Satanic Temple Sues States for Infringing on 'Religious Abortion Ritual'


The Satanic Temple, sometimes confused with the Church of Satan, does not worship the Biblical Satan. Instead, the religious association venerates "the allegorical Satan described in the epic poem Paradise Lost—the defender of personal sovereignty against the dictates of religious authority," according to two federal lawsuits filed in Indiana on September 22 and Idaho on September 30.
In both lawsuits, attorney James Mac Naughton represents female members of the temple who are "involuntarily pregnant."
"The view of The Satanic Temple is that a fetus is a part of a woman's body," Mac Naughton told Newsweek. "As such, she has absolute dominion and control over it and can dispose of it or keep it as she sees fit."
Restrictive laws also prevent members of The Satanic Temple from holding the "Satanic Abortion Ritual," which is fundamental to their religious beliefs, the lawsuits argued.
This ritual, which includes the abortion itself, is designed to cast off the guilt and shame that may be imposed on a woman choosing an abortion, according to the temple. During the ritual, the patient meditates and recites Tenet III and Tenet V of The Satanic Temple Tenets.
Restrictive laws also prevent members of The Satanic Temple from holding the "Satanic Abortion Ritual," which is fundamental to their religious beliefs, the lawsuits argued.
This ritual, which includes the abortion itself, is designed to cast off the guilt and shame that may be imposed on a woman choosing an abortion, according to the temple. During the ritual, the patient meditates and recites Tenet III and Tenet V of The Satanic Temple Tenets.
Tenet III says, "One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone." Tenet V says, "Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs."
The temple also used religious freedom arguments in a similar lawsuit challenging the Texas abortion ban in January.
Mebership will pickup if this works