Cognitive Decline? Trump Short-Circuits During Bonkers Rant

Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling June 10, 2024 at 10:18 AM
Donald Trump appeared fully unable to articulate a story about electric batteries on Sunday, instead opting to spin a thread in which zero of the underlying premises were actually true.
During his Las Vegas rally, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee told a story that flew a bit off the rails. The tale began by allegedly asking a South Carolinian boat manufacturer, who made boats that were too heavy and "can't go fast," a self-described "very smart" question about the efficacy of electric batteries in water-faring vessels—but then quickly devolved into nonsense about Trump's fear of sharks.
"So I said, 'Let me ask you a question,'" Trump told the crowd. "And he said, 'Nobody ever asked this question.' And it must be because of MIT. My relationship to MIT. Very smart. He goes. I say, "What would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there."
Then, a quick sidenote: "By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. You notice that? A lot of shark. I watch some guys justifying it today. 'Well, they weren't really that angry. They bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were—they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what-who she was.' These people are crazy."
And back to the story.
"He said, 'There's no problem with sharks. They just didn't really understand a young woman swimming. No really got decimated and other people too, a lot of shark attacks,'" Trump recalled, his voice pitching. "So I said, 'So there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"
"Because I will tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, 'You know, nobody's ever asked me that question.' I said, 'I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water.' But you know what I'd do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I'll take electrocution every single time. I'm not getting near the shark!" Trump said.
Trump: It must be because of my relationship with M.I.T., very smart, I say, what would happen if the boat sank, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater…. Do I get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark? — Acyn (@Acyn) June 9, 2024
Meanwhile, things didn't look so hot for Trump's team behind the scenes. At several points during the rally, Trump actually attempted to read his teleprompter but claimed it wasn't working, suggesting to the crowd that he didn't intend to pay for a "shitty job."
"And then I don't pay the company that does it, right?" Trump said. "And then I end up with a story, 'Trump doesn't pay.' I don't pay contractors that do a shitty job. And that's a shitty job. That's a shitty job. You can't read a word."
Then they'll say, 'Oh, isn't it terrible? Trump takes advantage of his—,'" he continued, before cutting himself off. "No … when I have a good contractor, a subcontractor, nobody gets paid faster. But when I have contractors that do this kind of work? You can have them."
Trump is notorious for stepping out on the check, according to several former employees and contractors who have accused him of failing to pay up, sometimes to the tune of millions of dollars. His former attorney Rudy Giuliani may be one of the most recent instances of a former fixer being left holding the bag, but even before his 2016 presidential win, Trump was involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits for allegedly skirting the bill.

Every news organization today is talking about Trump's complete mental break down in front of his own rally yesterday. It was that bad! So bad...
gee, remember back when unamerican pre-maga scum ridiculed teleprompters and those that used them?
Trump talks that way all the time, that's why I never pay any attention to what he says. But he's clearly understandable and doesn't mumble and whisper like Biden.
Trump mentally disintegrated before our eyes!
Trump has descended into babbling incoherently in all of his speeches.
You should. Then you would know what a psychopath he is.
Odd coming from someone who never pays any attention to what he says.
Sure he does. If you actually listened to any of his speeches you would know.
How would Greg know that unless he was listening to him?
the presidential debates will be hilarious...
trump's brain dead rambling and a mic that gets cut off ...
I fully expect trump to try and weasel out of doing it.
I'm sure he will be just as eloquent as he was when he testified at his trial.
Just out of curiosity, is every news organization talking about Biden's cognitive decline?
No, because President Biden keeps exceeding expectations...
Those must be some pretty low expectations that being the case.
Maybe not.
Biden displays signs of decline in private meetings with congressional leaders: report (
‘A nightmare’: Special counsel’s assessment of Biden’s mental fitness triggers Democratic panic (
Biden showing signs of cognitive decline, US lawmakers tell WSJ (
'Diminished faculties,' 'faulty memory,' 'significant limitations': A damning report on Biden's mental state | CBC News
Growing share of U.S. adults doubt Biden’s mental capability to serve as president, AP poll finds | PBS NewsHour
'Going to get worse': Ex-WH doctor warns pace of Biden's cognitive decline already putting US 'at great risk' (
A Tipping Point on Biden’s Decline - WSJ
Biden's State of the Union Address is only one example...
Using the worst polling state of the union in recorded history as an example of exceeding expectations is some kind of an argument, I’ll give you that,
Let me correct that for you.
Even Hanitty said he looked, "very sharp".
Yet, stammering Biden makes sense while Trump doesn't!
Like Jimmy Stewart Biden always had his. Trump is failing.
Biden doesn’t stammer and hasn’t since he was a teen.
he struggles to string coherent sentences together without help, which is why most voters don’t expect him to live another four years. They’ve seen seniors decline before and know the symptoms.
Always liked Jimmy Stewart. A patriot who lived a life of integrity and honesty.
Despite his stammer nobody said Mr Smith was inarticulate!
No, and no one said that he plagiarized either.
Jimmy Stewart didn't write Mr Smith Goes To Washington!
Who accused him of that?
Another Steve Urkel of comments...
I think that I was living in Germany and the Mideast when his show was on. Never saw it, were you fan?
No, not a fan...
we're watching it happen in real time with the 34x convicted felon candidate...
To answer the idiotic question what happens to the electrical current of batteries in water - water immediately disrupts the flow of electrons in a battery causing a chemical short. I didn't need to go to MIT to learn that either.
That's what I thought
Which type of battery, lead acid or lithium ion?
A 12 volt battery may give you a close proximity tickle, but I don't think the manufacturer is using 12 volt car batteries, instead they would be using lithium ion in series and parallel combinations to increase voltage and amperage while also installing an inverter to get AC from the DC current of the batteries in able to use the more efficient multiple phase motors to power the boat. That is where I would be really concerned unless it is all ground faulted on the AC side but you still have a high potential battery possibly discharging into the water.
Using two 12 volt batteries in series for a trolling motor on my pontoon you can get about two miles of use before it starts to slow down from a crawl to a creep.
We had separate cells of lead acid tied in series. The system is sometimes referred to as an 'accumulator'. I've read some ships use nickel cadmium grouped together inside a steel casing. Maybe they are using lithium ion these days, those were developed long after I retired.
I think it depends on the volume of water and what the water contains. Pure water is a poor conductor. Saltwater is better but a roomful of salt water would still insulate some.
I was actually reading a different article a moment ago about Trump's rant. It was all about EVs, trucks and boats. So know I have to assume he's talking about lithium ion batteries.
Trump's rant claimed EV trucks weigh 2 to 3 times what conventional trucks weigh, which isn't even close to true. The Ford F150 Lightning is only 20% heaver. If he's talking about otr haulers, they are only 2.5% heavier. And electric boats would definitely not sink due to battery weight. Again are not an electrocution concern due to the construction and water volume in an ocean sinking even if we are talking about LI batteries.
some people think AC/DC is only a rock and roll band...
It was fucking weird..
No wonder MAGA are already lying about Biden. Let the debate begin!
There is no debate. Biden mental decline and speed of the decline is an order of magnitude worse than trump's . The only reason dems focus on Trump is to try and divert attention away from joe. Anyone that is non partisan can see that.
That is what the MAGA say but what the voters see and hear is a different story...
Did you ses the video of Trump's speech?
Joe will wipe the floor with Trump's ass at the debate, if Trump even shows up!
"Imitatation is the sincerest form of flattery" - JBB and TiG
Now do try to say something original...
Oh I'm sorry, we're talking about trump.
and a few minutes later Biden falls off his bike.
Can trump even spell, "bike"?
Right up until 3.1
Do you have any proof that he cant?
Not really. According to AP on March 4th 80 percent of independents felt Biden did not have the mental capacity to be president compared to Trumps 56 %. Do you have something showing he fares better with independents?
Wishful thinking is a good thing but that is all it is.
I think Oscar Wilde beat you to it.
You forgot Joe Biden "End of Quote, repeat the line"
“…and a few minutes later Biden falls off his bike. “
….and at the end of his round, trump claims yet another club championship…
I dunno...aircraft carriers seem to do pretty well out in the open water....
Several cruise ships are actually larger than our biggest carrier.
Well there ya go...they manage to stay afloat
A ship can be sink, not usually from it's own weight, but from being over loaded. Mostly what happens is the freight shifting during transit.
We just had a Laker (a laker is a ship moving around the Great Lakes) hauling taconite split it's hull this last weekend. Both the US and Canadian officials are still investigating the cause, but there is a 13 foot tear in the underside of the ship. Early reports suggest it was metal fatigue.
Thank you for that. I wasn't in the Navy so know next to nothing about ships.
Hell, I was in the Air Force and can really only ID a few aircraft
I learned a thing or two in the Coast Guard. Mostly that Navy wives are lonely.... hahahaha. JK!
I heard that in the AF, too. After 9/11 airmen were gone from their families for months sometimes over a year
Ship was 70 some years old.
They do have some pretty old ships on the lakes.
The Meme Of The Day...
There’s no way that you can limit yourself to one meme of the day.
Another good one...