
Marine instructor awarded highest non-combat medal for saving student's life


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  10 years ago  •  7 comments

Marine instructor awarded highest non-combat medal for saving student's life

Marine instructor awarded highest non-combat medal for saving student's life

The Marine instructor credited with saving an infantry student during a grenade training drill at a North Carolina base in 2013 received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal earlier this month for his heroism.

The Military Times reported Monday that Sgt. Joseph Liefer was awarded the highest non-combat honor on Nov. 7 for his actions in June 2013 at Camp Geiger.

Liefer was with the student, who accidentally threw an M-67 fragmentation grenade short of the target at the practice range. The live explosive hit off a concrete wall and landed at the students feet with only seconds before it detonated.

Liefer grabbed the Marine, "threw him out of the pit and then threw himself on top of the student, shielding the student with his body," the report said, citing the award. They were uninjured in the blast, and continued on with the training, The Military Times reported.

"My training took over and I covered up the Marine and we are both here today, unscathed," Liefer said, according to The Camp LeJeune Globe.

Col. Jeffery Connor, the commanding officer at the School of Infantry-East, told the paper that Liefer was "ready to do what he needed to do."

"When that grenade dropped at the base of the pit, that was kind of a life-defining moment for Sgt. Liefer and he could have considered his own safety first, but thats not what he did," Connor said. "He took care of the Marine that was there beside him and that's what Marines have done throughout our history."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

That's what Marines do!! Bravo Leifer!!

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Kudos to Sgt. Leifer.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

That's right!! What a guy!!

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    10 years ago

Well deserved medal! Leifer demonstrated training, leadership and a quickness befitting an American Marine!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I personally, consider him a hero.Smile.gif

Jason T
Freshman Silent
link   Jason T    10 years ago

The only thing I do not agree with is the attention this is getting. I never had a student drop a grenade in my pit. I came close once when one bounced off the wall, also when a student let the safety lever slip off. Did have a friend of mine have a student drop one in his pit one range. was kinda scary. He got the student and himself out. Received a small medal but wasn't turned intoa high profile thing like this one. To be honest im more against giving medals for Marines doing their job. Yea he did save the life of the kid. Bu it was also his job. should someone be rewarded every time they do their job?

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    10 years ago

I see nothing wrong with giving recognition for a job "well done "


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