Category: Pets & Animals
Funny, you should post that one in Dog days also....
You're right!
You should have said " you're Dog gone right".
Good One!
That's OK Perrie, at least no one can say you were barking up the wrong tree.
Neat. Teach a cat to climb a wall.
I hope the dog is getting extra food rations for his baby sitting fees. From the size of him, it looks like he does.
58 visitors
Funny, you should post that one in Dog days also....
You're right!
You should have said " you're Dog gone right".
Good One!
That's OK Perrie, at least no one can say you were barking up the wrong tree.
Neat. Teach a cat to climb a wall.
I hope the dog is getting extra food rations for his baby sitting fees. From the size of him, it looks like he does.