
White House ALTERS Biden transcript to clean up gaffe implying African American and Hispanic workers don't have 'high school diplomas'


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White House ALTERS Biden transcript to clean up gaffe implying African American and Hispanic workers don't have 'high school diplomas'
Biden declared he helped find work for 'African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas'

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The   White House   has altered the transcript of a speech   Joe Biden   delivered in   Maryland   to remove his suggestion that black people, Hispanics and veterans were unlikely to have high school diplomas.

The   gaffe-prone president   was speaking about the economy on Thursday at Prince George's Community College in Largo.

Biden said he was proud of making big corporations pay their fair share of tax, and touted his success in creating 13 million jobs.

But during his speech he also made a major slip-up and implied that minorities and veterans were uneducated.

'We've seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I've focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas,' he said.

The White House, which publishes official transcripts of his speeches, including the 'umms' and 'ahhs', later corrected his words, in an unusual move.

In the transcript, he is quoted as saying unemployment has been reduced 'particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high-school diplomas.'

The president is well known for his slip-ups, exaggerations and embellishments of stories. 

On Monday, he used the   9/11   anniversary to claim he recalled 'standing there the next day and looking at the building' in New York - when, in fact, he was in Washington,  DC , on September 12, 2001.

'Some have said yesterday and today all has changed for America,' the then-senator from Delaware said from the floor of the Senate, the day after the attacks. 

'I pray that is not true. I pray that is not true...The one thing we can not allow to change are the values upon which this country is built.

'For if that were to occur, then they would be able to declare victory, genuine victory.' 

Biden also embellished on Monday his recollections of the fateful day, claiming he saw a 'fireball' at the   Pentagon   on 9/11, when in his book he describes it as 'a brown haze of smoke.'

Speaking to troops in Anchorage,   Alaska , on Monday, en route home from the   G20 summit   in Vietnam, Biden told them about his memories from 22 years ago, with typical Biden exaggeration.

'The plume of fire that shot up in the sky in Pentagon - I remember seeing as I got off the Amtrak train on my way to work in the United States   Senate ,' he said.

Yet in his autobiography, he wrote that the scene was significantly less dramatic: 'I could see a brown haze of smoke hanging in the otherwise crystal-clear sky beyond the   Capitol   dome.'

Biden, who at the time was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was photographed on 9/11 speaking to reporters in front of the Capitol.

In his 2007 book Promises to Keep, Biden wrote he was in Washington, DC, the day after the attack: 'I headed back to the Capitol the next morning,' he noted.

A Gannett News Wire report from September 12, 2001, cited by   The New York Post,   backed up the version in his biography, beginning: ' Delaware  Sen. Joe Biden spent Wednesday exactly where he wanted — in the U.S. Senate.'

Archived CSPAN footage also showed Biden speaking from the Senate floor on September 12, 2001, as he and 99 other Senators denounced the cowardly attacks. 

The president, who joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at age 32, and became its chair in 2001, has frequently spoken about his 'arrest' by the South African police.

On February 11, 2020, Biden told a South Carolina audience that he had been arrested in the African nation.

'This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid,' he told the crowd.

'I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robben Island.'

Biden did not specify the year, but was in South Africa in 1977.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    last year

There are so many types of Biden gaffes we need a classification system to categorize them.

(1). There's the lies about his background (football star, arrested in South Africa, 9/11) 

(2)  Lies about his family (son of a coalminer etc)

(3)  Inserting made up stories of his own sufferings to put the spotlight on him when others receive attention for their genuine suffering (house burning down, son KIA, family killed by drunk driver)

(4)  racist statements (articulate and clean, Indians owning 711s)

(5) rambling incoherent statements that bear no relation to the topic at hand

(6) Mumbling and appearing to drift off as he loses volume while speaking  .

(7) Physical problems where he wanders off inappopaitely during ceremonies, gets lost leaving the stage, gives hand shakes to air etc

(8) Plagiarizing speeches, writings etc..

(9)  inability to read off a teleprompter

(10)  Speaking without his handlers sanction, causing them to have to tell the Press what "he really meant" is the exact opposite of what he publicly stated. 

(11)  Inappropriate touching/sniffing of women, particularly young girls. 

This could be a 4 or a 9.  

Professor Principal
1.1  Texan1211  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    last year

Yeah, how would you like to be on the Biden clean up team?

Job security for sure!

Professor Principal
1.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    last year

LOL. If we start categorizing and classifying Trumps lies we'll be here all winter. 

Professor Principal
1.2.1  Texan1211  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    last year


Are you telling us you don't already have them categorized and cross referenced?

Professor Guide
1.2.2  GregTx  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    last year
"I haven't had the occasion to go to East Palestine," he told the assembled reporters. "There's a lot going on here and I just haven't been able to break."

I would imagine that we would have the same problem with Biden's lies....

Professor Expert
1.2.3  Nerm_L  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    last year
LOL. If we start categorizing and classifying Trumps lies we'll be here all winter. 

That only affirms that Donald Trump has a lot in common with Joe Biden.  Joe Biden's long political career has been an inspiration for many politicians.

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
1.2.4  Thrawn 31  replied to  Nerm_L @1.2.3    last year

So you agree that neither one has any business being president t?

Professor Expert
1.2.5  Nerm_L  replied to  Thrawn 31 @1.2.4    last year
So you agree that neither one has any business being president t?

Yes, I agree that neither Trump or Biden should be allowed to be President.  Unfortunately that's not the way it works.  

The choice is between Trump and Biden.  Voters are required to choose between two candidates that shouldn't be allowed to become President.  Removing Trump from the ballot doesn't mean Biden should be allowed to be President.  Trump is still a better choice than Biden.  That doesn't mean Trump should be allowed to be President, either.  But we are only allowed to choose between Trump and Biden.

Professor Participates
1.2.6  bugsy  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.1    last year
Are you telling us you don't already have them categorized and cross referenced?

Hell, he has spent years posting hundreds  of "I hate Trump" articles here...of course, none with proof.

You would think he had a rolodex full of these cross references.

Professor Participates
2  1stwarrior    last year

'Member - "you don't vote for me, then you ain't Black"???

Never cleaned that one up either.


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