
Nationwide fraud organization Caught


Category:  News & Politics

By:  bcecorp  •  9 months ago  •  0 comments

Nationwide fraud organization Caught

Nationwide fraud organization Caught Host City San Diego CA

After doing a private investigation.

Black Lives Matter is involved there involvement with fraud organization there activities are Malicious acts of Surveillance,Profiling misuse of information, Conditioning, Anchoring, Mobbing gang stalking, Street theatre, The use of directional speakers, Baiting or entrapment, Gaslighting, Blackbag jobs, Propaganda and disinformation, smearing campaigns, fraud investment schemes

Most of the organization is located in Skyline, Emerald Hills, Lincoln Park, City Heights San Diego CA they think they have control over everything because they do fraud but in reality they have no control over anything. These groups create fake links to pretend there something there not then steal data information from there audience that they created to victimize themselves to hide from the FBI.

Also there biggest schemes is forging California drivers license and identification cards printing.

This group is responsible for , PPP loans , phone spoofing, SIM card swap, social media accounts to phish. Hotel motel credit card and ID copying and stealing at most of the hotels in San Diego, California that they pull exchange for drugs while the other groups build credit files under the victim’s names.

The fraud organization use Google voice connected to victims phone numbers even mimicking military personnel bank accounts and civilian bank accounts while they data mine information. Even the prostitution ring in National City and El Cajon Blvd San Diego is stealing information if there not making money they steal and sell MD20s and other drugs.

Most of the hotels and motels are taken over by these groups barging and entering and then doing fraud using hotel IP addresses and video game server addresses.

The fraud organization linked to Atlanta scapegoats by victimizing themselves to coverup their schemes. The false victimized themselves in anyway possible so the FBI and secret service can focus on the scam case the fraud organization created.

There counterfeit money printing in Texas and Atlanta GA and now there attempting counterfeit bills in San Diego California.

The group Also abuse of spoofing House of Representatives office phone numbers using voice changers that they learned from the Jamaican fraud organization in Miami and Alabama

This group also stole hospital records and documents inkjet printing schemes, Cryptocurrency fraud schemes. Even stole EBT from victims and passed information to Los Angeles connections including Las Vegas connections. They also created generic ALPHV Blackcat software. And still used VPNs that can be traced.

This group is at it again with fraud trying to forge and steal business information to coverup there PPP loan scams and these groups are also making fake power of attorney letters to claim business tax’s from small businesses. These people and groups would cover up there crimes by building an audience and a lie.

Also the PPP loan and Pandemic benefits fraud! Since 2020 the suspects organization caught! It’s time everyone knows the truth and why they hide behind others.

A Somalian fraud group was gathering identity theft information for local blood and crip gang members and wobblers to start creating pandemic benefits fraud accounts nationwide they both shared the money over $20,000,000 stolen benefits.

The Somalian Group collected business information while the wobblers did the work for 20% of the money. Explains Hamas funding.

The fraud organization would target there victims to steal from there victims.

location in skyline, city heights, emerald hills, Lincoln Park California is part of the

Money laundering in the US. Virgin Islands is through shareholders with fake business names at vacation resorts all over the British and United States Virgin Islands. Along with other chapters.

Fraud organization chapter is in San Diego linked to The Virgin Islands

There's more then one chapter nationwide linked to the Virgin Islands there bias is of a darker origin.

The San Diego fraud chapter mentioned it on the DS100-100w device they like to use

Another fraud alert ( the fake experiment scam)

Anyone receiving texts and being told to stay quiet about it? That's an invasion of privacy just to text random people with offers and gigs like listed below!

Other news there is a group of people getting $15 or more a day and gift cards to perpetuate for them as well. If you're getting paid that way I suggest you leave that gig. Text messages to go to a place at a certain time and what to say to the victims that's baiting and entrapment tactics.

The text message mentioned going to a location and what to say and do to a fake suspect that the fraud organization picked out to steal identity from.

The group paying is the fraud ring chapter giving text messages out. Using Chat GPT

all information is accurate


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