
Judge dismisses Disney’s lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies


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Judge dismisses Disney’s lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies
A federal judge in Florida ruled that Disney lacked standing to sue DeSantis and that the company’s claims against the governor’s oversight board fail on merit.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

A US judge has dismissed Disney’s lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his political allies, including the board he appointed to oversee Disney’s property in Florida.

The judge’s ruling is a win for the governor’s escalating legal battle with the entertainment giant.

The lawsuit,   which was filed   by   Walt Disney Parks and Resorts in April, accused DeSantis of weaponizing his political power to punish the company for exercising its right to free speech.

However, on Wednesday, a federal judge in Florida ruled that Disney lacked standing to sue DeSantis and that the company’s claims against the governor’s oversight board fail on merit.

The judge determined that Disney had not “alleged any specific actions the new board took (or will take) because of the Governor’s alleged control.”

In a statement to CNN, a Disney spokesperson said the company was not deterred by the ruling and planned to “press forward” with its case.

“This is an important case with serious implications for the rule of law, and it will not end here,” the spokesperson said. “If left unchallenged, this would set a dangerous precedent and give license to states to weaponize their official powers to punish the expression of political viewpoints they disagree with. We are determined to press forward with our case.”

The now-dismissed lawsuit, filed by Disney after DeSantis   signed a bill   that gave him new power over the 47-square-mile district that contains Walt Disney World Resort, was just one jab in the   ongoing legal and political fight   between Disney and DeSantis

Disney previously held municipal control over the area surrounding its theme parks, but lost it after DeSantis’ bill was passed, establishing the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, which is now overseen by five people hand-picked by the governor.

The   board has threatened   to hike taxes, raise utility rates and develop the land around the entertainment giant’s Central Florida theme parks.

The conflict between Disney and Florida’s Republican governor began nearly two years ago after Disney spoke out against a bill championed by DeSantis that banned certain instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida classrooms. Disney’s then-CEO, Bob Chapek, called the bill, dubbed by critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, a “challenge to basic human rights.

In the April lawsuit, Disney accused DeSantis and the oversight board of   punishing the company   for speaking out against DeSantis’ bill.

In a statement to CNN, DeSantis’ press secretary Jeremy Redfern, said the governor’s office was not surprised by the dismissal of Disney’s lawsuit.

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    last year

I can't believe this hasn't been posted, given the obsessive coverage dedicated to DeSantis.  A  sad  day  for those who love corporate control of governmental bodies though, for sure. 

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     last year

A win for DeSantis and it will be appealed soon meanwhile Disney will continue to invest in CA and other of its entities. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.2  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Kavika @2    last year
Disney will continue to invest in CA and other of its entities. 

Yes, another 17 billion in Florida over the next decade. 

Professor Principal
2.2.1  devangelical  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.2    last year

not with that sawed-off wussolini in the governors mansion...

Professor Principal
2.2.2  Kavika   replied to  Sean Treacy @2.2    last year
Ooh, I don't think Disney particularly likes the tax codes and rates in Cali.

You're wrong.

Under the plan, Disney promises to invest between $1.9 billion to $2.5 billion within the next 10 years. If Disney's investment does not reach the $2.5-billion mark, the company vows to pay an additional $5-million payment to the city

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
2.2.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  devangelical @2.2.1    last year


Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
To live

Professor Principal
2.2.5  Kavika   replied to  Texan1211 @2.2.3    last year

Good to see that you have to deflect from the response to your incorrect comment.

Carry on

goose is back
Junior Participates
2.3  goose is back  replied to  Kavika @2    last year
it will be appealed soon

What are they going to appeal? 1)Disney doesn't have standing 2) DeSantis didn't write the bill to remove Disney's control the State Legislature did.  3) There's nothing in the Bill that references Disney's opposition to Florida's restrictions on what can be taught in Florida's school. 

Professor Principal
4  Kavika     last year

Disney plans to invest another $60 billion over the next ten years in its parks world wide and in its cruise lines.

Senior Expert
5  George    last year

Disney gets its ass handed to them by DeSantis, it appears the mouse is no match for the governor. 

Professor Principal
5.1  Kavika   replied to  George @5    last year

Only the start, George there will be an appeal and it will go from there. When DeSantis is in the dust bin of history Disney will still be making billions of dollars and employing tens of thousands of people in Florida and around the world. Disney has done more for Florida and the people of Florida than DeSantis ever would or could. 

While the cost of living in Florida is skyrocketing due to housing shortage, the highest homeowner insurance in the country and the highest auto insurance in the country Disney is building 1400 units of low cost housing for its employees. DeSantis is banning books...

Senior Expert
5.1.1  George  replied to  Kavika @5.1    last year
. DeSantis is banning books...

An ignorant comment that is obviously a lie. 
Let me educate you [deleted,] Disney doesn’t do anything for anybody without first weighing if it benefits Disney, and those affordable housing units will be so Disney has more control over their employees, like the company towns of old. Slavery by another name, which is why democrats are all for it.

Professor Participates
5.1.2  bugsy  replied to  Kavika @5.1    last year
DeSantis is banning books...

Exactly what books are banned from being viewed or purchased in Florida?

Professor Principal
5.1.3  TᵢG  replied to  George @5.1.1    last year

You are correct that corporations make decisions that are beneficial to the shareholders.   The primary purpose of virtually every for-profit corporation is to provide shareholder value.   That is capitalism.   Disney is not unique here.

You are, however, incorrect in your belief that every move by a corporation benefits only the corporation.   Corporations do indeed make decisions that benefit shareholders at the expense of others.   They also make decisions that are win-win.   It is best if a corporation can make decisions that benefit its shareholders AND provide benefit to others (for which it can take credit).

Your comment that Disney offering housing is to merely enslave its workers is absurdly cynical.   By your reasoning, corporations offering health plans, 401k matching contributions, and other perks are merely to enslave workers.

Here is the likely reasoning at the board level:

  • Disney needs 77,000 people to run its Disney World operation.   
  • Many Disney employees earn very little (these are often entry level and/or service-level positions).
  • Employees need homes and homes are expensive.
  • There is a shortage of affordable housing in the area.

Disney providing affordable housing thus yields these benefits to Disney:

  • Disney acreage can be used to provide nearby affordable housing thus making it more financially feasible for its lower income employees to be employed by Disney.   
  • Disney makes a profit from the affordable housing.
  • Disney gains political / good-will capital by helping with the housing shortage

The affordable housing yields these benefits to Floridians:

  • Sustained employment by the largest employer in the state
  • More affordable housing available (limited to low income people; employee or not).
  • More likely that a low-income worker could secure housing and be employed by Disney.
Senior Expert
5.1.4  George  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.3    last year

Wow, all that to tell me i'm right? you did make one mistake, can you find it?

Professor Principal
5.1.7  TᵢG  replied to  George @5.1.4    last year
Wow, all that to tell me i'm right?

A feeble attempt at spin.

Senior Expert
5.1.8  George  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.7    last year

You didn't dispute a single thing i wrote, but nice deflection from your mistake, have you figured out what you got wrong yet? or are you going to continue to deflect?

Professor Principal
5.1.9  TᵢG  replied to  George @5.1.8    last year
You didn't dispute a single thing i wrote ...

I disputed your absurdly cynical claim that the only reason Disney is pursuing affordable housing is to enslave its workers.  

Your allegation is hyperbolic.   Get a grip.   Tone down the extreme.

One can argue that corporations view shareholder value as their top priority.   That, as I noted, is almost by definition true.   But to leap to the extreme —disregard all positives— and simply deem affordable housing as enslavement is not credible;  it is ridiculous.

Professor Principal
5.1.10  Kavika   replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.6    last year

I will refer you to Bombastic Bill O'Reilly, he is the expert. 

Mention banning book and It's like throwing dough balls to catfish.

Senior Expert
5.1.11  George  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.9    last year

Still deflecting from your mistake. Have you found it yet? The reason Disney is providing housing is to benefit Disney! Period! it effectively traps it's workers, if they leave their employment or complain they will be made homeless. 

Disney Sued by Fired Cast Member After Reportedly Denying Simple Disability Accommodation | Disney Dining

Professor Principal
5.1.12  Kavika   replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.5    last year

What is being discussed is books banned in schools.

Professor Participates
5.1.13  bugsy  replied to  Kavika @5.1.10    last year

I believe 2 of Bill OReilly's books were taken off shelves in one Florida county schools.

Of course he is going to hyperbole this, but in reality, he also knows that anyone can get his books in a public library or just purchase it. The school board that took the books off the shelves used a very vague reason as to why they did....not to mention is is a left leaning county.

Professor Principal
5.1.14  Kavika   replied to  bugsy @5.1.2    last year

Once again we are talking about books banned in schools nothing else.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1.16  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Kavika @5.1.14    last year

so you've manage to show (1)  DeSantis had nothing to do with the actions of local schools (2) there are no books banned in Florida.

Well done!

Professor Principal
5.1.17  Kavika   replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.6    last year

The subject is books banned in schools.

Here is a list for you, your welcome.

Professor Principal
5.1.18  Kavika   replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1.16    last year

You're wrong again Sean.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
5.1.19  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Kavika @5.1.17    last year
The subject is books banned in schools.

You should have qualified that in your original post....................



Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.20  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.14    last year
Once again we are talking about books banned in schools nothing else.

Your comment "DeSantis is banning books..." would suggest otherwise

Senior Expert
5.1.21  George  replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.20    last year

When was the governor of Florida put in charge of local school districts? 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1.22  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Kavika @5.1.14    last year
Once again we are talking about books banned in schools nothing else.

In an article about Disney having their suit dismissed.  

Professor Principal
5.1.23  Kavika   replied to  George @5.1.1    last year
An ignorant comment that is obviously a lie. 

Because you can't grasp that the discussion is about books banned in schools that doesn't make it a lie. The list of books banned is over 300 in school libraries. 

[deleted] on the ideology of the political parties changing starting in the 1940s and continuing through the Civil Rights era up to and including today. 

Quit living in the past [deleted]

Professor Principal
5.1.24  TᵢG  replied to  George @5.1.11    last year

Your 'argument' is to simply repeat your ridiculous claim that the only reason Disney is providing housing is to effectively enslave it's employees.

As I noted, by your reasoning any perk provided by an employer such as health insurance, matching 401k contributions, employee discounts, etc. is designed to enslave the employee.

If that is your view then you need to expand your outrage to pretty much every major corporation.

In reality, these perks are indeed designed for the benefit of the employer; as I noted upfront.   They use these perks to help them build and maintain a better workforce.   The employer benefits and the employee benefits.   Individuals who do not see a benefit in working for the corporation (e.g. Disney) have the option to work elsewhere.

Deeming these as forms of enslavement is absurdly cynical.

Your demonstrated understanding of corporations is not impressive;  you have no grounds to criticize Kavika.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.25  Right Down the Center  replied to  George @5.1.21    last year
When was the governor of Florida put in charge of local school districts? 

When some on the  left got their panties in a twist thinking that he might run for President

Professor Principal
5.1.26  Kavika   replied to  George @5.1.21    last year

It was the Florida legislature that formed the bill and DeSantis who signed it thus putting his stamp of approval on it and putting the school boards in the position that they are in today.

Oh, he also supported and backed certain members of local school boards, one being the threesome women that is in ''Moms for Liberty''....

Senior Expert
5.1.27  George  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.24    last year

You will no longer get a response until you find your mistake that i have asked about in every comment. Have you found it yet?

Professor Principal
5.1.28  Kavika   replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.1.19    last year
You should have qualified that in your original post

And those that are concerned about it don't really know the dynamics of Florida and the ''woke war'' by DeSanis with the exception of one person. It has always been about school districts.

Senior Expert
5.1.31  George  replied to  Kavika @5.1.26    last year

So every school board has done what you claim? or the school boards are making decisions for themselves and you are blaming an individual not in charge of said school boards? 

Professor Principal
5.1.33  TᵢG  replied to  George @5.1.27    last year

Works for me!

Professor Principal
5.1.34  Kavika   replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.25    last year
When some on the  left got their panties in a twist thinking that he might run for President

LOL, the one thing that DeSantis proved beyond a shadow of a doubt is that he and his policies ''war on woke'' were an abject failure on the national stage. 

Senior Expert
5.1.35  George  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.32    last year

What is really weird is that the claim is a Governor banned books, then it morphed to a Governor banned books in schools, now an intelligent person would ask........If a governor banned a book, it would be banned state wide. not here and there in individual school districts, maybe the governor of Florida isn't a statewide office? or maybe someone has no idea what they are talking about.

Professor Principal
5.1.36  Kavika   replied to  George @5.1.31    last year

LMAO, OMG what a deflection that is when you find out you have no idea what you are talking about. 

The school boards have to adhere to the law that was passed and championed by the Florida legislature and DeSantis, simple enough.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.38  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.34    last year

Woke is taking more of a hit every day.  Who knows what would have happened to DeSantis if DT was not in the way.

Senior Expert
5.1.40  George  replied to  Kavika @5.1.36    last year
no idea what you are talking about. 

That describes your understanding of how governments work, If a governor bans a book through legislation, it is banned in every school. not here and there by school district, that is a basic principle. High school civics 101......

Professor Principal
5.1.41  Kavika   replied to  George @5.1.35    last year

It would seem that you and some other have no idea what they are talking, I made the assumption that people commenting knew the law in Florida and who signed it, seems I was wrong and they really don't know shit about it but chose to comment anyhow.

Keep swinging you may actually hit something other than a foul ball.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.42  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.41    last year

When a valid point is nowhere to be found:

"It would seem that you and some other have no idea what they are talking",

"they really don't know shit about it" 

"Keep swinging you may actually hit something other than a foul ball."

Professor Principal
5.1.43  Kavika   replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.42    last year
When a valid point is nowhere to be found:

"It would seem that you and some other have no idea what they are talking",

"they really don't know shit about it" 

"Keep swinging you may actually hit something other than a foul ball."

All true statements and many in response to nonsense like this:

An ignorant comment that is obviously a lie. 
Let me educate you since you don’t understand shit about corporations, Disney doesn’t do anything for anybody without first weighing if it benefits Disney, and those affordable housing units will be so Disney has more control over their employees, like the company towns of old. Slavery by another name, which is why democrats are all for it.

See how that works?

Professor Principal
5.1.44  Kavika   replied to  George @5.1.40    last year
no idea what you are talking about. 
That describes your understanding of how governments work, If a governor bans a book through legislation, it is banned in every school. not here and there by school district, that is a basic principle. High school civics 101......

It seems you really don't know what you're talking about.

The law that was passed did not ban individual books they set a very vague set of rules and the school districts interpret it each in their own way and then they may or may not ban the book.

You might want to take civics 101 again.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.46  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.43    last year
See how that works?

 Keep swinging, you might eventually make contact.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.47  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.44    last year
The law that was passed did not ban individual books they set a very vague set of rules and the school districts interpret it each in their own way and then they may or may not ban the book.

Oh, so DeSantis did not actually ban books like you originally said and people objected to.  

Professor Principal
5.1.49  Kavika   replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.47    last year
Oh, so DeSantis did not actually ban books like you originally said and people objected to. 

The law that DeSantis promoted, and signed set the stage for the banning and you can spin that any way you like but you are wrong...


Professor Principal
5.1.50  Kavika   replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.46    last year
Keep swinging, you might eventually make contact.

Your inability to see what is right before your eyes is, to say the least, entertaining.

Professor Principal
5.1.51  Kavika   replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.45    last year
You may want to revise your post where you claimed DeSantis banned the books then.

Why, it was DeSantis that started this with his ''war on woke'', so he deserves the credit for the banning.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.52  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.50    last year

As is watching the movement of the goalposts more than once and doubling (or tripling ) down of a factually incorrect statement.

Senior Expert
5.1.53  George  replied to  Kavika @5.1.44    last year
and the school districts interpret it each in their own way and then they may or may not ban the book.

Holy shit, you almost reached a point of understanding, So the governor DIDN'T Ban any books the School districts do based on their own decisions.  That is exactly what everyone has been saying but the poor person who honestly believes the governor banned books.

Professor Principal
5.1.54  Kavika   replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.52    last year
As is watching the movement of the goalposts more than once and doubling (or tripling ) down of a factually incorrect statement.

I suppose it is in your eyes, losers (DeSantis) have to be protected.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
5.1.56  Right Down the Center  replied to  Kavika @5.1.54    last year
I suppose it is in your eyes, losers (DeSantis) have to be protected

When all else fails throw out a lame accusation.  Truth be told I don't give a rats ass about DeSantis, I do like honest and accurate posts though. 

Professor Principal
5.1.57  Kavika   replied to  Right Down the Center @5.1.56    last year
When all else fails throw out a lame accusation.  Truth be told I don't give a rats ass about DeSantis, I do like honest and accurate posts though. 

Nothing of mine failed or was a lame accusation. DeSantis is a loser, he started the presidential nomination race with huge name recognition, the next great republican Trump without the baggage and a war chest the size of Texas and what did he manage do to, he screwed it all up and didn't even make the NH primary. Difficult to make excuses for him.

I do like honest and accurate posts though. 

And that is a very good thing, I would recommend that if you don't like my post or articles that you can post your own, either seed or author an article. 


Professor Principal
5.1.58  Kavika   replied to  George @5.1.53    last year

Ah, George, it is fun watching you twist and shout, keep it up you'll soon be a pretzel.

You should author an article on how DeSantis isn't responsible banning books or author any article at all about anything. Now that would be a revalation.


Senior Expert
5.1.59  George  replied to  Kavika @5.1.58    last year


Professor Quiet
6  Ronin2    last year

Seems Disney can't stick to just losing money on their woke POS movies.

They feel the need to branch out into losing money in the political realm as well.

Professor Principal
6.1  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @6    last year
How much does Disney profit a year?
Disney annual gross profit for 2023 was $29.697B, a 4.86% increase from 2022. Disney annual gross profit for 2022 was $28.321B, a 27.07% increase from 2021. Disney annual gross profit for 2021 was $22.287B, a 3.62% increase from 2020.
Professor Guide
7  evilone    last year

We'll see if the 11th overturns this ruling on appeal. 

Professor Principal
7.1  Kavika   replied to  evilone @7    last year
We'll see if the 11th overturns this ruling on appeal. 

Of course, Disney will appeal, that is a given and it will be interesting.

Professor Guide
7.1.1  evilone  replied to  Kavika @7.1    last year

There is getting to be a bit of recent history making of the 1tth overturning FL judges, so yeah. Interesting.


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