Arizona pastor supports executing women over abortions. At least he's honest

Important related video (Trump's opinion):
Should There Be Punishment For Women Who Have An Abortion?

Pastor Jeff Durbin of the Apologia Church in Mesa is the head of End Abortion Now, an organization he founded.
He hasn’t made a lot of news locally, though he was quoted back in January while part of a counterprotest to the Women’s March at the Arizona Capitol.
Durbin, who supported the 1864 abortion ban, was quoted by ABC 15 as saying, “What we would like to see take place in the state of Arizona is that we once again value human life, image bearers of God. We treat one another as equals and we actually afford all human beings equal protection.”
He’s also preached election conspiracies and posted videos of himself outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as commentary later sympathetic to those who eventually stormed the building.
At that time, signatures were being collected to put the Arizona for Abortion Access initiative on the November ballot. More than enough have been collected to do so.
The measure is meant to restore women’s reproductive health rights that were lost by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
On Monday, the second anniversary of Roe being overturned, the Biden campaign posted on X, formerly Twitter, an audio recording of Pastor Durbin, whom the campaign called a “leader of Republican opposition to Arizona abortion measure,” saying women who have abortions should be executed.
In the audio Durbin says, “Abortion should be considered a crime. It should be considered murder. You’re unjustly taking the life of a human being. And so that’s murder. And what I’ve said is the historic position of Christian church, that if you take the life of a human being, unjustly, then what the state owes you — if it’s proven and it’s true — is capital punishment. You forfeit your right to live.”
Arizona Pastor Supports Executing Women Over Abortions.
On Monday, the second anniversary of Roe being overturned, the Biden campaign posted on X, formerly Twitter, an audio recording of Pastor Durbin, whom the campaign called a “leader of Republican opposition to Arizona abortion measure,” saying women who have abortions should be executed.
What would Jesus say???
In the audio Durbin says, “Abortion should be considered a crime. It should be considered murder. You’re unjustly taking the life of a human being. And so that’s murder. And what I’ve said is the historic position of Christian church, that if you take the life of a human being, unjustly, then what the state owes you — if it’s proven and it’s true — is capital punishment. You forfeit your right to live.”
Which "Christian Church"?
There are several....
Remind them about burning heretics.
Durbin is a domestic terrorist.
Some people would say that he's not the only one:
Donald Trump Says That Women Who Get Abortions Should Be Punished
Gotta Love the way Chris Mathews (the reporter here) doesn't let him weasel his way out of answering!
Gotta Love the way Chris Mathews (the reporter here) doesn't let him weasel his way out of answering!
After Trump keeps avoiding answering Chris Mathews' questions. Chris finally says:
You're running for president...I'm not!
That's rich coming from him! How many abortions did he pay for?
After Trump keeps avoiding answering Chris Mathews' questions. Chris finally says:
You're running for president. ..I'm not!
I watched this video three times-- Chris is brilliant!