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- Forest Visitor Maps for each national forest and grassland provide forest-wide information on attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities.
- National Forest Atlases are full color atlases, containing 8.5-inch by 11-inch topographic quadrangle maps at 1 inch to the mile scale and are available for many of the forests in California.
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A great deal on lifetime passes for Vets and old farts. Maps to.
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Looking good I have the Old Fart National Parks one and at times the state parks will give you a break if you have a fed pass.
I heard, that they will soon have the new and improved RezPass for old white farts. I can see it now. Joe White driving along Rez Road 13 in his 44 ft motor home at 75 MPH. Sirens blazing Luther Walks the Horse, tribal cop pulls Joe over and Joe motions him into the luxurious motor home. Luther hitches up his gun belt and tips his ''Billy Jack'' hat with the eagle feather and fancy band and says, Well pilgrim what ya doing in Indian country?
Joe looks at Luther and says, well I was just enjoying the scenery and thinking about having me a cold one. Luther says, Damn pilgrim, licker is illegal on the rez, but if you have an extra for me I'll look the other way. Well damn officer let me git ya one. Joe pulls out a Hamms from the Land of Sky Blue Water and hands it to Luther, drink-up officer. Luther always quick on the draw does his famous cross-armed and cross-eyed double draw on Joe and announces, you're under arrest Joe, what in the hell for officer? Well, pilgrim drinking on the rez, drinking in a house with wheels that ain't a single wide and bribing and tribal cop. Damn officer you said it was ok.. Well Joe, I lied it's the old forked tongue thing you should be familiar with that..