Greatest Film Plot Twists, Film Spoilers and Surprise Endings
Greatest Film Plot Twists, Film Spoilers and Surprise Endings
By Tom Dirks for Filmsite
This is one of the best analytical articles I have ever seen on the movies. If you are even CLOSE to being the kind of film buff I am you will love this article as much as I do. It contains at least a week of reading, providing brilliant outlines and explanations of hundreds of movies . Although there are many recent movies listed, there are also many classic ones going back to the 1930s at least.
The descriptions contain information and screen shots of parts of movies that had been censored, so you would never before have seen them, which is one of the things that interested me. However, note the warning in red: SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER , so if you do NOT want to know what the surprise ending or plot twists are in movies you have not yet seen, skip over them until you have seen the movie. After you have seen the movie, the article will point out to you many of the nuances and facts you may have missed, and you will want to see the movie again to find them.
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