
Hunter Biden used business account to pay Joe Biden in 2018: Bank record | Washington Examiner


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  texan1211  •  2 years ago  •  137 comments

By:   Hunter Biden (Washington Examiner)

Hunter Biden used business account to pay Joe Biden in 2018: Bank record | Washington Examiner
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) released bank records showing that Hunter Biden's company, Owasco PC, transferred money to President Joe Biden in 2018.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) released bank records showing that Hunter Biden's company, Owasco PC, transferred money to President Joe Biden in 2018.

Owasco PC was an entity Hunter Biden used to handle income he received from his foreign business deals. For example, some of the money he earned from working with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma would flow to his Owasco account, as would payments from Hunter Biden's work with a Romanian oligarch.

According to a bank statement released Monday by Comer and the committee, the Owasco entity transferred $1,380 to Joe Biden on Sept. 17, 2018. According to the ACH Authorization Agreement, a form used for setting up direct deposits, the payments would be made "monthly" starting Sept. 15, 2018, though the committee only released a document showing the singular payment that went through on Sept. 17.

An email found on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop suggests Hunter Biden had listed the $1,380 payments to his father as reimbursements for a Ford Raptor truck.

An Oversight Committee aide said the committee is aware of at least three monthly payments in the same amount made to Joe Biden: the one on Sept. 17, another on Oct. 15, 2018, and another on Nov. 15, 2018.

"Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden's business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden," Comer said. "This wasn't a payment from Hunter Biden's personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world."

The Oversight Committee Republicans said the bank records were significant because they featured transactions involving Owasco, Hunter Biden's primary business entity at the time, and did not appear to involve Hunter Biden's personal bank account. Joe Biden had for years claimed to maintain a firewall between his son's foreign business dealings and his own affairs, but documents released over the past several months by the House Oversight Committee suggest Joe Biden's personal finances were more closely intertwined with his son and brother than previously known.

Hunter Biden used Owasco as something of a clearinghouse for the various foreign business deals he had pursued during his father's vice presidency and shortly after it. He created the company, one of several affiliated with him during his years of foreign work, to help manage the large tax bills he was incurring by earning much of his money through consulting fees and other arrangements that did not involve his employers withholding taxes for him.

In addition to payments from businesses in Ukraine and Romania, Hunter Biden used Owasco to collect income from a lucrative partnership with Chinese government-linked CEFC, an energy conglomerate in China.

A CEFC affiliate placed millions of dollars into a joint venture owned partly by Hunter Biden and partly by a Chinese CEFC executive in August 2017, bank records previously released by the committee showed.

Hunter Biden withdrew hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Chinese joint venture and deposited them into his Owasco account in the weeks that followed. He paid his uncle, James Biden, a cut of the Chinese income using the Owasco entity.

"At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes," Comer said. "And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden. I wonder why?"

Investigators from the IRS and Justice Department took an interest in Owasco's finances as they spent years looking into whether Hunter Biden committed tax crimes.

In late 2020, IRS agents and prosecutors learned that Hunter Biden had cleared out the Owasco offices in Washington, D.C., and placed all of the company's documents into a storage unit in northern Virginia, according to congressional testimony from IRS whistleblowers.

Investigators prepared an affidavit to request a search warrant for the storage unit, but Lesley Wolf, a prosecutor in the Delaware U.S. attorney's office, called Hunter Biden's lawyers and warned them that investigators were eyeing the Owasco records in the storage unit.

The IRS whistleblowers testified that Hunter Biden's former business partner, Eric Schwerin, prodded Hunter Biden to set up Owasco PC to help Hunter Biden with his tax compliance troubles.

"And the crux of this, as I understand it, is that Hunter Biden had a history of noncompliance with his taxes, and he would often get large sums of money and wouldn't withhold," IRS agent Gary Shapley, who spent years on the Hunter Biden investigation, testified in the spring. "So Owasco PC — was initially for the — the whole purpose was, Eric Schwerin came in to help him with his tax situation so it didn't continue to be a problem in the future."

"So all of his consulting fees and all that type of stuff would go into Owasco. There would be withholdings from it. So then he didn't get — when he filed his tax returns, they had withholdings to offset the taxes that he owed for that year," Shapley added.

Investigators later questioned some of the purchases Hunter Biden claimed on his tax returns as business expenses, including payments to alleged prostitutes that he attempted to write off as business-related.

White House spokesman Ian Sams has slammed the House Republican investigation of the Biden family finances as a "stunt" and denied that Joe Biden profited off the foreign business deals of his son and brother.

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Professor Principal
2  JBB    2 years ago

Joe Biden was a private citizen in 2018 with no power to leverage...

Professor Participates
2.1  1stwarrior  replied to  JBB @2    2 years ago

How little you know 'bout how Life government employees use the system.

Professor Principal
2.1.1  JBB  replied to  1stwarrior @2.1    2 years ago

Joe Biden was not a government employee from 2017 to 2021...

Professor Quiet
2.2  Ozzwald  replied to  JBB @2    2 years ago
Joe Biden was a private citizen in 2018 with no power to leverage...

Details...details...  No republican investigation has allowed a little thing like the details to get in their way.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @2    2 years ago
Joe Biden was a private citizen in 2018 with no power to leverage...

Are you unfamilliar with how American politics work?

There's a billion dollar industry called lobbying.  You should look into it and redo your post. 

Professor Expert
3  CB    2 years ago
An email found on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop suggests Hunter Biden had listed the $1,380 payments to his father as reimbursements for a Ford Raptor truck. An Oversight Committee aide said the committee is aware of at least three monthly payments in the same amount made to Joe Biden: the one on Sept. 17, another on Oct. 15, 2018, and another on Nov. 15, 2018.

That amount totaling $4140 is DEFINITELY going to make V.P. Biden rich.  /s  And what a poor 'thief' V.P. Biden must be if that is all he can get from international "higher ups."  

This has hallmark signs of being a MANUFACTURED story and it is shameful with wars going on and on and on around the world that this president is being distracted by. . . politics of the worse kind!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  CB @3    2 years ago
ount totaling $4140 is DEFINITELY going to make V.P. Biden ri

These are the people who think it's okay to shoplift and riot because "insurance" or something. 

Professor Expert
3.2.1  CB  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.2    2 years ago

No idea what your comment means.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
4  A. Macarthur    2 years ago

How Republicans overhype the findings of their Hunter Biden probe

Analysis by   Glenn Kessler
The Fact Checker
August 17, 2023 at 3:00 a.m. EDT

As for the $20 million in payments Comer and other Republicans invoke this figure often. A close reading of the memos, however, finds that only about $7 million can be directly attributed to Biden family members, mostly Hunter, while the rest went to “associates,” according to the memos.   Yet Comer and other lawmakers misleadingly suggest all of the money went to the Biden family or, as some label it, “ the Biden crime family .” No evidence has emerged that any of these funds can be traced to  Joe Biden  himself.

  The House Oversight Committee memos are written in a way that makes it difficult to follow the exact path, keeping the focus on the top-line numbers. We sought comment from Comer’s staff to see if our calculations were correct, but did not get a response.

Comer would have more credibility if he stuck to documented facts — such as saying precisely that Hunter Biden received $7 million from foreign sources. He earns Three Pinocchios.

Three Pinocchios

https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/R3D6G7LSABDK5AWUBRNHFILBXQ.jpg&w=540 540w, 691w, 767w, 916w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 440px) 440px,(max-width: 600px) 691px,(max-width: 768px) 691px,(min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px) 960px,(min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1299px) 530px,(min-width: 1300px) and (max-width: 1439px) 691px,(min-width: 1440px) 916px,440px" >

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

On June 26, 2018 — less than three months before Joe Biden began to receive the monthly transfers — an internal Bank Secrecy Act expert warned colleagues that the institution should reconsider its relationship with Hunter as a result of Owasco PC seeming to receive Chinese funds without “any services rendered.”

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
5.2  A. Macarthur  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    2 years ago

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden

After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.

Republicans conceded that they had yet to find evidence of a specific corrupt action Mr. Biden took in office in connection with any of the business deals his son entered into. Instead, their presentation underscored how little headway top G.O.P. lawmakers have made in finding clear evidence of questionable transactions they can tie to Mr. Biden, their chief political rival.

Professor Expert
5.2.2  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.1    2 years ago

The 'whisper' campaign is very loud and wants to be even louder I see.

Professor Expert
5.2.4  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.3    2 years ago

Chicken Little

You may never watch this to video because it might tell you what a whisper campaign is all about. 

Professor Expert
5.2.6  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @5.2.5    2 years ago


charger 383
Professor Silent
6  charger 383    2 years ago

Test post

Professor Participates
6.1  Snuffy  replied to  charger 383 @6    2 years ago
Test post

Can only grade at a B.  You have no punctuation in your sentence. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
7  A. Macarthur    2 years ago

‘Missing witness’ who accuses Biden of China corruption charged with being China agent

Gal Luft charged in absentia with arms trafficking, violations of sanctions on Iran and making false statements

A US thinktank chief who accuses Joe Biden of China-linked corruption involving his son,  Hunter Biden , and who has been presented by Republicans as a “missing” witness against the president, was charged with China-linked offenses including failing to register as a foreign agent, arms trafficking and violations of sanctions on Iran.

Gal Luft , 57 and a dual US-Israeli citizen, is co-director of the  Institute for the Analysis of Global Security  (IAGS), based in Maryland, near Washington.

An indictment  handed down in November  was unsealed on Monday with Luft described as a fugitive, having skipped bail in Cyprus in April while awaiting extradition.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
7.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  A. Macarthur @7    2 years ago

First thing I see on your link is a highlighted line:

This article is more than 4 months old.

Nothing current? 

This also puts the indictment of Luft in November of LAST YEAR.  Not really surprising a country that has been paid the Bidens millions are indicting somebody who stood up to Biden.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
7.2.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Texan1211 @7.2.1    2 years ago

You didn't know?  Because it is with Biden, we are supposed to overlook that.  

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
9  A. Macarthur    2 years ago

According to Kentucky property records, Comer and his own brother have engaged in land swaps related to their family farming business. In one deal—also involving $200,000, as well as a shell company— Comer channeled extra money to his brother!

Professor Principal
10  JBB    2 years ago

As predicted by myself yesterday, this story has blown up in Comer's and the gop's stupid faces. Everybody is laughing at them today. As if Joe Biden a thirty year US Senator, a two term Vice President of the United States of America and our current Commander in Chief was bought off by the Chinese government back in 2018, when Biden was a private citizen, for a mere $4,000 cunningly disguised as loan repayments, of which we have records.

This is how those spreading this shit yesterday look to everyone today!


Professor Expert
12  Krishna    2 years ago

I am looking at this from a different angle-- I personally have no interest in debating this issue.

However what I'm looking at is how many voters actually care about this? 

Currently there are many issues that are more important (and if anyone doesn't know what there are...well.. so be it! jrSmiley_82_smiley_image.gif )


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