
Israeli settlers in the West Bank are on an anti-Palestinian rampage - Vox


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  kavika  •  11 months ago  •  25 comments

By:   Zack Beauchamp (Vox)

Israeli settlers in the West Bank are on an anti-Palestinian rampage - Vox
Since October 7, settler radicals have been attacking Palestinians at an unprecedented rate — uprooting entire communities and threatening a wider war.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Since October 7, settler radicals have been attacking Palestinians at an unprecedented rate — uprooting entire communities and threatening a wider war.

By Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchamp Nov 9, 2023, 6:00am EST Palestinian families pack up their belongings, dismantle their homes, and uproot their lives after a decision was made as a community to leave due to repeated reports of Israeli settler violence and harassment, in the village of Khirbet Zanuta in the West Bank, on October 30. Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images Zack Beauchamp is a senior correspondent at Vox, where he covers ideology and challenges to democracy, both at home and abroad. Before coming to Vox in 2014, he edited TP Ideas, a section of Think Progress devoted to the ideas shaping our political world.

On Friday afternoon, I sat at home and waited to find out if Tariq Hathaleen was alive.

Tariq is an activist and English teacher in the Palestinian village of Umm al-Khair located in the West Bank, the land to the east of Israel that's home to nearly 3 million Palestinians and would make up the heart of any future Palestinian state. He and I had just been connected by a mutual acquaintance, who suggested that Tariq would be a good person to talk to about the wave of violence unleashed against West Bank Palestinians while the world's eyes were focused on Gaza.

Radical Israeli settlers, who intentionally build communities in the West Bank, routinely harass and assault their Palestinian neighbors. The settlers attack their herds, burn their property, beat them, and even kill them. This violence, paired with many more subtle techniques to pressure Palestinians to give up their land, has reached unprecedented levels in the month since the terrorist group Hamas's massacre in southern Israel on October 7. At least 15 Palestinian communities have been fully displaced.

Many of these forcible transfers have happened to Palestinian communities in the South Hebron Hills, the West Bank region where Tariq lives. I was supposed to talk to him about what it was like to live through this at 4 pm on Friday, 11 pm his time. But when I texted, he didn't answer. When I called, he didn't answer again. Soon after, he sent me an ominous voice memo.

Israel and Hamas are at war. How did we get here? Vox offers clarity.

  • Why did Hamas attack Israel?
  • A timeline of Israel and Palestine's complicated history
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  • What will "full" war between Israel and Hamas mean? And 6 other questions about the conflict.

"I was about to answer and call you back, but now there's military inside the community. We'll see what happens," he said.

The Israeli military, far from enforcing order, is a major part of the problem: Soldiers frequently abuse Palestinians, nearly always getting away with it. Data from the Israeli human rights group Yesh Din shows over 99 percent of official Palestinian allegations against soldiers between 2017 and 2021 did not yield an indictment, let alone a conviction. Since the war in Gaza began, sources on the ground have reported soldiers becoming even more hostile toward the Palestinians. While some Israeli military activity in the West Bank serves legitimate counterterrorism needs, the day-to-day reality is the Israeli government working hand-in-glove with the settlement movement to seize Palestinian land.

The most radical faction in Israel is, in effect, stepping up a longstanding campaign of dispossession: acting, both opportunistically and out of anger, to remove West Bank Palestinians from their homes. This escalation could lead to a deeper entrenchment of Israel's occupation and, quite possibly, a violent Palestinian response that brings outright war to the West Bank. These developments threaten to further weaken the already-slim prospects of a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the foreseeable future.

But most immediately, the consequences are being felt by the Palestinians under attack — like Tariq. When he told me that soldiers were in his village late at night, it meant something bad could happen — bad enough that I might never talk to him again.

I waited past sundown, the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath. I try not to work or use social media on Shabbat, but I had to know if Tariq was okay. Around 7 pm, he called me back: He was safe. This time around, the soldiers hadn't bothered him — searching only outside Umm al-Khair's homes rather than inside of them.

But the threat was real, based on both his recent experiences and those of other Palestinians. According to the United Nations, over 130 West Bank Palestinians have been killed in the weeks since October 7 — already nearing the entire total of Palestinians killed in the West Bank last year, itself the deadliest in nearly 20 years. Almost all were killed by the Israeli military, while "eight of them, including one child, were gunned down by settler militias, sometimes in army uniform," per Mairav Zonszein, a senior analyst at the International Crisis Group.

"[In our village] you think about how to live that day, how to stay safe that day, how to stay alive that day," Tariq told me. "You don't think about the future."

A Palestinian walks in the village of Khallet al-Daba, in the occupied West Bank on October 26, 2023, after it was attacked by Israeli settlers. Thomas Coex/AFP via Getty Images

Fanaticism, security, and the settlements

Israeli settlement in the West Bank, which started after Israel took the territory from Jordan during the 1967 Six-Day War, grew for two distinct reasons. Understanding their interconnections is crucial to understanding the violence plaguing the West Bank today.

In those early days, the settlers themselves tended to be religious radicals, firmly committed to the idea that all of the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea had been biblically granted to Jews and (by extension) to the state of Israel. Israel's government encouraged settlement for more pragmatic reasons. A few settlements, established in key places alongside military bases, could serve to protect Israeli control over Jerusalem and provide "strategic depth" in the event of a Jordanian invasion from the east, which was then a real possibility.

Today, the security situation is completely different. Israel has had a formal peace treaty with Jordan for nearly 30 years and, bolstered by its close relationship with the US, is so militarily powerful that neither Jordan nor any other neighboring Arab state would dream of trying to conquer it. Its greatest security threat comes from Iran and its non-state terrorist proxies, including both Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

But the settler movement has long taken on a life of its own. Religious nationalists streamed into the West Bank; quite a few less fanatical Israelis, lured by relatively cheap housing prices in the settlements, followed suit. While many of these settlers live close to the "Green Line" — the border between Israel proper and the West Bank — many others live farther out. Settlers established these far-flung communities, sometimes legally and other times illegally, with an eye toward cutting Palestinian communities off from each other.

The radical religious settlers make up a small percentage of the overall Israeli population, but they have allies on the mainstream right, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu and many in his Likud Party oppose a Palestinian state on security grounds, worrying it would become a launching pad for rocket fire and terrorist incursions. Together, the settlers and their allies employ a laundry list of legalistic tools — ranging from housing subsidies to the national parks service — to assist in settler land grabs.

Israeli soldiers guarding Israeli settlers who launched an attack on the Palestinian town of Deir Sharaf in the northern West Bank, on November 2. Nasser Ishtayeh/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

And all Israeli governments, not just Netanyahu's, have felt obligated to ensure their citizens' security, settlers included. To protect them from Palestinian militants, Israel uses troops to block Palestinians from going near settlements, builds settler-only roads leading to and from Israel, and places hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks impeding Palestinian movement around the West Bank.

Settlement, in short, is not merely isolated acts from individual radicals; it is a wholly owned project of the Israeli state. It is no surprise that Israeli soldiers have long turned a blind eye to settler violence against Palestinians; they're there to protect the settlers, and sometimes even align with the settler agenda. The interplay of religious fanaticism and Israeli security concerns has created an ever-deepening colonial project in the West Bank.

"The relationship of military and settlers is so symbiotic that the system cannot go against itself," says Yehuda Shaul, director of the left-wing Israeli Center for Public Affairs.

Over the past two years, things have gotten much worse — especially since Netanyahu returned to power in the very last days of 2022, helming one of the country's most extreme right-wing coalitions.

According to a September UN report, there had been roughly two settler attacks on Palestinians per day in 2022, a doubling of the previous year's average. In the first eight months of 2023, the daily average went up to three — the highest figure since the UN began recording data on the topic in 2006. The violence between 2022 and August 2023 displaced roughly 1,100 Palestinians and emptied four communities, with scant accountability. The UN found that while 81 percent of Palestinian communities reported incidents to Israeli authorities, only 6 percent said they were aware of Israel acting on the provided information.

In the current government, the minister in charge of settlement policy is Bezalel Smotrich, the leader of the far-right Religious Zionist party who is himself a settler extremist. After settlers attacked the Palestinian town of Huwara in February, Smotrich said, "I think that Huwara needs to be erased."

So when the October 7 attacks happened, things were already getting worse. Since then, the dire situation has become a true crisis.

Smoke seen rising from Palestinian shops and homes after an attack by Israeli settlers on the town of Deir Sharaf, in the northern West Bank, on November 2. Nasser Ishtayeh/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

How October 7 set the West Bank on fire

Since the Hamas attack, the pace of settler violence has more than doubled — reaching an average pace of seven attacks a day. The scale of displacement has escalated accordingly, with nearly four times as many communities depopulated in the past month as in the preceding year and eight months. Of the 29 Palestinians killed by settlers in 2023, eight have died in the past month alone.

Part of the reason is very simple: The settlers thrive on impunity. When fewer people are paying attention to them, they feel like they have a greater ability to act without pushback from their opponents inside Israel and around the world. Like all Israelis, they were infuriated by the attacks of October 7; unlike almost all other Israelis, they have both the motive and the opportunity to take out their anger on Palestinian neighbors.

"The focus on Gaza has created a fog that allows ... settlers to create facts on the ground that they believe to be irreversible," says Omar Shakir, the Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch.

The government has condemned the violence but done little to stop it. If anything, some elements of the current Israeli leadership have encouraged their rampage.

During the war, a far-right parliamentarian named Zvi Sukkot became the new chair of the legislative subcommittee on West Bank affairs. Sukkot is an extremist settler who has been arrested at least four times on suspicion of radical activity, including lighting a mosque on fire. While he will have limited concrete powers, his appointment sends a signal that settler violence will be tolerated.

There's another factor at work here, too, one that has to do with the nature of wartime mobilization.

Typically, the foot soldiers deployed to the West Bank are conscripts — young Israelis just out of high school fulfilling their mandatory military service. But during wartime, these conscripts are needed elsewhere. Currently, they're deployed either in and around Gaza or else on the northern border with Lebanon, positioned in anticipation of potential escalation with Hezbollah.

To supplement its wartime forces, Israel has called up at least 360,000 reservists — roughly 4 percent of its entire population. Many of these reservists are directly involved in the war effort. But in at least some parts of the West Bank, the reservists are being drawn from local communities — which is to say, the settlements. As a result, some settlers who were assailing Palestinians as private citizens are now formally in charge of their security.

"It's not that the military accompanies the settlers. Now the military is the settlers," Shaul says.

These three factors — the focus on Gaza, the government's indifference, and the settler penetration of the military — have created a kind of perfect storm leading to a spike in settler violence.

And now, Palestinians like Tariq Hathaleen are paying the price.

People gather around a bloodstain surrounded with leaves near the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarm, where two Palestinians were reportedly killed during clashes with Israeli forces on October 5. Zain Jaafar/AFP via Getty Images

How settler violence could ignite a wider war

There are a number of armed Palestinian militants in the West Bank, including both a smallish Hamas presence and the newly formed "Lions' Den" faction. These groups' activities are both a cause and consequence of settler violence; their attacks lead to settler retaliation, but their own incentives to violence arise in the wake of land grabs.

The more egregious the settlers' actions become, the more likely Palestinian militants are to respond with brutal violence of their own. The more violent they get, the more settlers and the Israeli military will retaliate. And the more Israel inflicts violence on Palestinians, the more likely it is that violence erupts into a full-fledged uprising across the West Bank.

"I smell blood in the West Bank," an unnamed Palestinian official told the Economist. "I don't know where it will be, but it is coming: the settlers are going to do something terrible."

The settler attacks on Palestinians, while occurring under the aegis of Israel's military, are thus actually endangering the country's security while it focuses on the tough task of fighting Hamas in Gaza.

"Hamas has a crucial ally in the West Bank: the settlers," says Hussein Ibish, a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute.

Israel is aware of the risk here. The US government has become increasingly vocal about its fears of West Bank escalation; President Joe Biden has publicly and privately demanded that Israel do more to put a stop to the settler violence.

This is definitely within Israel's power, but there's a question of will. Netanyahu is on incredibly shaky political ground as resentment over October 7 and his response to it simmers; he remains in office by the grace of far-right settler parties, who care primarily about seizing West Bank land. If Netanyahu crosses them by ordering a crackdown on settler violence, there's a real chance they'll punish him by leaving the governing coalition — collapsing his government and costing him the position he seems to value above all else.

Israel today is in the exact opposite position it was in 1967. The interests of the state and settlers are no longer aligned; the settlers' religious quest for land is increasingly jeopardizing Israeli security. The question is whether the settlers have become influential enough to override what is, in theory, the number one obligation of the Israeli state: keeping its citizens safe.

But security is not the only reason that some Israelis oppose the settlers. A minority, but a meaningfully sized one, care deeply about Palestinian rights and are willing to do something about it.

At the end of my conversation with Tariq, it was deep into the night in the West Bank. He told me something extraordinary: that, as we spoke, there were two Israelis still sleeping in his home, part of a contingent that voluntarily offers their bodies as protection from settler violence. They are not only his friends, but representatives of a different Israel than that of the settlers.

If there is to be a solution to both settler violence and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it will involve gestures like this: Israelis and Arabs working together against the extremists to build a common future. As dark as things look in the West Bank and Gaza today, we can at least take some comfort in the idea that this spirit isn't entirely dead.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Kavika     11 months ago

IMO these acts by Israel are way beyond foolish plus they are illegal. This could draw Hezbollah into the war and Israel will be fighting a two-front war very quickly. The right-wing religious nuts can and IMO will cause Israel a huge problem that can manifest itself in many ways.

Additionally, many Palestinians and Bedouins are in the IDF fighting and dying for Israel. Israel is a country with a population of roughly 9.5 million and over 2 million are Palestinians, Bedouins, Druze and Circassions all are fighting in the IDF. The hundreds of thousands of Arabs surrounding Israel have a huge advantage, why in the world Israel is doing this in the West Bank will alienate these minorities to the point that they may just not join the IDF any longer and Israel needs all the manpower it can get. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Kavika @1    11 months ago
why in the world Israel is doing this in the West Bank will alienate these minorities to the point that they may just not join the IDF any longer and Israel needs all the manpower it can get. 

Religious zealots don't do a lot of critical thinking. They want they think is theirs and they want it now.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  Kavika   replied to  Trout Giggles @1.1    11 months ago
Religious zealots don't do a lot of critical thinking. They want they think is theirs and they want it now.

As we have seen throughout history, Trout.

Professor Guide
1.1.2  Drakkonis  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.1    11 months ago
Religious zealots don't do a lot of critical thinking. They want they think is theirs and they want it now.

I don't think this is a case of religious zealotry primarily. I think it is more nationalistic. 

Professor Principal
1.1.3  seeder  Kavika   replied to  Drakkonis @1.1.2    11 months ago
I don't think this is a case of religious zealotry primarily. I think it is more nationalistic. 

The group leading this are the ultra orthodox Jews and their beliefs are that most of the ultra-Orthodox say “being Jewish” is mainly a matter of religion, while secular Jews tend to say it is mainly a matter of ancestry and/or culture.

Professor Guide
1.1.4  Drakkonis  replied to  Kavika @1.1.3    11 months ago
The group leading this are the ultra orthodox Jews and their beliefs are that most of the ultra-Orthodox say “being Jewish” is mainly a matter of religion, while secular Jews tend to say it is mainly a matter of ancestry and/or culture.

Okay, but I still think the motive is primarily nationalistic. They aren't doing the things they are doing because the Palestinians are Muslim. They are doing so, in my view, because they believe the land was historically a part of Biblical Israel. That is, the emphasis isn't on religion but rather, geography and, through that, national identity, not Judaism. 

For the Palestinians, the motive seems different. Egypt occupied Gaza for 19 years, for instance, and the Palestinians didn't seem to have much of a problem with that. Same with Jordan controlling the West Bank until they lost it in 1967. For the Muslims It seems the religion is first, and the land, second.

Professor Principal
1.1.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Drakkonis @1.1.4    11 months ago
They are doing so, in my view, because they believe the land was historically a part of Biblical Israel.

So if there was no Bible there would be no Israel , no land of Israel?  I dont think can you ever separate Israel from the religion aspect.  And you could say the same about the Palestinians .

From what I have read, the settlement movement in the West Bank is a religion based movement. 

Professor Guide
1.1.6  Drakkonis  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.5    11 months ago
From what I have read, the settlement movement in the West Bank is a religion based movement.

According to the Israel Policy Forum:

In terms of settlers’ personal reasons for living in the West Bank, one-third of Jews in the West Bank are motivated by religious ideology, while the rest were drawn to the region by the potential to improve their quality of life. Of the 127 recognized settlements, 64 were established for religious reasons, while 63 (home to 67% of Jews in the West Bank) were built with the motivation to provide a high quality of life.
Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1.7  Greg Jones  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.1    11 months ago

"Religious zealots don't do a lot of critical thinking. They want they think is theirs and they want it now."

Yep, those radical Islamic Hamas terrorists didn't think this invasion thing through.

Now they're getting their asses whipped and dying in large numbers.

Masters Guide
1.1.8  Thomas  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1.7    11 months ago

If you look beyond the immediate consequences at the long term objective, Isreal is making the people who might have had an ambivalent view of Isreal have a view that is antithetical to the concept of peace.  That is,  the Arabs who might have been on the fence,  pro or anti Isreal, pro or anti United States, are turning anti both, at least in terms of government .This,  I believe, was the point all along. 

Professor Principal
1.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Kavika @1    11 months ago

The current government there does not believe in the Palestinians right to exist, at least not within Israel. 

Professor Principal
1.2.1  seeder  Kavika   replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    11 months ago
The current government there does not believe in the Palestinians right to exist, at least not within Israel.

Or the West Bank and it seems to be heading that way in Gaza as well.

Professor Guide
1.3  Drakkonis  replied to  Kavika @1    11 months ago
IMO these acts by Israel are way beyond foolish plus they are illegal.

Unfortunately, this is from a little more than three years ago, but it may be useful for this discussion. 

Professor Principal
1.3.1  seeder  Kavika   replied to  Drakkonis @1.3    11 months ago

We have two separate dynamics taking place, Drakk. The first is the building of Jewish settlements the second is the forcing out and or killing of the Palestinians and Bedouins to take their land and settlements.

Neither is good and the second is of course against all laws both moral and legal.

Professor Guide
1.3.2  Drakkonis  replied to  Kavika @1.3.1    11 months ago

I would have to agree. To an extent, I believe I understand the motives of Netanyahu's government and that of the settlers, but I do not agree with them. To my mind, that path is one that has given up hope of any peaceful resolution when it isn't warranted. Israel was making peace with other Arab nations. That bodes well for Israel, but they are sabotaging themselves in the West Bank as well as internally by not supporting the rights of non-Jews in Israel. I really hope Netanyahu does not survive this, politically. 

As far as the poll I provided, I was surprised at some of the answers the Arab-Israelis gave. Higher than I would have expected on some of them. 

Professor Principal
1.3.3  seeder  Kavika   replied to  Drakkonis @1.3.2    11 months ago
I really hope Netanyahu does not survive this, politically. 

As do I, Drakk and if he does I believe that Israel is headed for a bigger disaster then they are in now.

As far as the poll I provided, I was surprised at some of the answers the Arab-Israelis gave. Higher than I would have expected on some of them.

I was too, some were a lot higher than I thought that they would be.

Junior Quiet
2  Freewill    11 months ago
If there is to be a solution to both settler violence and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it will involve gestures like this: Israelis and Arabs working together against the extremists to build a common future. As dark as things look in the West Bank and Gaza today, we can at least take some comfort in the idea that this spirit isn't entirely dead.

Good article Kavika.  Especially this part. Both sides need to vanquish their violent extremists and work together for the future. 

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Kavika   replied to  Freewill @2    11 months ago

In small ways, it is happening now with the Bedouins working with the Jews in Rahat (Bedouin city) providing emergency services to both Jews and Bedouins and in a few instances in the WB.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3  Jeremy Retired in NC    11 months ago
Israelis and Arabs working together against the extremists to build a common future.

Not going to happen as long as the Arab world calls for the extermination of Israel.  You may get some Arab leaders into a meeting to resolve this, but their chances of being killed afterward are very high.

Junior Quiet
3.1  Freewill  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @3    11 months ago
Not going to happen as long as the Arab world calls for the extermination of Israel.

I tend to agree.  I posted the following in another article but it seems pertinent to this discussion.

See the PSR poll and report   HERE   from June 2023, just a little over 3 months prior to Hamas' brutal attack on Israeli civilians.

71% of the public (79% in the Gaza Strip and 66% in the West Bank) say they are in favor of forming armed groups such as the “Lions’ Den” and the “Jenin Battalion,” which do not take orders from the PA and are not part of the PA security services; 23% are against that.

The following is also quite disturbing:

Demand for elections stands at 77% in the Gaza Strip and 63% in the West Bank. However, a majority of 67% believes no legislative, or legislative and presidential, elections will take place soon. If new presidential elections were held today and only two were nominated, Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh, only 46% would participate and from among those, Abbas would receive 33% and Haniyeh 56% of the votes (compared to 52% for Haniyeh and 36% for Abbas three months ago). In the Gaza Strip, Abbas receives 30% of the votes and Haniyeh receives 65%. In the West Bank, Abbas receives 37% and Haniyeh 47%. If the competition was between Marwan Barghouti and Ismail Haniyeh, participation would increase to 61% and from among those, Barghouti receives 
57% and Haniyeh 38%. If the competition is between Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh and Haniyyeh, participation rate would decrease to 43% and from among those, the former receives 28% and the latter 61%.

So the people of Gaza wishing to vote overwhelming support the leader of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh against the president of the Palestinian Authority or the Prime Minister.  And yet it is Hamas that has made sure they haven't had the vote since Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007. The only one they would support more would be Marwan Barghouti who is potentially more violent and vehement about wiping Israel off the face of the earth than is Hamas.  The dude was a convicted terrorist who went to prison for murderous attacks on Israeli civilians as a leader of the first and second Infitadas!

Time will tell if any of this changes given what Hamas did on October 7, but in order for this terrible violence to end, it will HAVE to change.  Cooperation and coexistence cannot happen as long as the vocal/voting majority of Palestinian people continue to support violent terrorists and extremists bent on complete annihilation of Israel and its people.  

I don't see the same overwhelming desire for complete annihilation of the Palestinian people from the Israelis, although there may be a handful of WB settlers and extremists in the Likud party who feel that way, and need to change their ways.  Still BN's main focus is on eliminating the extremists like Hamas and Hezbollah and other terrorists groups who viscously attack Israeli civilians, not a complete extermination of the Palestinian people. 

Kavika - 

That is slowly changing, both Egypt and Jordan recognize Israel and have treaties with them. 
You are correct in that there is a lot of hate out there for Israel.

Agreed.  Remember, the Oct 7 Hamas attack further interrupted the normalization talks that were underway between Israel and Saudi Arabia, so it isn't like the Israelis are not trying to get along with the Muslim world, but those attempts are routinely turned sour by Palestinian extremist groups that are still supported by far too many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza among other places. 

Professor Principal
3.1.1  seeder  Kavika   replied to  Freewill @3.1    11 months ago
Agreed.  Remember, the Oct 7 Hamas attack further interrupted the normalization talks that were underway between Israel and Saudi Arabia, so it isn't like the Israelis are not trying to get along with the Muslim world, but those attempts are routinely turned sour by Palestinian extremist groups that are still supported by far too many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza among other places. 

I believe that the attack by Hamas was a response to the SA and Israeli talks and also the West Bank problems. 

Professor Principal
4  seeder  Kavika     11 months ago

That is slowly changing, both Egypt and Jordan recognize Israel and have treaties with them. 

2020 Abraham Accords, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco all established normalized bilateral ties with Israel.

 Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania all Muslim majority countries recognize Israel and Albania has recognized Israel dating back to 1949.

An interesting side note is that Albania helped Jews escape the Nazis during WWII and Albert Einstein was one that escaped through Albania.

You are correct in that there is a lot of hate out there for Israel.

Professor Principal
5  Gsquared    11 months ago

It seems as though the Netanyahu government is almost condoning and, in fact, supporting these acts.   It has to stop.

Junior Quiet
6  Freewill    11 months ago

While I agree that the violence from the Israeli settlers in the West Bank must stop and those extremists should be tried and prosecuted in Israeli court, it is important not to lose sight of the dynamic of violence by Hamas and terrorist groups like them and how it harms both Israelis and Palestinians throughout the region.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the co-founders of Hamas, understands the reality of what groups like Hamas do to the region.  He has seen it from the inside.  He was on Cuomo tonight and what he had to say needs to be heard.

14 minute video, well worth the time to hear the reality as seen by someone who was embedded with Hamas.

Professor Principal
7  seeder  Kavika     11 months ago
While I agree that the violence from the Israeli settlers in the West Bank must stop and those extremists should be tried and prosecuted in Israeli court, it is important not to lose sight of the dynamic of violence by Hamas and terrorist groups like them and how it harms both Israelis and Palestinians throughout the region.

It is important not to lose sight of the violence by terrorists, something that I, for very personal reasons will never do.

14 minute video, well worth the time to hear the reality as seen by someone who was embedded with Hamas.

I've seen the video before, and it says it all.


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