Why hasn't the nation heard more about that, since some here claim to be concerned about "minorities."
And that has what to do with "defund the police" idiot getting tore up by the criminal element of the city?
And what makes you the SME on it? I would imagine after the race riots they would want something done.
The article isn't about me. Defend your points with evidence, refute my points with evidence or go away.
We need progressives to step up and wear the blue.
Nothing. I posted about stupid biting them in the ass. A $27M chunk of ass was taken in one bite...
We need progressives to do a lot of things. Two simple things would be to think more and talk less, but we aren't going to get that.
It has nothing to do with the seeder either yet you made the comment. So you can get off your pedestal. I ask you a question - What makes you the SME on what the residents of Minneapolis want?
“I'd be willing to bet that the minority residents of these big blue cities would gladly take police protection in any form at this point, be it bullies with badges etc.”
So, content with the status quo?
Where ‘bullies with badges’ can choke the life out of a ‘minority resident’ ? And then you focus on the ‘etc’ when those minorities have had just about enough.
That is but talking out of both sides of one’s mouth…illiterate, ill-informed, and inflammatory.
Why do the majority white Dems tolerate this year after year?
The status quo right now in American cities is little if any police protection.
Where ‘bullies with badges’ can choke the life out of a ‘minority resident’ ?
He was a bit more than that, as was the one you describe as a resident.
And then you focus on the ‘etc’ when those minorities have had just about enough.
If it is truly the residents who had enough, we can let them be. However, I doubt it was the residents who torched and looted their own neighborhood.
That is talking out of both sides of one’s mouth…illiterate, ill-informed, and inflammatory.
As opposed to the radical hate-filled commentary above.
Just because progressive cops aren't constantly in the news about killing suspects, being corrupt, or being sued, does not mean they don't exist.
Apparently, they keep the knowledge of all the bad cops to themselves.
I suppose you can back that up with facts? Right?
I find it really interesting that even cities run by Republicans also have the same issues of rising violent crimes, understaffing and repeat offenders. Weird...
I suppose you can back that up with facts? Right?
Who should be added to that list? Teachers, nurses, poll workers, federal law officers and anyone else with the temerity not to take your utterances as gospel?
Here you go, George.
The Two-Decade Red State Murder Problem
States are not cities. Did you not understand what he asked?
A follow-up to that -
Following the data, the issue is much more complicated than simple political parties. Pointing fingers at each other doesn't even address the problem let alone work make people safer.
Here's another...
We can continue to have Fun with Numbers for awhile, point fingers at each other OR discuss what's actually going on in a rational and intelligent manner. Doubt that last one will happen, but I'm always an optimist.
I just assume not, it explains so much.
If you spent half as much time backing up your claims as you do poking at me we'd be having an actual discussion.
I would imagine after paying out a record $27M to the family of George Floyd the city would want something done too.
I knew i could count on intellectual dishonest, didn't think it would be so obvious, 1 city NY with the largest population in the nation, and you compare it to republican cities, based on per capita crime. Fucking ridiculous but expected.
Let's look at the most dangerous shitholes in the country and who runs them.
1. Detroit, Michigan - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
2. St. Louis, Missouri - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
3. Memphis, Tennessee - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
4. Baltimore, Maryland - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
5. Springfield, Missouri - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
6 (TIE). Little Rock, Arkansas - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
6 (TIE). Cleveland, Ohio - The most dangerous cities in America, ranked (
Hire better attorneys to defend them would be a start.
So you heard from a friend who heard from a friend.
And there's the telltale "I can't dispute anything" personal attacks that we've all come to know from you all. Then you THINK having an actual discussion is possible.
You haven't put up anything to dispute. But carry on with your deflection. It's cute.
And yet you still went that route.
Another brilliant observation, great work, Sean.
Sure did understand the question and the link takes in the entire state (s)
The article also stated this gem:
Make of it what you will, and thanks for your contribution, lacking as it was.
As opposed to all the conservative police officers that are constantly turning in other corrupt conservative officers?
Or is that just the only comeback you could think of?
So you still don't understand the question.
Don't you already expect that from the conservative band of brothers?
No, it seems that cops don't turn in cops regardless of their political beliefs with few exceptions.
Correct, which makes your original reply pretty meaningless.
What is the meaning behind your 2.2.18? Personal conjecture without any source?
The bad Karma involved here is epically deliciouso.
And the spin involved is actually funny is a sad and pathetic way.
Having first-hand experience with the MPD over the years the black community isn't the only community they have failed. The NA community has been the target of the MPD for decades. The American Indian Movement (AIM) was started in Minneapolis in 1968 exactly because of the MPD and its racist operation.
It seems the killing of citizens and the millions of dollars in judgments against the MPD haven't brought the intended results.
Whether or not the MPD was racist is really not the point here. If the "Civil Rights Division" of the DOJ says it was: I'd have to see the evidence. The case of George Floyd is not enough nor is the arrest of those who have been drinking.
What happened here, Kavika, is that the city was denied police protection by progressive officials.
Fortunately, one of them came in contact with reality.
The city did NOT deny police protections. The city council did NOT even attempt to mess with the police department. When it was suggested the Minneapolis mayor said he would veto it. The ONLY changes to policing were policy changes in how police deal with people during mental crisis and the use of body/dash cams. Additional changes were also put in place to improve police officer's own mental health.
Minneapolis' issues with policing are primarily the same as those across the country... a lack of candidates. Both the State and Federal governments have given money specifically to the city to train and hire more officers.
"Don Samuels, 72, is an American success story. Born in Jamaica, he moved to the United States 52 years ago. He has since built a prosperous life as a designer, eventually settling in Minneapolis, inventing and creating toys for major manufacturers. He became a member of the Minneapolis City Council, where he served during 2003 to 2014 , and even ran for mayor in 2013.
So, last year, he was shocked to see his city go up in flames after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. While many peaceful protests erupted on the streets, so did violent riots that left some neighborhoods looted and burned. As anti-cop sentiment grew, the Minneapolis City Council voted to dismantle the city’s police force, slashing $8 million from its budget and diverting it to other services.
Samuels said he and his wife Sondra were stunned by the council’s move.
“They just thought, ‘Get rid of police and the world would be great.’ My wife and I look at each other and go like, ‘Oh, my God, it’s going to be crazy around here.’ ”
Their fears of a hamstrung police department giving rise to emboldened criminals sadly came true.
Last year marked the second deadliest in the city’s history (after only 1995, when it was notoriously dubbed “Murderapolis”). In 2021, from January 1 to July 1, homicides have risen even higher — up 34 percent compared to the same time frame in 2020. Several children have been killed by gunfire in recent weeks, including a 6-year-old girl riding in a car , a 9-year-old girl jumping on a trampoline at a friend’s birthday party, and another 6-year-old girl eating a McDonald’s Happy Meal while returning home in her mom’s car.
Crime has always been a problem in certain neighborhoods, but stories of horrific violence are no longer aberrational in the city, Samuels said, particularly in his area of North Minneapolis.
The home of one family he knows “has two bullet holes, one in the front door and one in their daughter’s bedroom wall.” Last summer, gang members were “shooting at each other across a field of 50 elementary school children practicing peewee football,” he said. The coaches and the parents had “to dive on them to cover them up,” he said. "
How Minneapolis residents overturned decision to defund police (
It wasn't what minority residents wanted. It is what progressives in power wanted!
You are being misleading. Show me an article where the Minneapolis City Council passed a vote to defund the police. Your article even states the issues were:
They won the law suite, but Minneapolis is still short bodies with badges because they can't find enough people to hire. NOT because of progressives. The law suite is why the State coughed up money to help hire more, but this isn't just a Minneapolis problem it's a country wide problem.
Progressives made it a problem. They don't like cops and more importantly they view everything through the prism of race.
They did it. If city residents keep voting for them it will be more of the same.
LMAO, are you fricking serious that is the point.
DOJ finds Minneapolis police discriminate against Native Americans, a first in the country
Well duh, you might actually want to read the links and listen to someone who has experienced the racist MPD over the years.
Justice Department Finds Civil Rights Violations by the Minneapolis Police Department and the City of Minneapolis
That's a lie.
How? It's easy for you to make the claim yet offer NO proof.
It's an interesting take and even if correct they have had little to no effect on policing in Minneapolis. At least you've offered no evidence of it.
I wonder how you would feel though if cops started stopping and shooting anyone in a red MAGA hat or Trump bumper sticker? Ohhh wait... we already know you support defunding the FBI because you 'feel' Trump is picked we have that.
Minneapolis is a very blue city in a state that usually votes Dem since 1932. Is the MPD another example of historic and continuing structural racism embedded in a ‘progressive’ city? Why does the city and state tolerate this? Much like Baltimore, the city can’t police its police. It continues to take tax payer money to solve law suites instead of fixing the problem.
Local progressives need to step up and wear the badge.
That would really be reassuring / S
Special Report: How union, Supreme Court shield Minneapolis cops
This isn’t a cop problem per se.
It’s a cop Union problem for enabling bad cops to stay on the job.