Democrats Promise There's No Way A Person Who Entered The Country Illegally Would Ever Vote Illegally
WASHINGTON, DC — Democrats assured the American people this week there's no way people who entered the country illegally would ever engage in other illegal activities like, say, voting.
"Nope, these guys are just 'one and done' law-breakers," Representative Jamaal Bowman told the press. "There's no way they'd ever try to do anything else illegal like voting in an election. And anyway, our elections are air-tight. There's absolutely no way to vote illegally, except for the 30 ways I can think of right now off the top of my head…"
Democrats have railed against Republicans in recent weeks after prominent members of the GOP called for stricter voting rules and mandatory voter IDs. Republicans worry the influx of illegal immigrants at the border could lead to a wave of illegal voting, something Democrats maintain never happens because people who come to the country illegally would never try to do anything else illegal…ever.
"These brave men and women who come to our country are just looking for a new life and possible to vote as a bloc against fascist Republicans but they can't…I mean…it says right in our law books that it's illegal!" Bowman explained. "But also, ID's are racist, election integrity is racist, and accusing illegal immigrants-I mean, immigration-impacted individuals, of trying to vote illegally is most definitely racist."
As of publishing time, 300,000 additional voters were registered in Texas in the past four hours under totally not suspicious circumstances.
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I'm sure there has been a very, very, small, infinitesimal amount of Democrat fraud while on the republican side, it's immeasurable.
Isn't any amount of voter fraud unacceptable?
Yes, of course, which is why voter fraud is a major state and federal crime everywhere in the United States!
Kinda like entering the country illegally? Huh..
That is a ridiculous claim with absolutely no data to support it. Just more left wing propaganda
lol ….. jocularity!
Show us all proof Greg of illegals voting, we'll wait.
Didn't you know? The USA hands out SSN#'s to people in other countries so they can vote in the USA. /s
It certainly wouldn't be surprising to find out the Biden administration is.... He's gonna need all the votes that he can finagle.
By all means, prove it.
We'll wait...
Prove what?
That the Biden admin is giving SSN#'s to people in other countries. Let's follow the thread Greg.
Yes, please do.
Or that alleged illegals are voting
we're still waiting
I would have thought you knew they already are...
It is a major state and federal crime for noncitizens to vote in state or federal elections. In fact, the same is true of all conspiracies to commit election crimes, nearly all of which happens on the money side of it. False voting is easy to catch so nearly nobody does it...
Yes, it can happen but only on a small scale because it could only work on a very small scale. But, it is easily detected, the perps are easily identified and they are always harshly prosecuted...
So quitcher fear mongering!