
Soulmates die 10 minutes apart: Devoted 6-decade soulmates could not live apart


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Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  3 comments

Soulmates die 10 minutes apart: Devoted 6-decade soulmates could not live apart

Soulmates die 10 minutes apart: Devoted 6-decade soulmates could not live apart

An English couple, soulmates for over 60 years, died 10 minutes apart from one another. The devoted husband and wife, both in their late 80s, could not bear the thought of being separated from one another in this life. After Mavis Stevenson passed away on her 89th birthday, her husband of 65 years, 88-year-old Harry Stevenson, in otherwise good health, simply closed his eyes and passed.

Writes Yahoo News : In their final days, Harry and Mavis Stevenson had been living in St. Werburgh's House Care Home in Derby because she had fallen ill and they could not stand being apart.

Meeting as teenagers, Harry went off to fight in World War II, storming the beaches of Normandy in D-Day 1944. After the war, the two were determined to never again be apart, and they both kept true to their word and their marriage vows caring for one another for a lifetime of sickness and health, for better for for worse.

After Mavis health deteriorated, Harry moved in with her at the St. Werburgh's House care facility in Spondon, Derby. Family members said that Harry held her hand all throughout their final night together. When he awoke, he saw that his beloved wife still appeared to be asleep. When staff informed Harry that Mavis had died, he shed a few tears and closed his eyes for the last time.

Nephew Stephen Cresswell spoke of their final night together: The staff told Harry very gently that she had passed away and said he shed two or three tears. Then they tended to Mavis and the next time they looked over at Harry, he was gone, Cresswell said, according to UK's Mirror News . It was less than ten minutes later. He was lying next to her in a separate bed at the time. They shared a room in the home and the staff had pushed the beds together the night before. They told me he was holding her hand all that final night.

Cresswell said the families are experiencing equal parts sadness and wonderment over the lifetime devotion of Mavis and Harry. Although it is incredibly sad it is also incredibly wonderful that right until the very end they were together and neither of them had to be alone, he said. Their love lasted and they were devoted to each other. I can imagine them being together now, after their death, side by side.

The NY Daily News carried a recent photo of Harry and Mavis, as well as their black and white wedding photo.

Today, a joint funeral took place for the dedicated couple. When almost half of every marriage ends in divorce, these soulmates, who died only ten minutes apart from one another, have shown us that love is indeed as enduring as it should be.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

When staff informed Harry that Mavis had died, he shed a few tears and closed his eyes for the last time.'

aaww...Together forever...

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Sad and beautiful at the same time.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

Yes...bitter sweet..


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