Kamala Harris is roasted for posting picture next to a gas stove AGAIN on Christmas Day - after Biden administration considered banning them over health concerns | Daily Mail Online
Category: News & Politics
Via: sparty-on • 2 years ago • 83 commentsBy: James Gordon (Mail Online)

Kamala Harris has been mocked online for the second time in two months after she posted a Christmas photo of herself cooking in a kitchen, featuring a gas stove.
Just last month Harris was roundly mocked when she posted a similar photo with her husband Doug Emhoff in their kitchen. Now, once again, the couple appeared standing next to a gas stove, this time for Christmas.
The pictures have incensed Republicans who earlier this year reacted with fury after a Biden-appointed safety regulator suggested authorities could ban gas stoves because they are considered to be major polluters.
Although the proposal was quickly dismissed by the White House, it has now left the Vice President open to attack whenever she is pictured cooking on one - or even standing close.
In Monday's photograph, Harris appeared to be taking steps to conceal the fact she was using a gas-powered device to cook beef Wellington - a fact not lost on users.
'Merry Christmas to all. May your day be filled with love, family, and good food,' she wrote.
Vice President Kamala Harris posted a photo with husband Doug Emhoff in a kitchen in which she appeared to be blocking a gas stove. The tactic was quickly seized upon by eagle-eyed Republicans
Georgia Rep. Mike Collins appears to notice every time the Vice President is near a gas stove
Critics were appalled at the hypocrisy at seeing Harris standing next to a gas stove following suggestions the Democrats were looking to ban them in a few years time
Mike Collins, a member of the House representing Georgia, was quick to respond writing on X: 'Is that another gas stove?'
The VP's efforts to obscure the stove was a fact that didn't go amiss with his followers.
'They are clearly trying to block their stove in the pic. So lame,' responded Matt Kakuk.
'After Thanksgiving, I can understand,' replied Collins.
'Gas stove with red meat on it... exactly what they want to take away from Americans,' said Tim Young.
'You're doing it on a gas stove while your side wants to ban them. Also doing it when Americans are going hungry. You still don't get it. Democrats = Hypocrisy,' blasted Savannah.
'I see you are using the gas stove you wanted to ban for us mortals' stated one user.
'Rules for thee, not for me,' added another.
Just last month, Harris was also roundly mocked when she posted a similar photo with her husband Doug Emhoff in their kitchen, once again appeared standing next to a gas stove
The head of the nation's top consumer watchdog, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, said last year that his agency might take some regulatory action that would 'outlaw' gas stoves.
It came in the face of growing research that links gas stoves to pollutants that harm both human health and the environment.
Republicans seized on the idea claiming that the Biden administration wanted to ban gas stoves, which the White House was forced to deny after the commission's surfaced.
Biden said he did not support banning gas stoves, and White House spokesman Michael Kikukawa said: 'The Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves.'
The saga began in October 2022, when Richard Trumka Jr, the Biden-appointed head of the consumer watchdog, wrote a memo to another commissioner saying there was enough evidence for the CPSC to start the rule-making process to ban new gas stoves.
'The need for gas stove regulation has reached a boiling point,' Trumka said.
Trumka claimed the body 'has the responsibility to ban consumer products that emit hazardous substances, particularly, when those emissions harm children under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.
'Emerging evidence is sufficient to conclude that gas stoves in homes emit toxic gasses that cause illness and that lower-cost, safer alternatives are available.'
'Any option is on the table. Products that can't be made safe can be banned,' he said.
He later was forced to clarify he had been speaking about new products, and that a retrospective gas stove ban was not being considered.
Joe Biden said that he does not support banning gas stoves, and White House spokesman Michael Kikukawa said: 'The Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves'
The department is required to review consumer products, and assess their cost and impact.
They do not issue bans on consumer goods, but rather say what the standards should be going forward.
'As required by Congress, the Department of Energy is proposing efficiency standards for gas and electric cooktops - we are not proposing bans on either,' said an Energy Department spokesperson.
'The proposed standards would not go into effect until 2027 and cumulatively save the nation up to $1.7 billion.
'Every major manufacturer has products that meet or exceed the requirements proposed today.'

lol …. A gas stove for me but not for thee ….. again ..
Their latest scam is saying they never wanted to ban them but just want to control emissions. Translation: new regulations will make gas stoves too expensive and ineffective.
AOC has me convinced the real problem is cow farts. Gas stoves comes in a distant second.
Beano is the answer, no doubt about it.
meh, I dgaf if maga have a gas stove in every room of their homes...
No one cares …
Another lame ass attack on Kamala Harris. You boys need to up your game.
Another defending the indefensible.
Since no one was proposing banning gas stoves this article is pretty fucking stupid.
Already covered in the article and in 1.1.1 here
from your article
I read it. It's still wrong.
Neither article refutes my point.
Already noted and covered.
No it isn’t.
"Democrats = Hypocrisy" "Rules for thee, not for me"
Kamala has earned every criticism she has ever received
Because he is trying , in a lame ass and futile way, to disparage all the comments about Trump.
And what does ANY of that have to do with all your your "Smoking Gun" failures supporting the 2016 "Big Lie" pushed by the Democrats and media?
Talk to your buddy Jeremy, maybe he can enlighten you.
You should pay closer attention. I didn't mention the J6 Shitshow. I didn't mention the former POTUS. You on the other hand just couldn't resist.
Afraid to do it on this article?
I guess you dont even understand the meaning of your own comments.
There you go. Now you're catching up. Atta Boy!!!!!!
You quoted it. Now, where in there did I mention ANYTHING about the J6 Shitshow or the former POTUS?
I understood it completely. I mean, I'm not the one that went off on something that was never mentioned.
Wow, that is one hell of a left hand turn deflection.
It's not like it wasn't expected.
[Keep the ball rollin'.]
post some quotes from kamala harris about wanting to ban gas stoves
or let it go
i'll be specific for you
post some quotes from kamala harris about wanting to ban gas stoves.
i assume she likes gas stoves since she has one.
none of you rw seem to realize how stupid this article is.
If the article is so stupid what does that say about people spending alot of time here defending the cackle queen of word salads?
Unless you have something with Kamala Harris saying that gas stoves should be banned you have nothing.
I'm sure you'll have no problem quoting her on being against the ban, right?
See 2.4.5 first response.
If the article is so stupid what does that say about people spending alot of time here defending the cackle queen of word salads?
Or when NYC decided to do it.
Maybe she doesnt care about the issue. Biden is against banning gas stoves. Its hard to know what the point of all this is.
That's a drawn out way to say you can't quote her as being against it.
You mean:
lol …. The Biden administration is pushing crazy shit like regulating gas stoves all the time. Harris is second in command in that administration so like it or not she owns it.
So stop trying to obfuscate the issue. It’s very sophomoric.
Man up for once and own it yourself. Your hero’s have their heads up their butts on topics like this. Denying it just makes you look even more dense.
So using your "logic", since she hasnt come out against banning gas stoves, and she has a gas stove, she is , what again?
The evidence is that she likes gas stoves. I think she could afford electric if she preferred that.
Based on her performance there is no issue that she cares about.
That would be the one
Let’s circle back to one of the main points at play here: Gas stove for me but not for thee ….. get it now?
I'll give you one last chance. Post something with Kamala Harris saying she wants to ban gas stoves. I looked and I couldnt find anything.
You still refuse to make the connection.
Did she resign or otherwise signal her opposition of the Biden admin policy?
lol. You want her to resign because she likes gas stoves and some government agency says they might be phased out one day. I guess if they get phased out she'll have to learn to adapt.
If she cared about the country she would resign so Joe could get a semi competent person that people would not be terrified of being the next in line in case Joes brains leak out of his head even more than they already have.
That’s how members of an administration signal disagreement with an administration policy. Since she has not publicly objected to her own administration’s policy, the only inference is she agrees with it.
Thats not how it works. If a member of an administration doesnt like a policy they simply dont talk about it.
The idea that it is a dereliction of her duty if she doesnt criticize the possible gas stove policy is bizarre.
“Its hard to know what the point of all this is.”
It’s oh so simple.
A strong, powerful, and (gasp) colored woman. Nit pickers, shit kickers, boot lickers…with nothing to say, saying all one need know as to what motivates…
You do realize we are not talking about Nikki don't you?
Gives some LWNJs the opportunity to call others names and show that is all they have.
I’m sure you really believe all that. The only bizarre thing here is the intensity of you defending Harris on this site.
Truly bizarre …..
It’s fun watching folks here attempting to defend the indefensible.
Well, I have to grudgingly speak up in Harris' defense. She is second fiddle, after all, and is expected to make the dimwit in charge look good.
Gotta go pretty low to make Biden look good,
“She is second fiddle, after all, and is expected to make the dimwit in charge look good.”
That’s another box she fully checked.
Barely, but she's doing it.
Chestnuts roasting with a gas stove fire…
Air frying some French fries ….
Hunter with his eyes all aglow. Will find it hard to sleep tonight.
Gas stoves are called gas stoves because they use gas. Three little letters are all that makes a stove gas. I wish they came in yellow, like my favorite school bus, weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And just think, if they had a telescope we could see the moon, eeeeven the craaaaters on the moooooooooon, weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. But they don’t so they are just lil gas stoves because they use gas.
How many kitchens do they have?