
Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148M to Georgia poll workers


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  hallux  •  10 months ago  •  27 comments

By:   Rachel Weiner - WaPo

Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148M to Georgia poll workers

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Rudy Giuliani must pay two Georgia poll workers who sued him for defamation $148 million after he falsely accused them of helping to steal the 2020 presidential election from   Donald Trump .

The former New York mayor and ex-Trump lawyer has been on trial since Monday in federal court in Washington, where Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye “Shaye” Moss filed a lawsuit against him asserting that his baseless claims in December 2020 destroyed their reputations and exposed them to a torrent of vicious threats and insults.

The eight-person jury was only required to weigh how much Giuliani should pay the women in damages after the federal judge in the case issued a default judgment against Giuliani in August based on his admissions and failure to turn over evidence in the case. Moss and Freeman had sought up to $47 million in damages.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Hallux    10 months ago

Will the nation take note and see what happens to one by standing too close to the Don? 

Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  Hallux @1    10 months ago

I wonder what's worth more, rudy's condo or the HOA's offer to persuade ruby and shaye not to move in...

Professor Principal
1.1.1  Tessylo  replied to  devangelical @1.1    10 months ago

jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     10 months ago

Right now Rudy is making more claims outside the courtroom after the verdict...''I'm Innocent''.....and 50 more lies in 3 minutes...

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Hallux  replied to  Kavika @2    10 months ago

I expect a Chatty Rudy doll to be on the toy shelves soon.

Professor Principal
3  Gsquared    10 months ago

Excellent result.

Professor Principal
4  devangelical    10 months ago

maybe he can find a job as a caddy at a golf course in florida...

Professor Principal
4.1  seeder  Hallux  replied to  devangelical @4    10 months ago

He can't be trusted with your balls.

Professor Principal
4.1.1  devangelical  replied to  Hallux @4.1    10 months ago

noted, since he'll always lack 2...

Professor Principal
5  TᵢG    10 months ago

I have no sympathy for Giuliana.   He was on the top of the world until he became a Trump sycophant and now he's bankrupt, almost disbarred, and has ruined his reputation.

He knowingly and willfully lied as part of a scheme to violate the CotUS and disenfranchise the electorate.    Good to see that he is suffering the consequences of his outrageously bad choices.

Professor Participates
5.1  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @5    10 months ago

I don't know if he's bankrupt or not.  A Google search will find his estimated net worth around $50 million. He did make several stupid choices and now has to pay for his decisions. But I doubt if he will pay the full $150 million as I'm sure it will be appealed and possibly reduced.  And will he even pay after that?  OJ Simpson has only paid around $133 thousand and that judgement was awarded back in 1997.  Alex Jones has paid nothing on his $ billion Sandy Hook judgement, although it was announced today that he's made an offer of around $55 million over ten years.

Professor Principal
5.1.1  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @5.1    10 months ago
I don't know if he's bankrupt or not.

You can easily know that he is not legally bankrupt because he has not filed for bankruptcy.   But he is certainly logically bankrupt.   His situation could improve as you suggest but the likelihood is that it will get worse ... much worse.

For example:  

Giuliani's liabilities far exceed his assets.    He cannot pay his current debts and he has more potential liabilities pending.  'Bankrupt' is accurate in an accounting sense.   It is just not (yet) legal bankruptcy.

My point, however, was that Giuliani is in deep shit and it is of his own making out of his choice to stupidly do the bidding of Trump.

Do you disagree?

Professor Principal
5.1.2  devangelical  replied to  Snuffy @5.1    10 months ago
I don't know if he's bankrupt or not.

he's definitely morally bankrupt.

Professor Participates
5.1.3  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.1    10 months ago

No I do not.  He's in deep shit and he did it to himself. 

If you take the article from Forbes at face value, he could certainly be logically bankrupt but then again Forbes doesn't have Rudy's books to verify everything of value. As we don't have Rudy's books to review, that's why I say I don't know if he's bankrupt or not.  Alex Jones tried to cry that he was bankrupt, even filed it I believe, and was later caught trying to hide millions of dollars. So without having first-hand knowledge I cannot say for certain one way or the other.

Professor Principal
5.1.4  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @5.1.3    10 months ago
So without having first-hand knowledge I cannot say for certain one way or the other.

There are very few things one can say for certain.  You can make that claim about anything.   There is always room for doubt so if you literally operated that way in every situation you would have to say 'I just do not know' for everything.

Sometimes one needs to just rely upon the facts at hand and common sense.   The likelihood that Giuliani has 100s of millions of dollars stashed away is tiny.   He is not paying his legal bills, he is selling his home for a (relatively mere) $6.1 million (a drop in the bucket).

Did you read the Forbes article I linked?   Not sure it is possible for someone to objectively read that article, and factor in public information about Giuliani's woes and think that there is even a remote possibility that he is secretly hiding mountains of wealth somewhere than can nullify his financial problems.

Professor Participates
5.1.5  Snuffy  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.4    10 months ago

This is why I was hesitant to reply to you at first. All I said was that I do not have first-hand knowledge of Guiliani's finances. As I do not have first-hand knowledge, I don't want to pass judgement on what he has or doesn't have. Yet you basically insult me by saying you're not sure if it's possible for someone to objectively read the article and not believe it. I don't understand why you have to always try to belittle someone else. 

Professor Principal
5.1.6  TᵢG  replied to  Snuffy @5.1.5    10 months ago

First of all, you nitpick on 'bankrupt'.   Then when I explain my meaning (quite logical and supported), you come back claiming that one really cannot know.   I noted that such a stance would shut down any discussion since it is rare to know something with absolute certainty.   So we operate on probabilities and the likelihood of Giuliani holding boatloads of hidden wealth is very slim given the facts we know (e.g. selling his home) and the contents of the Forbes article (and others).

You are 'insulted' because I do not think it is possible for someone to read articles like the Forbes I linked and draw a reasonable conclusion that Giuliani is not very likely bankrupt (logically).  

If you think that is belittling then I suggest you not engage in social forums.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
5.1.7  Right Down the Center  replied to  Snuffy @5.1    10 months ago

I think the payment amount is still up in the air and we will probably eventually know what his assets actually are.

Although he has made many bad choices I still wonder how a highly intelligent person can become so erratic.  Sometimes when he speaks it almost seems his mind is not what it once was. Almost like a drug addict after years of use.

Professor Principal
6  JBB    10 months ago

Next up Trump is going to be banned from doing business in New York, fined a gazillion dollars and shipped to DC for another trial...

Rudy will not be defending him. Rudy does not have a law license!

Lock Them Up! 

Professor Principal
7  JBB    10 months ago

The most despicable things, among a cornucopia of high crimes and misdemeanors, Trump and his MAGAs are guilty of are the careless ways they destroyed the lives and careers of innocent public servants...

Like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss!

Professor Principal
7.1  Gsquared  replied to  JBB @7    10 months ago

It's atrocious.

Professor Principal
7.1.1  JBB  replied to  Gsquared @7.1    10 months ago

Trump has never cared what innocent persons suffered due to his no good low down lying cheating criminal pursuit of money/power!

Professor Principal
7.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  JBB @7.1.1    10 months ago

Yet so many think he is there for them.   Now that is pathetic.

Professor Guide
8  MrFrost    10 months ago

I'm sure trump will send Rudy a check for $148 million any day now.....

(EXTREME sarcasm)

Professor Principal
9  Kavika     10 months ago

Whatever money he has I hope that the two ladies get ever damn cent of it. He can live on the streets for all I care. 

These two ladies lost everything, and the SOB kept lying after he came out of the courthouse yesterday.

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
10  Right Down the Center    10 months ago

I feel sorry for Rudy. He was what NYC and the country needed after 9/11.  Not sure what he will actually end up owing and if he can afford it but he seems like a totally different person. It is sad to see anyone fall so far.

Professor Principal
10.1  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @10    10 months ago

I would feel sorry for him if he was a victim but he did this knowingly and willingly.   Worse, what he did was spread lies that damaged reputations (both personal and business) and was part of a plot to violate the CotUS, violate the pillar of democracy (the vote of the electorate), and incite supporters who wound up starting an insurrection to disrupt the workings of Congress.

He is no victim.   He engaged in profoundly dishonest, malicious, damaging wrongdoing.  

I feel bad (as in disgusted) that someone who was so popular and had such great things going for him would turn to 'the dark side' by becoming a Trump henchman.


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