Stanford teacher suspended for singling out Jewish students
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 21 commentsBy: Snejana Farberov (New York Post)

A Stanford University lecturer has been suspended for allegedly making Jewish students stand in a corner while branding them "colonizers" — while also downplaying the Holocaust and defending murderous Hamas terrorists as "freedom fighters."
Students said the lecturer, who was not identified, opened two freshman classes Tuesday by saying the lesson would be on colonialism, the co-presidents of Stanford's Israeli Student Association told the San Francisco Chronicle.
He then blamed the war raging between Israel and Hamas on "Zionists" — supporters of a movement for the protection of an independent Jewish state.
The lecturer also reportedly justified the slaughter of more than 1,300 Israelis by Hamas terrorists over the weekend, saying it was part of Palestinians' resistance.
The teacher then asked Jewish students to raise their hands, separated them from their belongings and ordered them to stand in a corner, saying that is what Jews were doing to Palestinians, according to Nourya Cohen, one of the Israeli association presidents.
Stanford University has launched an investigation into a lecturer who targeted Jewish students and called them "colonizers." AP
"He asked how many Jews died in the Holocaust," said Cohen. When someone said 6 million, "he said, 'Yes. Only 6 million.'"
Rabbi Dov Greenberg, director of the Chabad Stanford Jewish Center, who said he spoke to three students in one of the classes, told the Jewish news outlet Forward that the lecturer said: "Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer."
The lecturer asked students to say where their ancestors were from and labeled each a "colonizer" or "colonized" based on their heritage, Cohen and co-president Andrei Mandelshtam said.
Stanford addressed the matter in a statement.
When one student identified themselves as being from Israel, the instructor reportedly exclaimed: "Oh, definitely a colonizer."
Greenberg said the students he had spoken to told him they were afraid to speak out in class and came away feeling traumatized. They said the lecturer made no mention of Hamas' atrocities against Israelis and offered a full-throated defense of the terrorists' actions.
"He said, 'Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people,'" Greenberg said. "'They are not a terrorist group. They are freedom fighters. Their actions are legitimate.'"
Cohen, the student leader, said the episode left her feeling "dehumanized."
"It's like I'm reliving the justification of Nazis 80 years ago on today's college campus," she told the paper.
Stanford president Richard Saller and provost Jenny Martinez released a statement Wednesday confirming the lecturer's suspension after he "addressed the Middle East conflict in a manner that called out individual students in class based on their backgrounds and identities."
The statement went on to say that Stanford has opened an internal investigation into the lecturer, who was described as a teaching assistant and not a member of the faculty.
"Without prejudging the matter, this report is a cause for serious concern. Academic freedom does not permit the identity-based targeting of students," Stanford officials wrote. "The instructor in this course is not currently teaching while the university works to ascertain the facts of the situation."
Saller and Martinez also condemned "all terrorism and mass atrocities," including Hamas' attack on Israeli civilians, which they described as a "moral matter."

Does anyone still want to question what is being taught in American universities?
Many will still deny it
Oh yes, they will debate any issue.
and you always lose. Its amazing.
In your dreams
In the few years I've been here, you haven't won a single debate.
Did you miss the part where he was suspended?
No, I didn't miss a thing. Who is "he?"
Do you know what that number is? No it's not the projected number of Trump indictments, it's the number of faculty at Stanford University.
Find more than one or two of them who are behaving like the one in the story and maybe you will begin to have a point. Right now you have nothing.
Taking the head in the sand approach I see.
You are claiming that none of them hold similar views? Or simply that they are far more subtle?
Right now you have nothing.
Right now I've got the truth.
Actually I took the fact based approach . There are hundreds and hundreds of people who teach at Stanford. Go find a bunch of them that have "taught" in class that Hamas is good , and then get back to us.
You have your opinions . How often they brush up against the truth is an open question.
No, you didn't.
Go find a bunch of them that have "taught" in class that Hamas is good , and then get back to us.
You made the claim that they don't teach the same propaganda. It is on you to prove they don't.
The article is a verified fact!
Of course they are going to be hard to find unless people complain about them. It is hard to find kids to complain officially about their professor unless they go way over the line, especially since so many of them seem to agree with the professors opinion.
LOL. You must think everyone is as stupid as Trump's base. You are the one claiming that universities are teeming with Hamas supporters and you used Stanford as an example. This one teaching assistant represents one twentieth of one percent of the faculty there. If the university faculty is filled with Hamas supporters you should not have any difficulty finding 20 more. That would bring you up to 1% of the total faculty.
Seven universities the other day had pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
At Columbia University on Thursday, two groups of hundreds of students tensely faced each other in dueling pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations, while university officials blocked public access to the New York City campus as a safety measure.
US colleges become flashpoints for protests over Israel-Hamas war | Reuters
Israel was attacked. Atrocities were committed and we are seeing pro-Palestinian demonstrations at universities?
I think it is you who thinks people are stupid.
And the costs keep going up for colleges.
They have become rich on tuitions.