
‘I don’t appreciate fat people wearing bikinis’: Cruel note


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  5 comments

‘I don’t appreciate fat people wearing bikinis’: Cruel note

I dont appreciate fat people wearing bikinis: Cruel note

A Woodgate woman found this note pinned to her door. A Woodgate woman found this note pinned to her door. Contributed

A BUNDABERG woman has voiced her outrage after someone left an anonymous note on her front door telling her not to wear a bikini or "short shorts" in her own yard.

The woman, who asked not to be identified, said the note had left her feeling uncomfortable.

"(I was) shocked, horrified and angry at why someone could do this and leave a note instead of talking to me about it," she said.

Part of the note reads: "I don't appreciate fat people wearing bikinis/short shorts when watering. Please cover up or I will report you."

It goes on to say: "You disgust me. I didn't move here for this. Also, cover up when walking your cat."

The note also tells the woman not to take her cat for walks, which she said she did to help the cat lose weight.

The woman said at first, the note made her feel like she couldn't do what she wanted in her own space.

"When I first received it I was really uncomfortable," she said.

"But now, I'm like stuff it, why should I be afraid to run around in my bikinis when it's hot."

The Avenell Heights woman received the note not long before the story broke about a Queensland mum who received negative comments for wearing a bikini.

Motivational speaker Julia Cross was walking past a group of young people in her bikini when she heard the comment "I think she is over the bikini".

The confident 46-year-old was inspired to post a photo to Facebook in her bikini.

" I faltered for a moment and then went on," she wrote on her Facebook post in which she shared the picture below.

"So this is me walking my talk...

"My name is Julie Cross, I am 46 years old, I am a size 10 on a good day, a size up on other days, but I don't look at the size anymore,

"I just buy clothes that feel comfortable.

"I have child bearing hips and stretch marks on my tummy that I am proud of because I carried two beautiful big nine pound healthy baby boys.

"I am healthy, strong, proud and happy... And you are invited to feel the same! And if I come your way and you don't like what you see then move away...

"And sisters, now is the time to start looking after each other!"

The Facebook post attracted more than a million likes.

NewsMail Facebook friends were supportive of Ms Cross.

"Good on her... people should be able to wear what they want without ridicule," Steve Howard said.

"I've never felt confident in a bikini at any age - so a serious high five to the ladies rocking theirs," Jessica Rumballe said.

Jass Edwards said she had often been made to feel uncomfortable.

"I can't wear a bikini without at least pants for the sheer fact there are nasty judgemental people that bicker when they think you can't see or hear them," she said.

"And I'm only 21, I shouldn't have to feel like that."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

This is so rude!!

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    10 years ago

I'd get rid of the bikini and water my yard or plantsin a thong and wet t-shirt!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

ROFL !! That's the spirit!!Smile.gif Smile.gif

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    10 years ago

You know what... would a letter like this be attached to some fat guys door? I think not.


Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Some people are just ignorant....and thoughtless...and mean!!


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