Joe Biden’s Political Origin Story Is Almost Certainly Bogus. It May Land Him In Legal Trouble

For nearly two decades, President Joe Biden has told a story about why he devoted his life to politics. He repeated the tale, at the risk of facing criminal charges for lying to a federal agent, while speaking to Special Counsel Robert Hur in October 2023.
Fresh out of law school and working as a clerk at a high-powered Wilmington, Delaware, law firm, Biden, in his telling, was tapped to defend a construction company sued by a 23-year-old welder who "lost part of his penis and one of his testicles" to a fire that broke out when he was working inside a chimney at a Delaware City plant. Thanks to Biden’s shrewd legal defense on the construction company’s behalf, the injured man lost the case.
"I wrote this memo. And son of a b—, it prevailed," Biden told Hur on Oct. 8. "And I looked over at that kid…and I thought, ‘son of a b—, I’m in the wrong business, I'm not made for this.’"
Biden said he was so wracked with guilt that he concocted an excuse to avoid a celebratory lunch with one of the firm’s named partners and walked into the public defender’s office to ask for a job that very day. It’s "the only time I ever lied," Biden told Hur on Oct. 8. Thus began, according to a New York Times report on the special counsel interview, "a career that would one day take him to the White House."
But this story is almost certainly a complete work of fiction.
Although Biden did work at a law firm tapped to defend a construction company in a negligence suit like the one he described to Hur, the case concluded in 1968, while Biden was still in law school. And the welder won, walking away with $315,000, more than $2.8 million in 2024 dollars.
Biden, whose 1988 presidential campaign collapsed amid allegations that he had plagiarized speeches and a law school paper, has a long record of embellishments and yarn spinning. Over the years, he has told several stories about himself that don’t stand up to scrutiny. Those fibs range from the small and peculiar—he claimed in November 2023 that he was offered a spot on the Naval Academy’s football team—to the mendacious, such as his insistence that he never spoke with his son, Hunter Biden, about the latter’s foreign business dealings.
This report is based on a review of court records obtained from the National Archives as well as contemporaneous news reports and interviews with Biden’s former law firm colleagues and federal court clerks.
Over the years, Biden has told different versions of the welder story. He told Hur that he received s
Although Biden did work at a law firm tapped to defend a construction company in a negligence suit like the one he described to Hur, the case concluded in 1968, while Biden was still in law school. And the welder won, walking away with $315,000, more than $2.8 million in 2024 dollars.
Biden, whose 1988 presidential campaign collapsed amid allegations that he had plagiarized speeches and a law school paper, has a long record of embellishments and yarn spinning. Over the years, he has told several stories about himself that don’t stand up to scrutiny. Those fibs range from the small and peculiar—he claimed in November 2023 that he was offered a spot on the Naval Academy’s football team—to the mendacious, such as his insistence that he never spoke with his son, Hunter Biden, about the latter’s foreign business dealings.
This report is based on a review of court records obtained from the National Archives as well as contemporaneous news reports and interviews with Biden’s former law firm colleagues and federal court clerks.
Every story he tells about himself is a lie. lucky for him he's not mentally competent to stand trial anymore.
And they are bad lies.
lucky for him he's not mentally competent to stand trial anymore.
Because nobody in DC would convict him. Lucky for him he has a D behind his name.
And his followers don't understand the problem with his diminished mental state.
Articles like this ,from the highly partisan right wing sources ,are nothing less than an attempt to drag Joe Biden down to Donald Trump's level. It's been going on for three or four years now with no end in sight other than hopefully the results of the 2024 election.
Articles like this ,from the highly partisan right wing sources ,are nothing less than an attempt to drag Joe Biden down to Donald Trump's level.
Biden is just as dishonest and just as much a braggart as Trump. He's lied about his education, his family history, his kids, his athletic accomplishments, his employment history, his interactions with other famous people. Like in this story, always making himself the brilliant star of the story and its moral hero.
The pattern is inescapable. Biden lies, lies and lies again and you defend him. The only difference is the (d) and (r) after their names.
He's just not anywhere near as good a President as Trump.
Or successful.
Can't prove anything in the article wrong so attack the source.
Brandon has been a criminal habitual liar his entire life.
He just hasn't been held to any type of standards.
Your "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" argument is rejected.
That's funny. Seems almost any criticism of Biden, the goto is the Trump bar. That would seem to indicate that Biden is already at that level. Yeah, I don't think I would be hanging my hat on 2024...
It's amazing. The same people who call Trump a traitor, the worst American in history etc immediately use Trump as the standard of acceptable Presidential behavior when it comes to Biden.
i would say you are confused
That's all your doing on this seed. Biden tells another lie about background (under oath) and you don't care. It's just "Trump lied! therefore I ignore Biden lying."
one year - 2017
T r u m p ’ s L i e s
Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated : The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.
There is simply no precedent for an American president to spend so much time telling untruths. Every president has shaded the truth or told occasional whoppers. No other president — of either party — has behaved as Trump is behaving. He is trying to create an atmosphere in which reality is irrelevant.
We have set a conservative standard here, leaving out many dubious statements (like the claim that the tax bill his administration supports is “the biggest tax cut in U.S. history.”). Some people may still take issue with this standard, arguing that the president wasn't speaking literally. But we believe his long pattern of using untruths to serve his purposes, as a businessman and politician, means that his statements are not simply careless errors.
We are using the word “lie” deliberately. Not every falsehood is deliberate on Trump's part. But it would be the height of naïveté to imagine he is merely making honest mistakes. He is lying.
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List - The New York Times (
The link says it all. The very people who promoted the Russia hoax.
Some people just can't move on.
Hell, some of them, despite all the evidence, still believe the hoax.
They are losing on all fronts. Maybe Caesar was right: Some people just don't know when they've been conquered.
Hell, some of them, despite all the evidence, still believe the hoax.
They won't accept facts. I'll be posting a big batch for them in the morning.
Don't make them cry (again). They're insufferable when they're whining and pathetically trying to deflect.
One of my favorite Trump lies.
It highlights both his lying and his stupidity.
But none of them ever got 74 million votes!
President Biden got OVER EIGHTY MILLION VOTES...
I love the Progressive definition of a lie, which is a truth they don't like. Look at the list. About the fifth one I looked at:
TRump says Obama released 112 terorists from Gitmo. Why is at a "lie" per this left wing pundit? Bush released people from Gitmo too!
How dishonest do you have to be to claim what Trump said is a lie? There was a economist who looked at Trump's "lies" about the economy a few years ago. A significant number were indisputably true, but Trump didn't spin the numbers the way the liberal pundit acting as a fact checker wanted, so it was a "lie". Others were obvious opinions.
Like with everything else about Trump, they can't stick to the facts, they have to exaggerate and lie for effect.
The latest report from the office of the director of national intelligence shows that 122 men who were held at the U.S. base in Cuba are confirmed to have re-engaged in hostilities after they were released. But more than 90 percent of those were released by President George W. Bush, the report says.
Every six months, the DNI is required by law to publish statistics on the number of former Guantanamo prisoners either confirmed or suspected of recidivism, a response to congressional fears that potentially dangerous terrorists would be released amid efforts to close the detention center.
Trump said during last year’s presidential campaign that he wanted the detention center, often referred to as “Gitmo,” to be kept open. At one point, he pledged to “load it up with some bad dudes.”
On Tuesday, he said on Twitter that “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!”
But his statement lumped together the prisoners who were released under Bush and Obama and were later determined to have resumed some association with al-Qaida, the Taliban or some other militant group.
He's a liar.
So is Brandon, but you haven't called him out once, ever, for his lies.
Just more and more "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" BS.
Well damn, Trump was wrong. Obama actually released 201 prisoners from Gitmo.