Florida County Bans 673 Books, Including ‘Paradise Lost,’ ‘The Color Purple’ to Comply With State Law

Florida County Bans 673 Books, Including ‘Paradise Lost,’ ‘The Color Purple’ to Comply With State Law
Orange County School Board member said the county engaged in 'over censorship' to avoid running afoul of broad ban on any sexual content
Published | Updated Alec Dent
Orange County, Florida removed 673 books from schools in 2023 to comply with new state rules banning sexual content in books in schools, including famous works like John Milton's "Paradise Lost" and John Steinbeck's "East of Eden," and Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Color Purple," according to a new report.
The Orlando Sentinel reported details of the book bans, and spoke to Karen Castor Dentel, an Orange County School Board member, who said the county engaged in "over censorship" because officials are afraid of running counter to the state's rigorous ban on any sexual content.
"It’s creating this culture of fear within our media specialists and even teachers who just want to have a library in their classrooms, so kids have access," said Castor Dental.
Laws passed by the Republican-controlled legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2022 and 2023 aimed to curtail sexual content in schools, and have led to Florida leading the nation in banning books from schools, according to PEN America.

Florida is number one again leading the nation with our moral politicians that were behind this ban engaging in threesomes.
instead of burning books, like in the last century, fascists today depend upon grassroots organizations of thumper sex perverts, rapists, and child molesters to apply their warped version of the 1st amendment upon public schools and libraries.
At a bookstore recently I looked at a copy of Gender Queer. It shouldn't be in elementary school libraries (although I doubt it ever was). Maybe middle school but, if your children are in high school and you haven't taught them about sex they've already learned it elsewhere.
How are these books "banned"? Can you not get them in a public library? Are they not allowed to be sold in stores?
If it is only schools where they are inappropriate where they are not allowed, then parents are certainly welcome to go to a library or book store to get these books if they really want to abuse...er...let their children read some of them.
They are banned in the schools, simple enough. What makes this more than funny is that two of the people that were responsible for the books banns are accused of rape and having sex threesomes, the hypocritical Christians that want to tell the rest of us what our morals should be...
Moms for Liberty, nothing but another group of hypocrites that need to be dissolved. Oh, they are on their way to that end.
I trust professional librarians to determine which books are appropriate for libraries, not a shrinking minority of unamerican theocratic scum that can count the number of times they've ever been in a library on one hand.
So these books can still be found in libraries...
Good to know you know this.
Why what?
Why is being banned in schools simple enough when you can get them essentially everywhere else?
What if those professional librarians are gasp...."xtian thumpers" and decide they are not appropriate for those libraries?
Do you believe that DeSantis and his minions could ban books in private book stores or in public libraries?
The law, as it reads does not attempt doing that because there is no way it would pass.
It's like DeSantis trying to ban ''Drag Queen'' shows the courts overturned that as well and currently his trans student medical ban was ripped by a judge.
funny how the maga book banners seem to be blissfully ignorant about their own attempts to ban books from public libraries, and then when they fail they attempt to close those same libraries.
they need to be fired for attempting to place their religious beliefs before the constitution in a job funded by american taxpayers.
So they are not banned by any sense of the word.
So you mean DeSantis, a Republican, is pro business? Gasp how can that be? Disney would never believe it. Of course Disney isn't worth a shit anymore either.
Was it all Drag Queen shows; or just Drag Queen shows to kids?
So it was to ban kids from adult themed Drag Queen shows; or adult performances of any gender period. Only Democrats and leftists would have a problem with that. Unfortunately the US Supreme Court doesn't seem to know the difference between a child and adult any more either.
Was it DeSantis was trying to ban gender affirming care for everyone; or just underage children?
Only Democrats and leftists seem to feel that it is OK to try and alter children who are not old enough to ever make mistakes or change their minds. The medical community never gets anything wrong ever either. Oh wait.
What is the problem with waiting until they are 18 and have lived a little and can make a more informed decision? Why the big rush to get them while they are too young and more easily influenced?
Thank you for posting the ''before'' the courts started looking at his BS laws using his ''moral'' leadership and those of the ''Moms for Liberty''.
As usual the Right wing moral leadership is nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites trying to pass laws that show they and only them can lead using their version of morals, which as we see again in Florida they can't even spell moral let alone have it be part of their lives.
If you read the law or knew anything about it you could answer that question yourself...YES, it put restrictions on adult trans care.
So then your 1.3.2 is nothing but blowhard nonsense.
In one sentence you say you trust professional librarians but the next post you get triggered and cry that those that do not have the same beliefs as you get fired for their beliefs.
Purely Marxist tactic.
BTW....American is spelled with a capital "A"......
I guess unless those that post with a small "a" hate this country.
Plenty of small towns across the country without libraries or book stores.
Let me guess...these same towns don't have internet to order books from said bookstores or Amazon, huh?
Without a satellite dish I wouldn't have internet.
Buying every book you want to read can get expensive.
Reading online gets expensive as well.
Believe it or not there are actually poor, isolated folk in America.
Luckily, I have access to a public library but it's a 25 mile trip.
Many millions more do too, so it seems buying books online are not a problem.
"I have access to a public library but it's a 25 mile trip"
If someone really wants to get a book THAT bad, they will drive that plus some to get it. .
public employees that attempt to impose their religious beliefs on others in a secular america aren't professionals, nor are those that willfully submit to the unamerican activism of xtian radicals and hypocrites.
I combine trips to the library with grocery runs.
Have you read Mein Kampf? Do you read?
Best to do the library first and then the groceries so they don’t get warm.
So now you are changing your tune because you got called out.
What you are saying is you believe professional librarians...UNLESS they have different beliefs...then they need to be fired because of their beliefs.
"Have you read Mein Kampf? Do you read?
No I haven't and I hope for your liberal sake, you haven't either otherwise you will be put in the same group as Donald Trump by your liberal friends.
You may even be called a fascist.
no, I'm saying that thumpers that call themselves librarians while proselytizing on the taxpayers dime should probably be fired and then get a job at their church's 1 book library or a xtian bookstore, where their ignorant and hypocritical geezus jabber is accepted and expected.
Just like religion, right? Can find it anywhere, don't need it in the schools.
Where is it in public schools?
Be specific with your locations
You specifically said you trust professional librarians before you believe "theocratic scum" . You didn't gave an "except for"
Then when called out that there are "xtian thumpers" who are librarians, you flip the script and say now you want "xtian thumper" librarians terminated from their jobs because they have different ideals than you if they voice those ideals
Do you support the atheist librarians being fired if they ban anything they deem religious from a library they work at and are supported by taxpayer dollars? .
dennis prager university, used to teach in some public elementary schools within goober shithole states...
You got proof of that?
Florida approves PragerU’s conservative ‘curriculum’ to be used in schools
What does that have to do with putting religion in public schools?
I never said it was mandated I just supplied you with confirmation that Prager U is authorized to be used in Florida schools.
You can call it anything you choose.
But DeSantis has said this and Prager responded with this.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly said Florida stands for "education, not indoctrination," while PragerU's founder admits the videos are meant to indoctrinate youths with Judeo-Christian values.
A non credited ''University'' with their propaganda in our public schools.
And DeSantis knows what Prager University is about as a sitting governor. And yes, it's propaganda. Therefore, knowing and still sharing Prager U means DeSantis is "in" on it.
This article (and its adjacent warnings by the Seeder to stay on topic) is not about Dennis Prager University per se but book bans so I will tie this back to propaganda and then leave off of it because I don't want to get 'axed' by the Seeder for overlong discussion about other things.
This is Prager University propaganda :
This is Prager University propaganda :
You were proven wrong. Might be time to give up.
Not gonna answer my question at the end of 1.3.27 are you?
why would any professional librarian want to ban a work of fiction from any public library in america?
Well, guess what comes next: The movie versions will be airing soon in Florida (on repeating basis). Unless, they mean to ban movies too! We can all see what is IMPORTANT to MAGA - BEING OBEYED! Master:Servant! The GOP shapes the citizenry in its mode; not the citizenry the GOP!
They want Bible studies instead of literature.
“They want Bible studies instead of literature.”
If folks could just look at the Bible as an important piece of literature.
My son had a high school English teacher who had a study of the book of Job as a literary piece…identifying the plot, the antagonist, the protagonist, character development et al. A brilliant idea…it was his last year, terminated after a long career.
Fascism, plain and simple, and the right wing just keeps on cheering.
Republicans love the poorly educated so much they want everyone to be poorly educated. It's how authoritarians can take and maintain their hold on power.
Our fearless or is it freckless leader Ron DeSantis in addition to having his presidential bid in the toilet a judge just smacked one of these crazy laws down and said the he believed that DeSantis lied to the Florida citizens.
The article has been up for three days, time to shut it. down.