(American Citizens Think} The World Holds the U.S. and Our Leaders in Low Esteem
Category: News & Politics
Via: robert-in-ohio • 10 months ago • 17 commentsBy: Sarah Fortinsky
The status of our country and out leaders has fallen on the world stage in recent years.
The current and most recent former President are viewed as not respected by the rest of the world
And those are our choices in 2024 -
J ust over a third of Americans, 37%, say in a Gallup survey released Monday that President Joe Biden is respected by world leaders.
Fifty-eight percent said he is not respected, and 5% said they have no opinion.
Broken down by political affiliation, 74% of Democrats said Biden is respected, as did 3% of Republicans and 34% of independents.
The findings of the poll , conducted from Feb. 1-20, mirror those from a similar survey one year ago, when 37% said in February 2023 that Biden was respected by world leaders.
By comparison, 58% in February 2021 said that Biden was respected. The following year, just 40% of respondents agreed.
While the latest polling on Biden’s standing on the world stage marks the lowest of his presidency, it equals former President Donald Trump ’s highest performance throughout his four years in office.
By February 2020, one month before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the U.S. economy , 37% said Trump was respected by world leaders – the highest level of his presidency.
In the most recent survey, fewer Americans — 42% — say the United States rates very or somewhat favorably in the eyes of the world, the lowest since February 2017. In the first three years of Biden’s presidency, the share of those who said the U.S. rated favorably stayed about even at 49%, 48% and 49%, respectively.
Additionally, in the first three years of Biden’s presidency, the share of Americans who said that they were satisfied with the U.S. position in the world remained steady at 37%. In February 2024, that level dropped to 33%.
This slight souring on the U.S.’s role on the global stage comes as some Democrats have expressed dissatisfaction with the U.S.’s support for Israel in the war in Gaza .
Generally, the way respondents answer questions about the U.S. role on the global stage reflects a significant partisan divide, with Republicans rating their party’s presidents more favorably than Democrats, and vice versa.
During the first four years of Biden’s presidency, an average of 56% of Democrats said they were satisfied with the U.S. position in the world, compared to 12% of Republicans and 37% of independents. Similarly, an average of 76% of Democrats said Biden was respected by world leaders, compared with only 9% of Republicans, and 42% of Independents.
Trump, on the other hand, had reverse numbers for his presidency. On average, 71% of Republicans were satisfied with the U.S. position in the world, compared to only 18% of Democrats and 18% of independents. On average, 65% of Republicans said Trump was respected by world leaders, compared to only 5% of Democrats and 25% of independents.
The new survey, conducted through telephone interviews with 1,016 U.S. adults, has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.
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The status of our country and its leaders is diminishing not just in the U.S. but around the world.
Our leaders are losing the respect that made the U.S. the unquestioned leader of the free world for so many years.
President Biden and President Trump are both given abysmal approval ratings and yet it seems we are to accept that these are the two best choices our country has to offer in 2024
Wrong question. What matters is not how Americans think their leaders are perceived around the world but rather how people around the world perceive American leaders. Not the same thing.
They're perceived as a blithering idiots willing to sell out the country.
They're perceived as a blithering idiots willing to sell out the country.
I do not think it is to that extreme, but I think there is a marked lack of respect from years gone by
I recommend you take a look outside of your comfort zone.
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While I agree (kind of) that would be like asking us what we thought of the leadership of a European leader. The majority of Americans don't pay alot of attention to US leaders much less leaders from other countries. I would think most people have little ideas of what the leaders of other countries are up to and that information would be limited to what they see on cable news. I would agree a more important question would be how do other leaders think about our leaders but even that could be biased depending on what they were getting from (or wanted to get from) the US at the time.
I agree to your premise, but the question asked will have more influence over how voters make decisions than your revised version of the question.
I however, think that our leaders, or perhaps maybe the leadership and country as a whole, are not as respected, revered or feared as much as around the world as they used to be and that is why so much turmoil is occurring, because world leaders (especially the bad actors) are confident that the U.S. will no longer come riding in on the white horse to stop their antics.
just my opinion
No, it's not the same thing. But only American citizens are allowed to vote. And even citizenship is not enough to allow people to vote in all primaries when our leaders are really selected.
Even though liberals continue to try to pack the electorate the way they pack courts, non-citizens are still legally barred from voting. (Yes, Democrats are trying to find ways to ignore even that Constitutional requirement.)
74% of Democrats said Biden is respected
That is alot of Kool-Aid they must be drinking.
www.pewresearch.org /short-reads/2023/11/06/how-views-of-the-us-china-and-their-leaders-have-changed-over-time/
How views of the U.S., China and their leaders have changed over time
6-8 minutes
People in 23 countries tend to see U.S. President Joe Biden more positively than Chinese President Xi Jinping, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in spring 2023. A median of 54% have confidence in Biden to do the right thing regarding world affairs, compared with 19% who say the same of Xi.
That's a pretty low bar don't yu think?
The headline of the seeded article is extremely misleading.
I edited the Title so as not to offend your journalistic purity