Sen. Joe Manchin announces he will not seek Senate re-election
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 49 commentsBy: Brandon Gillespie (Fox News)

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., announced Thursday he would not seek re-election to the Senate.
"When America is at her best, we get things done by putting country before party, working across the aisle, and finding common ground. Many times this approach has landed me in hot water, but the fight to unite has been well worth it," he said in a video posted on X.
"After months of deliberation and long conversation with my family, I believe in my heart of hearts that I've accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia. I've made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate," he added.
Manchin said he would instead be focusing on traveling the country to gauge "interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together," appearing to reference a possible third-party presidential run.
"To the West Virginians who have put their trust in me and fought side by side to make our state better - it has been an honor of my life to serve you. Thank you," he said.
He went on to lament the "divide" between Democrats and Republicans across the country, and that Americans were "just plain worn out" by the partisanship. He argued that Americans shared common values of "family, freedom, democracy, dignity and a belief that together we can overcome any challenge."
"May God bless America, the great state of West Virginia, and each and every one of you," he concluded.
Ranked by one nonprofit as the most bipartisan member of the U.S. Senate, Manchin's centrism and often tense relationship with his own party has fueled speculation he could be considering becoming an independent, as well as a third-party candidate for president.
He attended a "No Labels" event in New Hampshire over the summer, causing some fellow Democrats to worry he might mount a "spoiler" campaign reminiscent of late Texas industrialist Ross Perot in 1992.c
At the time, he told reporters his participation at the event was not a formal indication of third-party intentions. However, he later added that he's "never ruled out anything or [ruled] in anything... this is strictly a conference we're having."

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That's bad news for democrats.
I still think he would be the most viable third party candidate
They already knew his chances of reelection were bad.
That's right. The only question for him is does he want to continue in politics.
His best bet is to retire. He knows a 3rd party bid would be a difficult long shot and seen as an attack on Biden and the Dems. There aren't many options for moderates.
Nope. That's the left's best bet.
He knows a 3rd party bid would be a difficult long shot
He also knows the country does not want a choice between Biden and Trump.
Remind me when a 3rd party candidate won last?
What they want and what they will put up with are 2 different things. Anyone with an ounce of common sense will vote for one or the other knowing a 3rd party candidate loses. I don't like it, but it's the way it is. I'd be happy to be wrong on this one.
What’s worse: losing a seat or keeping a self serving speed bump?
A far leftist question. So there is no room for moderate democrats.
Ok. You get 2 Republican Senators out of West Virginia.
He was what the democrat party was for a short period of time.
Oh, the irony. You guys can’t even manage to agree on a speaker anyone has heard of.
Her TDS and extreme hatred for Trump stopped her from having the ability to think or do anything for her constituents.
This might be the prelude for just that.
And that would be a disaster for the nation and it would give Trump a very realistic path to the presidency.
Don't worry TiG, they won't allow Trump to win.
Who is the 'they' who will not allow Trump to win.
I would like to applaud them.
I'm glad I was able to introduce the real TiG to our readers.
So you are not going to answer my question? You are just going to play a pointless game?
Anyone reading my comments is already quite aware that I am absolutely against Trump holding any public office ... especially the presidency.
Who is the 'they' in your comment?
all 8 of them...
“…all 8 of them...”
The hateful eight…
combined IQ of 560 points...
Don't be so hard on yourself
630 with the author...
You're really feeling your oats today.
it won't be long till maga pays their dues,
I sure hope I don't get any on my shoes.
A word to the wise:
The last person who took on NT is out mowing lawns.
"took on NT" ... what does that mean?
bummer, and you need every up vote available for this reconstituted maga propaganda.
It's Inside Baseball. He knows what I'm talking about.
We don't need to do that on this side.
you struggle to keep your head above water now...
I have no clue what he's talking about, and, I really don't give a shit...
Yeah, and I do not know who 'they' is but apparently that will not be cleared up either. Clarity makes one vulnerable to a rebuttal.
shortbus is the only maga moron barely qualified to push a lawnmower that I can recently recall, and only because he reregs so often.
And there goes one of the last liberals who isn't a burn it all down progressive.
There are still plenty of moderate liberals they just aren't getting sound bites. Same with conservatives. It's the populist wings that generate online clicks and get people riled up.
Good . get his corrupt ass out of congress.