Biden camp brings in De Niro to go after Trump at the site of his trial
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 10 months ago • 49 commentsBy: ELENA SCHNEIDER

Joe Biden and his political operation have largely ignored Donald Trump’s trial for months. Now, with just days to go before a verdict is released, it’s dispatched Robert De Niro and some other campaign surrogates to the New York City courtroom to draw attention to the threat they say Trump poses to the country.
As closing arguments in Trump’s trial kicked off nearby, the Biden campaign held a press conference that featured the famed actor and former U.S. Capitol police officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone, who served during the attack on Jan. 6, 2021. The trio described Trump as an “authoritarian who answers to and serves only himself,” Fanone said during his remarks.
“When Trump ran in 2016, it was like a joke,” said De Niro, who cut an ad for Biden’s campaign that characterized Trump as a threat to democracy. “With Trump, we have a second chance, and no one is laughing now. This is the time to stop him by voting him out once and for all.”
While the speakers did not reference the trial specifically, the press conference marks a notable escalation for the Biden team, who have, so far, largely avoided all of Trump’s legal challenges. It suggests that there may be brewing frustration that the trial has not resonated more broadly with voters.
When asked why the Biden campaign showed up on Tuesday, “because you all are here,” said Michael Tyler, Biden’s communications director.
“You’ve been incessantly covering this, day in and day out,” Tyler said. “And we want to remind the American people ahead of the next debate, the first debate on June 27, of the unique, persistent and growing threat that Donald Trump poses to the American people and to our democracy.”
Trump faces charges related to hush money payments he made just before the 2016 election to a porn star with whom he had an affair. The former president has argued that the prosecution is politically motivated. And in light of that, Biden has been steadfast in avoiding the matter, deferring questions to the Department of Justice, who he says is operating independently.
But the reelection team’s also decided to take advantage of the media attention devoted to Trump’s trial, and the decision to hold a press conference at the courthouse on the same day is recognition that they need to offer some counter-programming.
The press conference was not without its misfires. Multiple hecklers interrupted the comments, drawing De Niro into a back-and-forth over whether Dunn and Fanone were “heroes.” A car alarm went off for several minutes during De Niro and Fanone’s comments. Cable news outlets carried the press conference only briefly.

Hopefully, DeNiro will get to experience some of the daily violence other New Yorkers are forced to tolerate.
MAGA seems to be afraid of 80 year old DeNiro.
The radical left seems to be afraid of elections.
When you have to push lawsuits the SEC and DOJ turned down and change laws, then your party is guarenteed to loose.
They are starting to get it.
DeNiro's a little bitch.
You don't think MAGA enjoys a good joke? Seems appropriate that Democrats would want to be represented by a bad actor.
We're waiting breathlessly for the Alec Baldwin for Biden spot.
On the contrary, his appearance did not go over too well....
DAMN Son! Robert De Niro Gets His Arse HANDED to Him in Shouting Match with Trump Supporter (WATCH) – Twitchy
Wow. So . . . this is a 'hang-out' location for some conservatives. "Twitchy." I see now. So much for the "independent thinkers" who need no stinking help to formulate content.
Seems like deniro is the star of right wing social media.
The Biden campaign’s press conference at the trial of his opponent is providing so much comedy.
succinct summary of Biden’s day:
LOL. Yelling "fuck you" at MAGA scum that was harassing him is the height of intelligence.
“Yelling "fuck you" at MAGA scum that was harassing him is the height of intelligence.”
that explains a LOT!
What explains MAGA scum ?
Wha’s a “maga”?
If Biden really wants to elect Trump, he should hold campaign pressers outside every Trump courtroom. Really drive home how politicized the whole process is. Having an 80 year old man wearing a mask outside and screaming obscenities at onlookers is just a cherry on top of big plate of incompetence.
Trump supporters are pathetic . They know DeNiro is a very popular actor who cant stand what Trump has done to this country.
A lot of the right wing trash are calling DeNiro "washed up". What a bunch of idiots. Robert DeNiro was nominated for an Academy Award just a couple months ago.
By right wing reckoning Trump gets to rant like a lunatic whenever and wherever he wants, but if the other side answers him with fire for fire they are being 'political'.
DeNiro yelled "fuck you" to a Trumpster nitwit who was harassing him. DeNiro should get an award for THAT.
“By right wing reckoning Trump gets to rant like a lunatic whenever and wherever he wants,,,,,,”
if only trump would yell “fuck you” at someone he would display the “height of intelligence”, maybe then you’d like him.
Which award?
The fuck you Trump award.
You should design him one if you think he wants another award.
That guy standing next to DeNiro: Wasn't that the Capitol Police officer who lied under oath to the J6 committee?

Capitol Police officer disputes claims that Oath Keepers were seen protecting him during Jan. 6 attack - ABC News (
Did you read your link? Wrong capitol police officer. This is becoming habitual.
One would think Fox News viewers would know who that officer is: He has spent "quality" time on Fox News networks since January 6, 2021 as he has done on other networks.
Do take stock of what Vic's real concern is about this officer: That he is a liar. Not about his health and welfare or professional 'good.' Just somebody to OBJECTIFY ! And even then he gets his 'guys' mixed up.
If you re-read Vic's comment he was actually asking a question.
Coming to the defense of a 'friend' is understandable. . . but, it can't be defended that the two officers don't look anything alike. It's inescapable that Vic got it horribly wrong. . . .
So you don't know what a question is either?
Illustrations confuse me ... /S
But I was told the trial isn't political...
80 year old Robert DeNiro tells MAGA trash outside courtroom "Fuck you".
Have always loved De Niro, few can give us violence on the big screen like Robert does. Wonder how many killers got inspiration from that early, excellent movie, Taxi Driver?
De Niro has become a joke, not even a good joke but a pathetic piece of shit joke. TDS will do that to you.
I took my inspiration from James Cagney in White Heat ... after that from Jodie Foster in whatever she did. My mom was very proud.
Then he went home and cried.
If Robert De Niro has become a joke, it boggles the mind to think what the average MAGA moron has become.
Meh, who gives a shit what Dinero thinks? Only the triggered it appears.
The MAGA that were screaming at him on a New York street yesterday morning, and the Republican presidential candidate.
We can ask grandpa what he thinks when he wakes up this morning. I’m sure they have a teleprompter already cued up for him to stumble through.
Better be careful or the radicalized right will pull out Chachi.
When asked why the Biden campaign showed up on Tuesday, “because you all are here,” said Michael Tyler, Biden’s communications director.
I guess all the reporters at the White house took the day off or Bidens team realized no one watches or cares about anything coming out of the white house
All the Trump supporters agree with you! YAY!
Once again a diversion rather than address the actual comment
Well, I made a judgement call to miss "guessing" and speculating wildly on what White House reporters might or might not have been busying themselves doing on last Tuesday. It's reasonable to do so!
I am pretty sure you have enough agreement with your speculative comment by many MAGA peers, friends, and associates. /s
When all else fails play the MAGA card. Or in some cases play that first since it is all some folks have.
I am immunized against psycho-babble.
... or play the TDS card or the Brandon Crime Family Card ... or the never out of publication Clinton card, or dozens of other similar sauce cards.
Or play the but but but the other guy card
It seems boosters are often needed now
Nary you worry; I'm GOOD and well-cared for! We can return to the narrative.